MG question


New Member
hey folks,

im going on week 5 of flowering using MG potting soil (big mistake)...
it says it feeds plants up to 3 months... well im about a week or 2 past the 3 thing is every time I water her the tips curl and the leaves damn near fold in half + the tips burn.... I havnt watered her for a few days so tonight is water time.. question is do you think all the food in the soil is gone regaurdless of the curling tips and stuff???
another problem im having is i cant find one damn store around here with bloom booster or anything with low to no nitrogen.... I have this shit that has about 12 % nitro... i guess I could feed it that right??

whats fucked up also is since I put her into flower, she's only grown about 5 inches!! lol... when I grew outdoors my plants nearly doubled in size! the buds seem to be growing ok... ill post some pics at about midnight as thats when she wakes up from

any advice is greatly appreciated...bongsmilie


Active Member
Well you def need nutrients in that soil if you havent put anything in there to this point. Although if you are 5 weeks into flowering already it may be too late. I would put what you have in there and hope it helps. You do need some nitrogen in your soil during flowering so dont worry about over doing it if you havent added anything else. Sounds like you might also have a Mg defficeintcy as well. Put a little bit of epsom salt in your water as well.


New Member
Well you def need nutrients in that soil if you havent put anything in there to this point. Although if you are 5 weeks into flowering already it may be too late. I would put what you have in there and hope it helps. You do need some nitrogen in your soil during flowering so dont worry about over doing it if you havent added anything else. Sounds like you might also have a Mg defficeintcy as well. Put a little bit of epsom salt in your water as well.
thanks for the advice man...I forgot to mention the leaves are twisting and trying to flip over gonna feed them that stuff tonight.... thanks again ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. i'm growing in MG Potting mix too.. My plant has all the same symptoms.

But I never had too much of a problem.


Active Member
I never used MG soil for MJ but I used it for cucumbers and peppers and got horrible results. The soil was suppose to be organic but all I could smell was chemicals galore. Damn horrible soil IMO and I would suggest getting soil from the woods and adding perlite and some guano before using any MG products.


New Member
I never used MG soil for MJ but I used it for cucumbers and peppers and got horrible results. The soil was suppose to be organic but all I could smell was chemicals galore. Damn horrible soil IMO and I would suggest getting soil from the woods and adding perlite and some guano before using any MG products.
Oh I definately learned my lesson with MG soil... its garbage for growing weed..... im gonna post some pics in a few mins.... let me know what you guys think... thanks for the answers...bongsmilie


New Member
ok heres some pics of her...i vegged her for 2 months and shes almost 5 weeks into flower..... i fed her tonight MG bloom booster (didnt want to but its all they have around here) its 15-30-50... not a good source for flowering.... i know shes sickly looking.... but hows the buds look??? are they where they should be for almost 5 weeks???



Well-Known Member
I had the same issue with the leaves curlling and twisting. I use the epson salt with a sprayer for about a week and folar feed it to them and no more problems. I think it was a Mg diffency but more so it was the fact that the ph was off by the MG soil. I started watering with distilled water and rain water and have had no more issues. I have been adding MG tomatoe nuts and Soil Acidifier so that may be helping but next time I will make my own soil. MG is just to easy to ph flux!



Active Member
i grow in mg soil,and i had them same problems but i cured it and now my plants are doing great!the problem with mg soil is it dosent breath for sh@$t,so what i did was add about50%perlite to the soil and added a teaspoon of hydogenperoxide per gal. of water and my plants perked up and were able to take up nutes.dont keep feeding or youll have over water and over ferts at the same time.once you have good roots the rest will follow


Active Member
Your plants are not looking too bad at all. I would just ride it out and take it as a good lesson, the damage could have been worse and it looks like you should have some quality smoke just keep an eye on the PH.:blsmoke:
I order my soil and reuse it a few times($20 for soil and $15 for shipping!:cuss:), which is not really recommended but I only use organic nutrients and flush regularly. There is only one store in my whole state that sells Fox Farm or Roots Organic soil and it a 2 hour drive so I just spend the extra dough. Most of the soil for sale in my area is for landscaping and not gardening.


Well-Known Member
i love mg i havent had problems at all..just gota use nutes through the whole grow and ur plants will be fine...dont just think the 3 months supply already in the soil will be enough cuz wont b..


Well-Known Member
I dont have any problem using MG soil... thats all i use and ph'd ro water @ 6.6... i do transplant them during vegging a few times..but during flowering they go in a 5 gallon bucket and only water for about 4 weeks...then i give them a shot of nutrients 1 or two times...and then back to water only till harvest... I have read reviews on soil and most of the times they all have to have something added in the watering after 4 weeks... especially the way MJ growers like to fluch/drown the i never flush till the end and then again i dont drown them either.... your shit looks like it has ph problems ... under and overwatering issues... you need to learn your plant system better... with that small of a pot no wonder you ran out of nutrients...

MG soil is awesome.. why pay 19.99 a bag of other soil when a big ass bag of mg soil is 8 bucks and works great...


New Member
I dont have any problem using MG soil... thats all i use and ph'd ro water @ 6.6... i do transplant them during vegging a few times..but during flowering they go in a 5 gallon bucket and only water for about 4 weeks...then i give them a shot of nutrients 1 or two times...and then back to water only till harvest... I have read reviews on soil and most of the times they all have to have something added in the watering after 4 weeks... especially the way MJ growers like to fluch/drown the i never flush till the end and then again i dont drown them either.... your shit looks like it has ph problems ... under and overwatering issues... you need to learn your plant system better... with that small of a pot no wonder you ran out of nutrients...

MG soil is awesome.. why pay 19.99 a bag of other soil when a big ass bag of mg soil is 8 bucks and works great...

sounds like a lot of work , all that transplanting and stuff...this is my first indoor grow from bagseed and i dont have much money into im learning and i thank you for the advice...
the pots are 4 gallon...isnt that plenty of room for her?
since ive started from the beginning ive only watered her every 3 days or more, i waited until the top of the soil was dry and crusty.... dry about an inch or so deep also so I think i have a good watering system going on... i dont over water least i dont i water until i see drainage....about a gallon ... thanks again...


Well-Known Member
Its not that much work... I mean when i clone them or start form seed they are grown in a 12 oz plastic cup... after about 2 weeks they get transfered to a bigger bucket.. (last time i used 64 oz cups painted black... that was a fun deal.. lol.. 64 oz cups?

after they reacha bout 18 to 26 inches in those cups (i only use those cups cause they are deep but narrow and my veg cabinets is pretty small)..i transplant them over to the 5 gallon and flower..... Fertilizing wisely is a thread i started to give people more information on soil... i got it from mandalas website and i would highly recommend rollin one up and checkin the soil guides they got... I do love there strains but the store is closed till the beggining of the year.

as far as watering... Well i only give them water in perportion with the root system... I guess by transplanting i am kinda able to tell how the growth is... PLus i have done DWC before so i know how they look at what stages... Anyway.... I only give 1 gallon of water in my 5 gallon soil buckets towards the end... maybe the last 3 weeks or so... and the last week i cut water down allot... but thats like week 9 for me... when adding more water than it is needed to get the soil wet your just wasting nutrients.... all that water has gone through your soil and is flushing the nutrients down... I would try this...

on your next watering add water in say large cup size.. (1/4 gallon) i would say to it... then wait about 10 minutes... then add another 1/4 gallon...the moment there is any water coming out of the bottom your done... Carefull not to get fooled when watering and let it run in between the bucket and the soil.. (im sure you have noticed that it kinda separates there... I like to put a rim of soil on the edges of the buckets..kinda like traping the water towards the middle... But then i dont let the stock get too wet... so in between the stock and the edge of the bucket is where you want the water to go down... pour slow so it doesnt go down the edges...

anyway man im medicated to my head and rambling.. im sure you know how to pour ok good luck bud... lol


Well-Known Member
sounds like a lot of work , all that transplanting and stuff...this is my first indoor grow from bagseed and i dont have much money into im learning and i thank you for the advice...
the pots are 4 gallon...isnt that plenty of room for her?
since ive started from the beginning ive only watered her every 3 days or more, i waited until the top of the soil was dry and crusty.... dry about an inch or so deep also so I think i have a good watering system going on... i dont over water least i dont i water until i see drainage....about a gallon ... thanks again...
I feel 4 gallon would be big enough.. just remember the first inch to inch and a half is wasted and roots grow below that... so a little depth will help ya dig?