Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

If you support anyone but Sanders- and I do wish there were more Progressives the race to choose from- then yes.

Because none of your self aggrandizing list of personal accomplishments qualifies you as any great sage of political thought.

You gonna vote for Tulsi Gabbard?
LOL, "sage of political thought". You don't even know what the term neoliberal means. Talk about self aggrandizing without any accomplishments to justify the clams.

I thought you liked Warren too. Has that changed recently? Have you gone negative on her?

Its just a matter of time before you Bernie bros turn against her and start posting fake bs propaganda about her.

Not yet. Bernie is sticking to facts for now. For example, it is not fake news that Warren has ovaries. At least Bernie is keeping his lies in the realm of half truths.

Bernie referred to the desire to see a woman in the Oval Office as a “problem” his campaign is facing.
It is amazing how much you all fear my political position.

There's no other explanation for the explosion of hatred and personal attacks every time I post.

To quote FDR; I welcome your hatred!

After all, you clowns would happily support the status quo- the very same one that saw Trump into office.

Even the Black Agenda Report calls you out;

another link to another obscure site.

Loathe is a better term for how you are seen by some here.
LOL, "sage of political thought". You don't even know what the term neoliberal means. Talk about self aggrandizing without any accomplishments to justify the clams.

I thought you liked Warren too. Has that changed recently? Have you gone negative on her?

Its just a matter of time before you Bernie bros turn against her and start posting fake bs propaganda about her.

Not yet. Bernie is sticking to facts for now. For example, it is not fake news that Warren has ovaries. At least Bernie is keeping his lies in the realm of half truths.

Bernie referred to the desire to see a woman in the Oval Office as a “problem” his campaign is facing.
Strange; the article didn't mention that he said he thought she was running a strong campaign.

You'll eagerly lap up anything that fits your preconceived notions.

You've really gone downhill.

another link to another obscure site.

Loathe is a better term for how you are seen by some here.
Notice how, after I corrected his first distortion of my argument, he distorts my argument again to characterize me as "anyone but bernie". It's like he just can't imagine that there are people who don't consider Bernard to be all that relevant. Maybe he's just an "anyone but a Democrat" kinda guy and afraid to own it. He should just get a MAGA hat and be done with it.

another link to another obscure site.

Loathe is a better term for how you are seen by some here.
Notice how, after I corrected his first distortion of my argument, he distorts my argument again to characterize me as "anyone but bernie". It's like he just can't imagine that there are people who don't consider Bernard to be all that relevant. Maybe he's just an "anyone but a Democrat" kinda guy and afraid to own it. He should just get a MAGA hat and be done with it.

Oh I'm sure he has a MAGA hat already. The consistency of his "Bernie or you'll get trump" posts make me consider that he is not a progressive at all, but a republican shill. So I'm creating a new acronym to describe him: Progressive In Name Only.


It is amazing how much you all fear my political position.

There's no other explanation for the explosion of hatred and personal attacks every time I post.

To quote FDR; I welcome your hatred!

After all, you clowns would happily support the status quo- the very same one that saw Trump into office.

Even the Black Agenda Report calls you out;
It is an American thing , I doubt you can relate
Notice how, after I corrected his first distortion of my argument, he distorts my argument again to characterize me as "anyone but bernie". It's like he just can't imagine that there are people who don't consider Bernard to be all that relevant. Maybe he's just an "anyone but a Democrat" kinda guy and afraid to own it. He should just get a MAGA hat and be done with it.
Nah, he's a pawn of some very basic propagandists. Those with poor mental facilities are suckers for this shit. Tty didn't put up much of a fight.
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God damn those Democrats! Damn them all to hell!

A Profound Democratic Shift in New York: ‘We Seized the Moment’

ALBANY — When Democrats won control of New York’s government last year, riding a national wave of liberal energy, they promised to fundamentally transform the state’s economy, infrastructure and social norms.

As their first session in power ended on Friday, it became clear just how fully they had done so.

They rewrote New York City’s rent laws, passing the strongest tenant protections in decades. They unveiled one of the nation’s most ambitious climate plans, mapping a 30-year course toward a carbon-free future. They granted undocumented residents the right to driver’s licenses, gave farm workers collective bargaining rights and passed strict anti-sexual harassment laws.

And that was just in the last two weeks. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

But there are things that they probably haven't done yet that are in my interests so they are impure and you should all just probably vote for Trump.

Yup, here's another quote "Democrats were unable to reach agreements on high-priority issues like legalizing recreational marijuana or ending solitary confinement."


Unable to reach agreements on marijuana? Wow, with friends like that, we are better off with Trump in the White House for any number of terms.
God damn those Democrats! Damn them all to hell!

A Profound Democratic Shift in New York: ‘We Seized the Moment’

ALBANY — When Democrats won control of New York’s government last year, riding a national wave of liberal energy, they promised to fundamentally transform the state’s economy, infrastructure and social norms.

As their first session in power ended on Friday, it became clear just how fully they had done so.

They rewrote New York City’s rent laws, passing the strongest tenant protections in decades. They unveiled one of the nation’s most ambitious climate plans, mapping a 30-year course toward a carbon-free future. They granted undocumented residents the right to driver’s licenses, gave farm workers collective bargaining rights and passed strict anti-sexual harassment laws.

And that was just in the last two weeks. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

But there are things that they probably haven't done yet that are in my interests so they are impure and you should all just probably vote for Trump.

Yup, here's another quote "Democrats were unable to reach agreements on high-priority issues like legalizing recreational marijuana or ending solitary confinement."


Unable to reach agreements on marijuana? Wow, with friends like that, we are better off with Trump in the White House for any number of terms.
Those NY State Democrats didn't reform federal campaign finance laws and didn't impeach and remove from office ultraconservatives stacking the SCOTUS too.

Corporatist sell-outs!!!!!!!!!
Strange; the article didn't mention that he said he thought she was running a strong campaign.

You'll eagerly lap up anything that fits your preconceived notions.

You've really gone downhill.
A direct quote from Sanders during a live interview on television:

“Well, I think we are running against a lot of problems. I think that there are certain number of people who would like to see a woman elected, and I understand that,” Sanders said. “There are people who would like to see somebody who was younger, and I understand that also. There are a lot of factors out there.”

I can understand why you want to put up your misogynist blinders, pimp.

I said earlier, it's just a matter of time before Sanders' cult turns on Warren. It has begun.

Thanks be that your kind make up less than 10% of the vote. Right wing conservatives are the real problem. Still, your kind must be responded to. Propaganda should always be called out.
Those NY State Democrats didn't reform federal campaign finance laws and didn't impeach and remove from office ultraconservatives stacking the SCOTUS too.

Corporatist sell-outs!!!!!!!!!
So how did Brett Kavanaugh get confirmed? Coincidence?

Do you just make shit up to feel better?