Why LEDs?


Well-Known Member
He's a whiny little b*tch that gets banned from RIU politics and keeps coming back with a new sockpuppet identity because he loves to troll. He loves tRUmp and meth, not sure which one of the two is his favorite. You've also probably noticed that he is not right in the head.


Well-Known Member
The one thing i dont get with this, if indeed HPS beats the shit out of led lights why is the "police" not tracking bulb purchases? Why do they stalk internet forums, spensing way too much time there achieiving exactly 0 arrests.

You dont like fucking with police. You like fucking with people who dont have any recourse or way at getting back at you other than phony little messages. Why? Is it because youre really self confident? Or just sone bitter ass old grower sitting on his defunct farm, angry at the world?
It's because he is some 13y old troll.


Well-Known Member
You don't like fucking with police. You like fucking with people who don't have any recourse or way at getting back at you other than phony little messages. Why? Is it because you're really self confident? Or just some bitter ass old grower sitting on his defunct farm, angry at the world?
he's one of them russian trolls that are trying to make the rounds an infiltrating forums with their half ass propagandist diatribe and phony conspiracy bullshit, the dumbfuck has already been outed...he must think stoners are easy prey cause he keeps coming back on different threads persisting with the same bullshit.


Active Member
Now you listen here!

Just Because his own people didn’t accept him as so, does not take away that God came down in the flesh. And it was his choisen people who sentenced him to death by the same propaganda used today.
The Jews should not blam themselves, for they where choisen.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Just Because his own people didn’t accept him as so, does not take away that God came down in the flesh. And it was his choisen people who sentenced him to death by the same propaganda used today.
The Jews should not blam themselves, for they where choisen.
Look you are going to have to just get through this. The LED community has brought some of its elite members in here to try to dismantle you. There are now 2 guys posting that grow as good as marijuana as you do. Maybe better. Tread safely young man.


Active Member
Look you are going to have to just get through this. The LED community has brought some of its elite members in here to try to dismantle you. There are now 2 guys posting that grow as good as marijuana as you do. Maybe better. Tread safely young man.
Why should I fear someone? Or being? What can you do to me? Did I offend a Jew? Suck it up Big boy. Best Bodies but no brains? Truth is Truth, is it not?


Active Member
Look you are going to have to just get through this. The LED community has brought some of its elite members in here to try to dismantle you. There are now 2 guys posting that grow as good as marijuana as you do. Maybe better. Tread safely young man.
ABC and 1-2-3 don’t have ahold on me. For if God is for you, who can stand against you?


Active Member
David Icke sure was tricked, as much “truth” as he has the powers at be made it to where he can never full understand the Truth for he did the ultimate blasphemy, he had to, for them to allow him to research, so he did it. Now he is like Moses, he can never see the promise land.


Active Member
If your yield dips below 2.5 per DE then one should not honor you. Thus relaying the factual info of your penis stenciled and etched in stone. Making it very difficult for you to even read.
So the unthinkable is etched in stone? What stone is it etched into?


Active Member
If your yield dips below 2.5 per DE then one should not honor you. Thus relaying the factual info of your penis stenciled and etched in stone. Making it very difficult for you to even read.
Ahh, the Ten Commandments? You shall have no other gods before Me?