Biden flips on the Hyde Amendment


Well-Known Member
not just stupid but a coward too, I see.

What was it that @Unclebaldrick says about you?

Intellectually dishonest.

apt description.
He's the most intellectually dishonest person here. Just look at this thread. Biden flipped on Hyde.

Sanders says he's against Hyde, but he voted for the funding that enacted Hyde in the senate in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016

He did it in the house in 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2005.

Where's that fucking thread?

He should at least have the decency to shit on Biden in the Biden thread and stop spamming the place up. I guess that's just one assholes opinion though.


Well-Known Member
Why is Bill Clinton in the keymark photo on that Wiki page, idiot?

If you don't support centrist ideals, then you're just stupid. You're supporting centrist politicians while claiming you're a progressive who supports progressive ideals..
True or false:

Bill Clinton's policies and administration fit the description of neoliberal according to wikipedia.

Simple answer, one word, true or false.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton's policies and administration fit the description of neoliberal according to the definition of neoliberal
