Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
The USA hosts the G7 next year and Trump is already announcing from France that he “might” invite Russia to participate again.

Russia is outranked by both India and South Korea economically. They’re ranked #16 in the world. They never belonged in the G7 in the first place except they’re white. Period. Russia has never been an economic powerhouse. It never will be.
Let's see, he'll invite Putin to the G-7 in the USA during election season and after all the shit that comes out in the house investigations and impeachment inquiries, Moscow Mitch McConnell must be simply thrilled by the prospects!

When ya get a real president and rid of the republicans in power Russia is gonna be a lot worse off, the next democratic POTUS will crush them and Putin too. America will demand retribution and it's necessary for national defense, cold war level sanctions on Russia for a couple of decades or until Putin is gone. The income of the average Russian is around $400 USD a month, before long it will be half of that or less when Uncle Sam gets to work putting heat on Vlad.


Well-Known Member
Just finished watching “Downfall” about the last days in the bunker for Hitler. Anyone wondering if or when Trumpistas denounce him should watch this. Excellent movie. Historically factual. Well worth watching. In fact I strongly suggest you do so. Don’t underestimate the fanaticism.
There is a parody generator so you can make yer very own Downfall parody, I'm sure a few will be made after Donald's. Hitler never lied nearly as much as Trump or betrayed his country to the Russians and would deeply resent being compared to Trump!

You can make yer own Hitler parody here:

Hitler reacts to being compared to Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
All of the cars assembled in the USA have parts from China and the price of these items along with almost everything else will rise. Microchips are in everything and most are made in China these days, not to mention the electronics and consumer goods made from them. Global trade is a fact of life and enriches everybody tremendously, economists from Adam Smith to present day say so, what we need is fair trade that benefits more people.
Very True, which is why I was saying that video seems to set it up to demonize free trade by making trade imbalances the boogy man. If the Chinese want to burn a lot of income discounting their prices to the point that they are losing money to get us products, it benefits our consumers because that frees up income to use in other things that they want/need.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He started this entire fiasco. He’s right about China and he’s far from the first to talk about it. In fact he was probably late to the discussion. But in any regard every issue he’s raised is real and important. However his approach is obviously totally wrong and it was doomed from the outset because of him.

When I was in charge of people some had so many problems that it was impossible to “straighten” them out. If they were skilled and showed up you counseled them. Start by telling them what is positive about working with them. Then by necessity bring up the “but” without making it sound like that. Bring up the point that angers coworkers most and ask them if they can work on that for everyone’s sake. “Don’t say anything to anyone because this is between us. Please.”

No loss of face. You’ve been complimented and not chewed out. Respectfully asked even if it was embarrassing. Etc.

Get that straightened out and move on to the next issue. “About people’s lunches disappearing. I’m hoping whoever is doing that stops pretty soon.”

If you think that sounds ridiculous you might be a Trump fan. You catch far more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Trump, of ALL PEOPLE, hates being embarrassed or losing face. It infuriates him. So he does just that to people. Tries to embarrass them. Or put them on the spot.
Boy that's a great way to handle things Hot Rod, thanks for sharing that.


Well-Known Member
If the Chinese want to burn a lot of income discounting their prices to the point that they are losing money
They will happily do it.
Trump and his advisors apparently don't understand that.
Trump will be gone in 1.5 years, meanwhile the Chinese will continue to grow in other world wide markets, and leave the US in the dust.
So very sad that Trump's "easy too win" trade war will have decimated the US economy by then, leaving the Dem's to clean up the fucking mess that Trump and the Pukes leave behind, just like always.
MCGA (make China great again)


Well-Known Member
There is a parody generator so you can make yer very own Downfall parody, I'm sure a few will be made after Donald's. Hitler never lied nearly as much as Trump or betrayed his country to the Russians and would deeply resent being compared to Trump!

You can make yer own Hitler parody here:

Hitler reacts to being compared to Donald Trump

that was epic and VERY well done!:lol::clap:

i half expected The Basterds to show through the door..where's the Bear Jew when you need him?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Did u ever watch it tripping?
It's fucking awesome :)
This one ain't bad either

Your lying!!! You did not watch that tripping. Tripping would be mandatory to get through that gawd awful sappy singing and dancing.
I would never. Lol. But,
Yes tripping to The Wizard is mandatory. Turn the volume off and play Pink Floyd Dark Side of The Moon instead .


Well-Known Member
Your whore mother, whorehopper. If you were ever in charge of anyone I’ll promise you they thought you were a sorry cocksucker. Just like we do.
Harley, honest question, do you support a New green deal or a china deal?
Regardless of the tariffs and blah blah blah, are we going to buy China's pollution record while sqwaking at home?
Holla back when nickel and cadmium mining become as big an issue as "forest fires" in the Amazon forest.

Anthropocentrists gonna anthro.....


Well-Known Member
They will happily do it.
Trump and his advisors apparently don't understand that.
Trump will be gone in 1.5 years, meanwhile the Chinese will continue to grow in other world wide markets, and leave the US in the dust.
So very sad that Trump's "easy too win" trade war will have decimated the US economy by then, leaving the Dem's to clean up the fucking mess that Trump and the Pukes leave behind, just like always.
MCGA (make China great again)
Why will Trump be gone in 1.5 years?

Personally I don't care who the POTUS is, but by all accounts he's hardly going to be knocked off the pedastle by dirty old Joe Biden or Pocahontas.

Unless there's someone else in the dems wings I can't see him going anywhere.