Update on Medical Marijuana privacy breech class action........


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From BranchMacMaster Lawyers :

Medical Marihuana Privacy Breach
Update September 6th, 2019

The defendant’s appeal was heard and dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal on January 9, 2019. Once the Court approves the form of notice of certification, notice will be circulated to class members.

If the government keeps dragging this out I am liable to be six foot under before it is resolved.
They have certainly dragged their feet... most likely the lawyers will be padding their bill to scoop as much of the awarded money as they can when the time comes....the longer it takes the more time the lawyers have invested, larger their bill is...
I have almost died twice while this has been dragging on....I'm sure they hope third time is a charm...and one less sick person to pay out on.
They have certainly dragged their feet... most likely the lawyers will be padding their bill to scoop as much of the awarded money as they can when the time comes....the longer it takes the more time the lawyers have invested, larger their bill is...
I have almost died twice while this has been dragging on....I'm sure they hope third time is a charm...and one less sick person to pay out on.
If that's the case, we'll launch another class action against the law firm. I think it deserves investigation for sure. 6 years before we even get a date to be heard is justice denied.
I called Branch today. They’re still waiting for language approval from the court before notices get sent out. Prolly wont hear from the court until early 2020. At that point, when notices go out, the Gov can still drag it out for years to come. Also, the lawyers cost will be on top of any settlement for the plaintiffs. Their time is not on our dime, but for sure...they’re making bank. The holdup from day 1 has been the Gov wasting tax $$$ at every opportunity to stave off the inevitable payout. The question is how much? The original lawsuit was for $250M, but we know the Gov will never settle for that amount. Don’t expect enough for a new car...more like a $1k/each, if we’re lucky!
I called Branch today. They’re still waiting for language approval from the court before notices get sent out. Prolly wont hear from the court until early 2020. At that point, when notices go out, the Gov can still drag it out for years to come. Also, the lawyers cost will be on top of any settlement for the plaintiffs. Their time is not on our dime, but for sure...they’re making bank. The holdup from day 1 has been the Gov wasting tax $$$ at every opportunity to stave off the inevitable payout. The question is how much? The original lawsuit was for $250M, but we know the Gov will never settle for that amount. Don’t expect enough for a new car...more like a $1k/each, if we’re lucky!
Thank you very much for doing that Damn...cheers Sir! Ya this is just pathetic. More of the same old cannabis foot in the ass we've always had to endure.
I'll live just to spite them now.
I called Branch today. They’re still waiting for language approval from the court before notices get sent out. Prolly wont hear from the court until early 2020. At that point, when notices go out, the Gov can still drag it out for years to come. Also, the lawyers cost will be on top of any settlement for the plaintiffs. Their time is not on our dime, but for sure...they’re making bank. The holdup from day 1 has been the Gov wasting tax $$$ at every opportunity to stave off the inevitable payout. The question is how much? The original lawsuit was for $250M, but we know the Gov will never settle for that amount. Don’t expect enough for a new car...more like a $1k/each, if we’re lucky!
How do we make this an election topic? Surely we can shame both the Liberals and the Conservatives for this mess. Maybe Elizabeth May would like a little fodder to go after her opponents? We just need to get someone to force Trudeau and Scheer to explain to Canadians why they think spending taxpayer money in an attempt to deny a group of sick people their day in court is a good idea. Nobody but us even remembers what happened, so we need to remind them. Once it's back in the news, it will be settled quickly. I'm going to write May an email now and see if she bites... ? Can't hurt.
This is the 'gist' of what I wrote, although I went into more detail with my local Green candidate.

Hello Ms. May,

I am writing you in hopes that you might be able to bring attention to an injustice that is continuing to affect thousands of sick Canadians. You are in a unique position to hold both Scheer and Trudeau responsible for this mess in front of the entire country. Please consider politicizing our plight.

If you remember back to 2013 when the Harper government ended the medical marijuana program (MMAR) and replaced it with the MMPR, Health Canada violated our privacy by sending us notices in envelopes that clearly identified us as medical marijuana users and growers. It is widely assumed that the violation was a deliberate and malicious act by Health Canada under the direction of Stephen Harper. Some of us lost our jobs, some lost their homes, some were victims of home invasions, and six years later we are still being denied our day in court. Some of the patients have since died without ever seeing their rightful day in court. Both the Harper Conservatives and the Trudeau Liberals have filed appeal after appeal to delay and deny justice for sick Canadians who have been harmed by our own government. Incredibly, the Omar Kadahr settlement took a fraction of the time.

I am hoping you can pressure and shame both the Conservatives and the Liberals to explain why they feel it is acceptable to waste taxpayer money fighting to keep sick Canadians from our legal right to have our case heard by the courts. Justice delayed is justice denied, and some of us are losing hope.
Trudeau, Scheer will go silent on cannabis ahead of election: Bruce Linton

Bruce Linton says he met with a “fellow named Andrew” and “some people who report directly to a guy named Justin” in Ottawa over the summer.

Yahoo Finance Canada on the sidelines of the Grow Up Conference and Expo in Niagara Falls, Ont." data-reactid="24">“There are enough people who want to find a reason to make a joke about Trudeau. Make him look light, not serious,” Linton told Yahoo Finance Canada on the sidelines of the Grow Up Conference and Expo in Niagara Falls, Ont.

For Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives, touting the success of Canada’s cannabis sector would amount to an admission that the party was on the wrong side of a wedge issue in an election Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won, Linton said.

Recall former prime minister Stephen Harper’s remarks in a 2015 debate: “Tobacco is a product that does a lot of damage. Marijuana is infinitely worse and it's something that we do not want to encourage.”

“The Tories lost the last election in part because they tried to tell a majority of Canadian adults they are wrong,” Linton said of the cannabis legalization issue. “[Now], the Conservatives don’t want to touch it.”

He did not specify if he expects candidates from other parties to raise the economic impact of cannabis as a talking point as Canadians prepare to cast their ballots on Oct. 21.

Canada’s publicly-listed cannabis producers became the focal point of an investor frenzy in the run-up to legalization last fall, drawing billions of foreign dollars into Canadian-headquartered companies.

figures from Statistics Canada. Meanwhile, Canadian household cannabis consumption spending came in at $5.44 billion in the second quarter of the year." data-reactid="32">Canada’s legal cannabis industry output is near $8 billion, based on seasonally adjusted figures and 2012 constant prices, according to June figures from Statistics Canada. Meanwhile, Canadian household cannabis consumption spending came in at $5.44 billion in the second quarter of the year.

“This sector has had more foreign direct investment in Canada than every person trying to drill a hole for oil, dig a hole for minerals or cut a tree down to try to make it into something,” Linton said.

“If you look at the last three, five years, more money has come to Canada through this sector than all of those things combined.”

That said, he’s believes the large number of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs being created by his company and its peers will become tough for politicians to ignore as the industry matures.

Yahoo Finance Canada." data-reactid="38">“We're talking about billions of dollars of investment, tens of thousands of new jobs created, and a wide array of economic spin-off benefits. It's not just about cannabis. It's about all the additional ancillary industries that benefit, and innovation driven from Canada, including clinical research,” he told Yahoo Finance Canada.

“We will develop a new Canadian consensus about how important this industry is to the economy, and what a positive contribution it's making.”