Intense Drooping - Recent Enviormental Changes


Well-Known Member
Greetings Everyone,

I’m experiencing some intense dropping on some of my crop.

I’m a first timer and looking back I should of definitely started with a smaller garden as it would have been easier to manage.

Plants in question are currently experiencing some serious drooping which i am attributing to my recent environmental changes.

Beans were germinated 7/22 and sprouted 7/25 in small starter trays. They were Transplanted into (about) quart size containers where they lived until 8/9. From there they were transplanted into 5 gallon containers.

Up until 8/9 lighting was provided by one HLG 100 V2 at 4000k. Height of the light was variable from 10-30 inches but overall plants seemed happy.

Temps up until 8/9 were between 72 and 83 and humidity fluctuated between 50 and 80.

Medium is a soil/coco mix around 60/40 respectively.

Upon transplanting to 5 gallon pots I also changed lighting to 4 QB288 Rspecs at 3500k. I currently have the lights as high as I can get them in the tent and although I’m uncertain of the exact height (above crop) it’s safe to say it’s around 3-4 feet.

When I switched the lights the following also changed:

Temps - before 72 to 83 now 86 to 94
Humidity - before 50 to 80 now 32 to 44
Light intensity - increase of about 200 umol/s/m2

The biggest change besides the light intensity has been the drastic change in humidity and less so but still significant change in temp. Where as before I had issues controlling humidity I am now having hard time keeping temps down.

I also noticed that the soil dried out in less than 48 hours after complete watering which was about 2 gallons of water for a 5 gallon container with about 10-20 percent runoff. This was slightly baffaling considering the size of the container and my experience with smaller containers so far but I’m assuming this is due to the high heat low humidity enviorment.

I am slightly afraid to overwater consider they are newly transplanted and still somewhat small for their containers. That being said I watered one today as a test subject. It seemed to respond well and perked up hours after watering but slightly began to droop toward the end of the day/light cycle. Although I would not say it fully recovered there was definitely noticeable improvement.

Another thing that seems odd/charteristic to my drooping from other material I have examined is that mine seems to be affecting the plant in an uneven but symmetrical manner where two sides of the plant are drooping (parrallel to each other) but the opposite two seem to be perky/somewhat normal.

Looking back I realize that I may have been feeding slightly hot at this stage considering my medium and amendments.

Currently using Jacks and following the 3-2-1 formula.

Soil is FFOF FFHP COCO Perlite with slight dry additions of azomite, lime, kelp and great white myco.

I have been feeding Jacks at every watering besides the initial 2 waterings which equates to about the first week. I have been using great white since first watering.

I am planning to halt all nutrients for the next 3-5 watering cycles to see how the ladies react.

I am also contemplating going back to the HLG 100 although i feel it’s insufficient to cover the area I am currently running (4x4)

Side note:

5 GMO x Wedding Cakes - Most affected by recent switch in enviorment. 1 severely affected 2 are somewhat affected and 2 have only minor symptoms.

2 Random Bag Seeds - Seem to be unaffected by the enviorment and changes. Slight signs of excessive nutrients but perky and happy with by far the best growth and development.

3 Autos - Honeslty can’t remember if these were zskittles or forum stomp. Started a crop of 15 over the span of a week and amongst other obligations fell off on proper documentation towards the end of my planting cycle. These are just seedlings at the moment but seem to be doing well showing no stress or abnormalities.

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Additional info:

Using Tap Water - PPMs 70-90 PH varries from 7-8

Watering PH with Jacks - 6.4-6.5

PPMs - 700-900

I tested runoff on the plant pictured which was experiencing the most stress. PH was 6.8-6.9 and PPMs were in the 800’s.
Your temps raised but your rh lowered.
You want much high RH.

If you cant keep temps down then dim your lights. If feel you need more light once dimmed then lower the light a little.

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That VPD chart is specific to LED.
I think your plants will perk up if you get things dialled in a bit better.
Plus a transplant and environmental changes has just shocked them a bit.
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Thanks for the info!!!

I’m hopeful that I can bring them back to life. My current numbers are completely out of whack with respect to that chart so it only makes sense that they are suffering.

Not only are my numbers out of wack I also made a drastic shift in enviorment which was brought on by the new lights which I wasn’t prepared to deal with. I increased heat by 10 degrees, decreased humidity by half while blasting them with stronger/different spectrum overnight.

I don’t have intake/exhaust setup yet and have been doing it manually by opening the tent up. Lately due to heat I’ve been leaving it open 24 hrs a day.

I have one fan hanging on a pole about halfway up the tent blowing towards the lights and one floor level angled blowing upwards against one corner.

I more or less have a room dedicated even though I have a tent. I need to get an ac in the window but for now just have a dual fan which has an air exchange feature. I funnel that air with another fan to alleviate heat when it gets bad.

I need to get a humidifier to raise my humidy because I’m in the 30’s ever since I put the new lights up due to their heat.
The pots are just some utility pots that I bought at Lowe’s and turned into pots for plants by drilling holes on the bottom.

I forgot the brand but have seen folks use the 27 gallon version for hydro/DWC setups

5$ a piece beat 15$ a piece for garden pots.

I also have one in a fabric pot and the 3 autos are in garden pots
One thing I will add for your consideration.. I don't know the exact ratio you are working with, but ffof is pretty hot nutrient wise. Ffhf also contains a decent nutrient charge. On top of that you are giving 700-900 rpm of Jack's every feeding. Seems a bit aggressive to me. Maybe I missed something.
Sorry, just re-read you original post and it looks like you already were suspecting over feeding. I would say it's not a bad idea to try backing off some on that in conjunction with trying to get your vpd in order.
Greetings Everyone,

I’m experiencing some intense dropping on some of my crop.

I’m a first timer and looking back I should of definitely started with a smaller garden as it would have been easier to manage.

Plants in question are currently experiencing some serious drooping which i am attributing to my recent environmental changes.

Beans were germinated 7/22 and sprouted 7/25 in small starter trays. They were Transplanted into (about) quart size containers where they lived until 8/9. From there they were transplanted into 5 gallon containers.

Up until 8/9 lighting was provided by one HLG 100 V2 at 4000k. Height of the light was variable from 10-30 inches but overall plants seemed happy.

Temps up until 8/9 were between 72 and 83 and humidity fluctuated between 50 and 80.

Medium is a soil/coco mix around 60/40 respectively.

Upon transplanting to 5 gallon pots I also changed lighting to 4 QB288 Rspecs at 3500k. I currently have the lights as high as I can get them in the tent and although I’m uncertain of the exact height (above crop) it’s safe to say it’s around 3-4 feet.

When I switched the lights the following also changed:

Temps - before 72 to 83 now 86 to 94
Humidity - before 50 to 80 now 32 to 44
Light intensity - increase of about 200 umol/s/m2

The biggest change besides the light intensity has been the drastic change in humidity and less so but still significant change in temp. Where as before I had issues controlling humidity I am now having hard time keeping temps down.

I also noticed that the soil dried out in less than 48 hours after complete watering which was about 2 gallons of water for a 5 gallon container with about 10-20 percent runoff. This was slightly baffaling considering the size of the container and my experience with smaller containers so far but I’m assuming this is due to the high heat low humidity enviorment.

I am slightly afraid to overwater consider they are newly transplanted and still somewhat small for their containers. That being said I watered one today as a test subject. It seemed to respond well and perked up hours after watering but slightly began to droop toward the end of the day/light cycle. Although I would not say it fully recovered there was definitely noticeable improvement.

Another thing that seems odd/charteristic to my drooping from other material I have examined is that mine seems to be affecting the plant in an uneven but symmetrical manner where two sides of the plant are drooping (parrallel to each other) but the opposite two seem to be perky/somewhat normal.

Looking back I realize that I may have been feeding slightly hot at this stage considering my medium and amendments.

Currently using Jacks and following the 3-2-1 formula.

Soil is FFOF FFHP COCO Perlite with slight dry additions of azomite, lime, kelp and great white myco.

I have been feeding Jacks at every watering besides the initial 2 waterings which equates to about the first week. I have been using great white since first watering.

I am planning to halt all nutrients for the next 3-5 watering cycles to see how the ladies react.

I am also contemplating going back to the HLG 100 although i feel it’s insufficient to cover the area I am currently running (4x4)

Side note:

5 GMO x Wedding Cakes - Most affected by recent switch in enviorment. 1 severely affected 2 are somewhat affected and 2 have only minor symptoms.

2 Random Bag Seeds - Seem to be unaffected by the enviorment and changes. Slight signs of excessive nutrients but perky and happy with by far the best growth and development.

3 Autos - Honeslty can’t remember if these were zskittles or forum stomp. Started a crop of 15 over the span of a week and amongst other obligations fell off on proper documentation towards the end of my planting cycle. These are just seedlings at the moment but seem to be doing well showing no stress or abnormalities.

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Easy on the essays! Probably be a bit snappier next time or at least limit yourself to 1000 words ;-)

Anyway, only pulling ur leg; welcome to riu!

Haha I’ll try my best, what can I say I’m an ameature at growing and an ameature on the forums.

On the bright side took some extreme measures to bring temps down last night and this morning about an hour after the ladies woke up they were all perky!!!! I honestly couldn’t believe the transformation between the one pictured last night and this morning (picture included)

I was so happy to see her standing upright but my temps are rising quickly so I need to find a better solution to manage temps and humidity and should be all set.

Sill planning to go no nutes for the next couple of watering cycles.

Thanks for chiming in guys, will keep this up to date as I work to resolve the issue, looks like it is heat humidity related.

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I feel like a one-trick pony, but it looks like a bit of overwatering/too few days between watering to me. Thise tips are doing the little up curl thing, and leaves are looking a little waterlogged.
Yea heat stress with very airid conditions and likely not enough airflow is what I’m boiling it down to at this point.

I took every measure I could to address these issues last night and saw a decent response.

Incorporated better airflow throughout the room, left tent completely open, managed to get temps down to the 70’s and humidity to the 50’s although the outside ambient temps helped me accomplish this.

This morning temps were on the rise again and humidity was falling quickly so I will definitely need to incorporate air conditioning other wise it’s going to be near impossible to manage the heat.
I feel like a one-trick pony, but it looks like a bit of overwatering/too few days between watering to me. Thise tips are doing the little up curl thing, and leaves are looking a little waterlogged.

I don’t have a good picture on hand but I noticed this as well not so much now/new growth as in some of the older leaves and earlier on. This is also why I was skeptical to start giving more water at first sign of droopiness.

I have been doing my best to follow good watering practices.

Watering schedule has be every 3-5 days and I have been watering to about 20% runoff.

The shortest period between waterings was this last watering cycle.

8/9 transplanted into 5 gallon pots and watered
8/11 watered after noticing severe drooping. Felt soil which felt fairly dry up to the second knuckle of my index finger. I contributed this to high heat and low humidity but was stunned it dried out so quick considering it was in a 5 gallon pot. I decided to water one and monitor results. So far it has reacted well but I have also changed other underlying conditions so I’m not sure what to attribute the improvement to. I’m assuming my climate adjustments have had a bigger impact.
Cannabis is a hardy plant. Seems ok to me? Drooping after watering is a normal behavior.

Get yourself a cheap moisture probe to keep watering habits in check, very important under leds.

Also buy an exhaust fan/filter , asap, its vital once flower hits for smell/fungal prevention

Good luck
Cannabis is a hardy plant. Seems ok to me? Drooping after watering is a normal behavior.

Also buy an exhaust fan/filter , asap, its vital once flower hits for smell/fungal prevention

Good luck
Agreed. Thats not "intense" drooping lol. Ive had drooping so bad my leaves all went limp and the started to wilt like salad in the hot sun. That plant is now days from harvest and i couldnt be happier with the results. OP, you will be fine. Each strain will have slightly different watering needs, using a watering container with measuring marks is helpful so you can give consistent amounts
[UPDATE] Day 26 - Ladies have been revived!!!

Biggest contributor to my troubles seemed to be VPD. I still haven’t achieved the sweet spot but am doing much better controlling the enviorment.

Although there were likely other factors fixing this temp/humidity solved the majority of my issues.

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[UPDATE] Day 26 - Ladies have been revived!!!

Biggest contributor to my troubles seemed to be VPD. I still haven’t achieved the sweet spot but am doing much better controlling the enviorment.

Although there were likely other factors fixing this temp/humidity solved the majority of my issues.

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Looking good! I'm actually really struggling with my vpd right now and one of my girls is hating me for it. The heat where I'm at has been ridiculous the last week or so and my AC has been working so hard to keep up that my humidity has gotten really low. My humidifier just has just not been putting out enough to compensate. If the heat doesn't break soon I'm goong to have to buy another one. Glad you got your environmentals more or less sorted!