More hours of sun will effect bud growth. It will not change the light cycle. Plants can "see" light even if it isn't shining on them.
Serenade and actinovate will help prevent that too. Along with spraying some baking soda water on it.I gutted those girls the last 2 nights and they look awesome lol. Still need mildew control though, once its there it don't want to leave.
P.s. be very careful when adding applecider vinegar to your babies. Too much and you will burn the heck out of your leaves.
Good to hear! Yeah the bugs wont likr thr peper spray. We dont reallu get a lot of pests here...thank God. But I did start adding silica regularly to my plants and noticed a lot thicker leaves. It makes the cell walls super hard so nibbling on the leaves becomes harder for them and they move on....j did notice almost a 50% decrease on grasshopper munching. If I had anything bad I would use the hot pepper spray in a heartbeat.only the bottom got sprayed but they all look awesome this morning.
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Good to hear! Yeah the bugs wont likr thr peper spray. We dont reallu get a lot of pests here...thank God. But I did start adding silica regularly to my plants and noticed a lot thicker leaves. It makes the cell walls super hard so nibbling on the leaves becomes harder for them and they move on....j did notice almost a 50% decrease on grasshopper munching. If I had anything bad I would use the hot pepper spray in a heartbeat.
If you ever have slug or snail problems just put a pan out with some beer in it. Best thing in the world to kill them.
Some say it does but I didnt notice any at all. I didnt foliar feed when in heavy flower tho either...I stopped after week 3. Then after that it was just root drench.No slugs or anything. Does the silica affect flavor?
Well this is what I have noticed through the yrs. Plants with thicker stems and leaves usually have bigger buds with more resin. Plants with lighter leaves that are thin and have thinner branches just over all doesnt produce as good.
My aim every yr is to have those thick leathery type leaves and strong thick stems.
Silica is actually an amazing thing... you should read up on it sometime... helps with frost and drought the yield...helps with many many things including making stronger stems so they can take a bit more of a beating in a storm
I dont use neem ... I wont actually. And I know this is very debatable and a sensitive subject to most but neem is an astringent. I wont add an astringent to my plants when I work so hard to build the microbes in my soil. Some say it wont harm them others say yes. But to each their own. I just use ladybugs and move on with life.I avoid neeming my veggies because it make their skin tough... I think lol. I just want some good smoke, everyone picks early and doesn't cure right.