Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

And I advise everyone to keep close eye on him.

No matter how hard you try, you will always make these slip ups that give away the fact that you are definitely a foreigner pretending to be an American

No american phrases things like you repeatedly do

I did not even speak like that during bush jr era, even though I had lots of same policies as now
Well that's not surprising many Americans like yourself have very short attention spans. I don't expect someone with your cerebral capacity to be able to get through the whole thing.
That's why these elites can manipulate you idiots so much. You never learn from history and are destined to keep on repeating. Unfortunately while dragging people like me down into the hell you create.
He never proved Trump concluded with Russia. The only thing he was trying to get him for is bogus claim about Obstruction of Justice. It's total shit stop embarrassing yourself! It's dead and let it rot where it belongs!

Manafort shared internal polling data with Russian spies. That’s in his sentencing memo. He got extra prison time for lying about it

Roger stone coordinated the release timing and promotion of stolen American material with Russian owned Wikileaks

Russians instructed don junior to have his daddy tweet about Wikileaks. Ten minutes later, he did. He then went on to boast about Wikileaks 160+ times in the last month of the campaign

We all saw it with our own eyes

“Only thing he was trying to get him for is bogus claim about obstruction of justice” - Jesus Christ, I can hear your Russian accent again you fucking clown
Well that's not surprising many Americans like yourself have very short attention spans. I don't expect someone with your cerebral capacity to be able to get through the whole thing.
That's why these elites can manipulate you idiots so much. You never learn from history and are destined to keep on repeating. Unfortunately while dragging people like me down into the hell you create.
No matter how hard you try, you will always make these slip ups that give away the fact that you are definitely a foreigner pretending to be an American

No american phrases things like you repeatedly do

I did not even speak like that during bush jr era, even though I had lots of same policies as now
OMG your seriously super paranoid about Russians. What are you stuck in Cold War? No I'm not a fucking Russian. First I'm a diaper bondage boy and now I'm a RUSSIAN? LMFAO!!!!
The Russia investigation already resulted in a bunch of prison sentences. Primadonald is facing charges for 10 counts of obstruction of justice when we vote him out.

Skinheads will still be getting their faces punched often as well.
Yeah lots of innocent people went to jail over nothing, bravo!!! Yeah Mueller's little spiteful last baby fit, cause he couldn't win.
OMG your seriously super paranoid about Russians. What are you stuck in Cold War? No I'm not a fucking Russian. First I'm a diaper bondage boy and now I'm a RUSSIAN? LMFAO!!!!

Yeah lots of innocent people went to jail over nothing, bravo!!! Yeah Mueller's little spiteful last baby fit, cause he couldn't win.
No. The courts in the US are independent and apolitical. Unlike Russia where innocent people are jailed for political reasons.
Just showing what a bunch hypocritical douche fucks you are for liking a guy who had lots of same policies as Bush JR! A REPUBLICAN by the way! And you give him a free pass on helping fuel the Iraq War.

That's what makes me sick. I stopped giving a shit about Trump a long time ago. Instead the obvious fake russian investigation you guys should of been demanding an investigation on Epstein a long time ago.

And why Trump and Bill Clinton flew on that airplane. Wikileaks told you all the way back in 2016 about Epstein. If Trump and Bill Clinton did in fact engage in pedophilia, I want both their dicks on a stake! And that goes for anyone involved with that sick shit regardless of political party! Your concerned with a proven FAKE Russia investigation. I'm concerned with Trump and Bill Clinton's involvement with Epstein.

I'm not biased cause I can honestly judge both parties.

During Bush Jr era, I voted against him. In college I wrote an essay about the dangers of the Patriot Act. I stood up for the Iraq people for a lot more than you fucks.

But not stupid enough to support flooding the gates with pissed off people who hate what Bush did in the American peoples name. And I can honestly say, I don't blame that they want to kill us. I would too if I was in their position.

United States did some real fucked up stuff over there and killed and maimed a lot their family members and friends The shitty thing is not everybody voted for it, like me. First they piss these people off and displace them, than they flood them into our country to kill us. It's actually a very old time war strategy.

Again an example of playing both sides!
If (big if at this point) you are a real person and not just cat fishing us, your a useful idiot keep saying what your saying about the Mueller investigation. It is interesting how much propaganda that you have already said in this forum in the week or so you have been posting here, but this multi pronged independent investigation, and all the Trump appointed cabinet members that have been screaming the Russians are attacking us, is not real?


He never proved Trump concluded with Russia. The only thing he was trying to get him for is bogus claim about Obstruction of Justice. It's total shit stop embarrassing yourself! It's dead and let it rot where it belongs!

Instead attack Trump on REAL issues maybe like the pipeline, his cabinet picks, Jared Kushner, and hell even the fact he flew on Epstein's plane once! i'm really trying to raise you guys IQ in this room! I just get tired of every place I go hearing the same broken record over and over again. And people like you land up ignoring the actual IMPORTANT stuff.
You are wrong, there were plenty of evidence that Trump 'colluded' with the Russians, you are pushing this lie very hard and saying you are not going to vote, is very suspect. Because that is the exact goal of the Russian propaganda in 2016. They used the BLM and other minority group disinformation campaigns that they spammed to talk as many as possible into not voting.... Using the same kind of garbage that you keep posting.....
If (big if at this point) you are a real person and not just cat fishing us, your a useful idiot keep saying what your saying about the Mueller investigation. It is interesting how much propaganda that you have already said in this forum in the week or so you have been posting here, but this multi pronged independent investigation, and all the Trump appointed cabinet members that have been screaming the Russians are attacking us, is not real?


You are wrong, there were plenty of evidence that Trump 'colluded' with the Russians, you are pushing this lie very hard and saying you are not going to vote, is very suspect. Because that is the exact goal of the Russian propaganda in 2016. They used the BLM and other minority group disinformation campaigns that they spammed to talk as many as possible into not voting.... Using the same kind of garbage that you keep posting.....
Look at how he talks. Frequently misses the definite article in places where no american ever would

He’s a Russian pretending to be american
Musk believes the pyramids were built by aliens, wonder if he's saving his urine in jars yet.

If you dilute urine (assuming you have a decent diet) with water, it's an excellent fertilizer for vegging with. I don't recommend saving it in jars but a morning squirt in an empty gallon jug topped off with some water and your plants will love it. Don't over do it, watch those leaf tips!

Here's a picture of Trump getting a golden shower to pique your interest. His hair will start to green up in just a few days !!

Musk believes the pyramids were built by aliens, wonder if he's saving his urine in jars yet.
Designed, or directed, not built by. There's so much crazy stuff in history that's unknown, or unexplainable etc.
I'm sure some people have an easier time believing in aliens, than "God"
It's not that farfetched considering.