Police Interactions.

Collateral damage and natural selection at work. It's not like the cops just rolled up and shot them, circumstances led to the shooting and probably both parties are in the wrong like we saw with the 2nd vid in the OP.

It's not like the criminals care about harming people if they get in the way re drive bys and stray bullets.
Ah. Thanks for telling us that you're a Fascist.

You’re a dick.
He's an authoritarian. He doesn't respect civil rights.


President Donald Trump in a tweet Thursday morning said the suspect "should never have been allowed to be on the streets" because of his "very dangerous criminal record."

Trump tweeted that the suspect, who was identified by an attorney as Maurice Hill, "looked like he was having a good time after his capture, and after wounding so many police."

"Long sentence — must get much tougher on street crime!" the president wrote.

Im sure he said the same things about the white guy that went Mexican hunting in El Paso right?

This cop is a punk imo. She is not in the right, but he obviously saw red and needed to be a tough guy and show he was tougher than a 90lb girl, if the other camera picked up him punching her in the face, he deserves to be fired and arrested for assault imo. It is bad enough he had to snach her by her hair, there is no reason to do that if you know how to handle people.

This cop is a punk imo. She is not in the right, but he obviously saw red and needed to be a tough guy and show he was tougher than a 90lb girl, if the other camera picked up him punching her in the face, he deserves to be fired and arrested for assault imo. It is bad enough he had to snach her by her hair, there is no reason to do that if you know how to handle people.
I didn’t watch the video real close (running into overages) but there was liquor visible correct? I’m assuming that was in contradiction to the rules for that particular beach? Yes the situation escalated but who escalated it? Here if you are suspected of breaking the law you need to comply by, yes giving your full name and ID if asked, or they just arrest you. I’m not sure the cops were totally in the wrong in this one but yes it could have been handled way better by everyone involved. It’s a fact that lots of cops take on a superior attitude when interacting with the public they are hired to “serve”. I did grow up being taught to respect cops but admit that was a different time. I do think by being respectful, has gotten me out of a few situations that could have went real bad lol. We used to, as kids, get busted (fines) for open alcohol in state and provincial parks a lot, it was viewed as a price we paid to take that chance. There were never confrontations, we were respectful, took our ticket, all was good.
Fck the police. For real. Unless you've had to prove that everything you own is yours, anywhere you go you have a right to be, then you don't get an opinion on this I can respect. I don't give a shit that there are "good" cops out there because those good cops aren't going to stop their bad buddies from doing shit. So no, fck them.
I didn’t watch the video real close (running into overages) but there was liquor visible correct? I’m assuming that was in contradiction to the rules for that particular beach? Yes the situation escalated but who escalated it? Here if you are suspected of breaking the law you need to comply by, yes giving your full name and ID if asked, or they just arrest you. I’m not sure the cops were totally in the wrong in this one but yes it could have been handled way better by everyone involved. It’s a fact that lots of cops take on a superior attitude when interacting with the public they are hired to “serve”. I did grow up being taught to respect cops but admit that was a different time. I do think by being respectful, has gotten me out of a few situations that could have went real bad lol. We used to, as kids, get busted (fines) for open alcohol in state and provincial parks a lot, it was viewed as a price we paid to take that chance. There were never confrontations, we were respectful, took our ticket, all was good.

You could have told them to fck off and if you are the right color they wouldn't have slammed your face into the ground, that's the point. Some people have to be respectful or else, others not.
You could have told them to fck off and if you are the right color they wouldn't have slammed your face into the ground, that's the point. Some people have to be respectful or else, others not.
I’m sure that’s true and if I lived/grew up in a more diverse area it would be more obvious. Here profiling based on colour is not as evident, there were other profiling criteria to take up the slack, like age, and general appearance, and not solely colour. Because I was young, dressed like a beach kid, I was targeted and profiled. So yes being non confrontational and respectful helped. Back in the day, in my occupation, the last thing I wanted was to become known, so I worked hard doing that.
Then being stopped dozens of times a year because of your color for most of your life and telling them to show respect. Little beach boy felt profiled. For real, that’s fcked up
Then being stopped dozens of times a year because of your color for most of your life and telling them to show respect. Little beach boy felt profiled. For real, that’s fcked up
It sucks when it doesn't matter how polite and respectful you are and still get worked over.
You could have told them to fck off and if you are the right color they wouldn't have slammed your face into the ground, that's the point. Some people have to be respectful or else, others not.
That’s not true here, if you tell them to fuck off yes you’ll get your face slammed into the side of a cruiser, been there, done that lol. I also have had border guys pull and stick the barrel in my face while kneeling on my spine. I get it though. It seems totally out of control a lot of the time. And the numbers prove colour matters hugely as to how your treated.
Then being stopped dozens of times a year because of your color for most of your life and telling them to show respect. Little beach boy felt profiled. For real, that’s fcked up
Why is it fucked up? It was profiling but no where have I stated that I had/have had it anywhere close to what happens with people of colour and how much they are profiled, i actually have no ideal how I would react if it happened on a daily basis. Your right I may not be quite as respectful.
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There's that word again. Care to define it, lol. It is usually those on the left that argue for a large, centrally planned, totallitarian state complete with the lack of personal freedoms such as freedom of speech. It seems even those on the left are the ones arguing for an ethno state as well given how well whites are recieved, lmao at fascist. It's a common tactic for someone to paint their opponent with their own colours so they can avoid beong called out for what they really are - racist, sexist, fascist, etc.

He's an authoritarian.
Authority always needs to exist as an entity for us people to submit to in order to resolve disputes, is your suggestion that if I have a dispute with my neighbour I should pop a cap in his ass to resolve it? Even so then the authority is just the biggest group with the most guns. I'll take my DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED officials over whatever you're pushing.
Why is it fucked up? It was profiling but no where have I stated that I had/have had it anywhere close to what happens with people of colour and how much they are profiled, i actually have no ideal how I would react if it happened on a daily basis. Your right I may not be quite as respectful.
Philando Castile was pulled over for bullshit 42 times in that Minnesota community and his record was clean the day they killed him. Permit to carry, clean record, pulled over 42-times and Black. I don’t need a watch to know what time it is.
And the numbers prove colour matters hugely as to how your treated.
if you are the right color they wouldn't have slammed your face into the ground

You are right, but it is not the whole story. Here's a recent review of the available data from harvard: https://scholar.harvard.edu/fryer/p...-analysis-racial-differences-police-use-force

some interesting points to consider:
  • Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to encounter non-firearm related use of force
  • There is no difference in firearm related use of force
  • There is strong evidence against race being the cause of the discrimination, and evidence for taste based discrimination (ie someone that doesn't speak proper english or follow social norms is more likely to be discriminated against, the black man with bandanna and sagging pants speaking patois is more likely to have force used against him than a black man in a t-shirt that speaks proper english) Not sure this is such a big problem, societal norms have always existed, will always exist, and exist for a reason.
  • Use of force is extremely low: A white person has a 0.7 percent chance of experiencing use of force in a police encounter, a POC has about a 2% chance, and a lot of this increase can be attributed to things like more black people in high crime low income neighbourhoods.

Edit: Does this mean that approximately 20 million people experience use of force each year? I may have to reconsider my positions regarding the benifits of the other 320 million people.

Edit 2: it's 400,000 not 20 million from bureau of justice: https://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=70
Still is an important question though, do the benifits of the hundreds of millions outweigh the cost to half a million people each year? If not, where exactly is the line?

I'm posting this mostly as food for thought, not looking for an argument. Politics is about compromise not beating the other side, and remaking society in your utopian vision. Seems most people don't recognise that.
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There's that word again. Care to define it, lol. It is usually those on the left that argue for a large, centrally planned, totallitarian state complete with the lack of personal freedoms such as freedom of speech. It seems even those on the left are the ones arguing for an ethno state as well given how well whites are recieved, lmao at fascist. It's a common tactic for someone to paint their opponent with their own colours so they can avoid beong called out for what they really are - racist, sexist, fascist, etc.

Authority always needs to exist as an entity for us people to submit to in order to resolve disputes, is your suggestion that if I have a dispute with my neighbour I should pop a cap in his ass to resolve it? Even so then the authority is just the biggest group with the most guns. I'll take my DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED officials over whatever you're pushing.
Your hero conald was not democratically elected

He got less votes
"collateral damage" and "natural selection" is so simple. It's too easy to think of death as just a way of living.What if it was you?
Collateral damage and natural selection at work. It's not like the cops just rolled up and shot them, circumstances led to the shooting and probably both parties are in the wrong like we saw with the 2nd vid in the OP.

It's not like the criminals care about harming people if they get in the way re drive bys and stray bullets.
"collateral damage" and "natural selection" is so simple. It's too easy to think of death as just a way of living.What if it was you?
It is, there's no easy answers. I know natural selection sounds harsh, but the events where a cop shoots someone for no reason, with no provocation is very rare. It is a bit callous but I really do think of the people that act erractic, put their hands in and out of their pockets as at least partially if not mostly responsible.

Collateral damage is evens more callous but needed I think. What about the people in the middle east, hiding tanks in schools and complaining that the schools are getting bombed. Crime here hides behind the citizenry the same way.
That's impossible though.

The only "fine job" Police due is to issue summons to create a fine based revenue stream.

All Police swear an oath to enforce the laws etc. Not all laws are just, therefore Police swear an oath to use force to perpetuate injustice.

Using offensive force to perpetuate injustice isn't magically okay just because it is part of a job description. If you or I used offensive force to perpetuate injustice, we should be viewed as criminals, whether our acts were legal or not.
Circular reasoning anti-logic from a pseudo-intellectual child rapist apologist.