My First Grow,


Active Member
I just started my first grow. I planted 9 seeds right now and germinating some more right now. I am using a 400 watt HPS. I used the basic miracle grow. I also used some nutrients(just some basic plant food and such...)
The plants are about all the plants shown in the picture are about 2-3 weeks old. I am currently running the plants on a 24hr light cycle and was thinking about another week going 12/12. wat you think? If you have an suggestions to help me out or anything let me know otherwise let me know what you think!!!!



Well-Known Member
I just started my first grow. I planted 9 seeds right now and germinating some more right now. I am using a 400 watt HPS. I used the basic miracle grow. I also used some nutrients(just some basic plant food and such...)
The plants are about all the plants shown in the picture are about 2-3 weeks old. I am currently running the plants on a 24hr light cycle and was thinking about another week going 12/12. wat you think? If you have an suggestions to help me out or anything let me know otherwise let me know what you think!!!!
I'm curious is that bagseed? Also try to get your light about 2 feet from the tops of them if that's not where it's at already.


Active Member
No its some Haze i ordered. I think i have it at a foot and half above them. Ill have to go check it real quick. Y u wondering if its bagseed??


Well-Known Member
they look like they are stretching. dump that mg soil-havent you read the horror stories about it? and they need quite some time before 12/12, unless of course you want a yeild of 5-10 grams per plant.


Active Member
Not looking so good man. Keep the light a little closer and well, theres a couple things you need to do with those to make this fruitful. They are just small looking for 3 weeks old. You may want to read some stuff on here and try to judge your progress against what you read. The journals of people growing seem to act as a good starting point. Fans, for proper air circulation are paramount. If your light is within range put some fans on them to strengthen overall constitution. I believe it would be in your best interest, just to let them grow up a touch. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
As for Miracle Grow soil it's fine (don't ask me, ask my plants).. it's not good to start seedlings in though. Next time when you start try to find some Seed starting soil at lowes or home depot.


Active Member
how close should i move that 400 watt hps to it. right now its at 16" with a fan blowing on them. you can see the leaves moving so i figure good air circulation isnt the problem..hmmmm


Well-Known Member
Heres some advice u should transplant plants out of those 16 oz "solo" cups into bigger pots and feed better nutes and put in organ soil very cheap and simple good growin peacebongsmilie


Active Member

Ok i changed my setup a little better so they can get more light. I also have a nice fan blowing on them too. I am going to re-plant them into bigger pots tomarrow. The picture with the 3 plants are 3 weeks old and the others about 2 to 2 1/2. The ones that are 3 weeks old are 6 1/2" tall and the others that are 2 to 2 1/2 weeks old are about 5" or so. I am also going to get some FoxFarm tonight and thats what im putting them all in. Let me know wat you think about my changes. Other wise the plants look really green and healthy! There is also some colors in the stem (purple color or tint) and was wondering wat that was about. Thanks Again

