Fake stoker
Appreciate what you have offered! Nice work. 

I'm from nz and here we have made up our own slang for marijuana parts.. I'm an 80s kid.. and started smoking in the 90s when the net hadn't been invented and the grow bible was the price of a quarter oz. We speak in cm not inches mls and ltr not gallons. Grams, quarter oz half oz, ozs and lbs. Not I don't know but I've seen it before 4ths 8ths, ?? i.e can I get 1 8th. Like wtf is that half o..lol pistols are hairs. Dabs im sure was invented here in n.z but we call it oil,goodies and hinu. A bowl is a cone and multiple cones is a sesh. Weed has many names but dak seems to have been expired.. appreciation for this post I can now understand some threads im reading.. the threads I don't understand stand are the 1s that talk about lights led's t5's blablabla layman's terms fluros hps leds..
Yes hopefully nek year we get the law reformed around canibus..nz gonna be legal in growing soon? ppl can smoke seeds somewhere![]()
Oh that's really cool, hopefully worldwide legal growing cannabiz then .Yes hopefully nek year we get the law reformed around canibus..
Heya g4fun. I don't wana give you wrong info or wrong solutions but any info helps.. so last wk i noticed yellowing spots almost simular on this 4wk old seedling... photo is taken today..I am not sure this, do you have idea for this ?![]()
Light deprivation. ie, throwing shade. Folks will cover plants with blackout cloth to make the dark period longer so it will flower in the summertime.Can someone tell me what depo is referring to? Thanks, and I have searched prior to posting this.
PH -- the measure of soil's acidity or alkalinity, measured on a scale of 1 to 14. Water is
considered neutral at PH 7. PH levels below 7 are classified as acidic, or "sour". Levels
above 7 are basic, alkaline or "sweet". Most plants prefer a slightly acidic soil pH of 6.0 to
Phenotype - The plants characteristics as determined by not genetics, but by enviroment
Phloem: Nutrient conducting tissue.
Photoperiod - AKA lighting schedule, it is the number of hours of light and darkness the
plant is exposed to. Usually expressed as a fraction. Ex: 18/6 = 18 hours of light, and 6
hours of darkness
Photosynthesis: Biochemical process in which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, and
is used to fuel the building of sugar molecules.
Pistil - a hair-like protrusion from the nodes/buds of a female plant, also a precursor to
the buds themselves. Pistils turn from white to brown as the buds mature.
Plant Stress - Any unhealthy stimuli the plant receives. Examples: Light-burn,
overwatering, nute-burn. Stress can cause slow growth, mutations, or death.
Potash -- Broadly, potash describes any material containing potassium. More specifically,
though, potash is potassium carbonate derived from wood ashes. The term potash comes
from the process of extracting lye from wood ashes in iron pots
PPM - Acronym for Parts Per Million, this term is used most in hydroponics to measure the
amount of nutrients given to a plant.
Rock Wool ? Mineral or rock wool has been used extensively in Europe and is recently
finding applications in the U.S. greenhouse market. Like perlite and vermiculite, it
originates from a natural mineral (alumino silicates with some calcium and magnesium)
that is heated to 2,700?F to form fibers that are used to make blocks or cubes as a
finished product. Blocks or slabs of rock wool are used extensively by hydroponic growers
of greenhouse vegetables. Rock wool typically has an alkaline pH, is sterile and
chemically inert.
Regenerate - OR Re-vegging, refers to the act of putting a plant back into the growth
cycle after harvesting the flowering buds off of the plant, in order to bud the plant again
or to take clones off of the plant. (See Vegging)
RO - Reverse Osmosis, is a form of purifying water usually used in the bottling of waters.
Root Bound --A condition where a plant or seedling's roots have grown compacted and
entwined in the pot and has no room to grow. This condition results in stunting the plants
growth and potential. The solution is a larger pot or transplanting outdoors.
Ruderalis -- Ruderalis is not a very good choice for flower production, indoors or out.
Despite maintaining a short stature, growing only one to five feet tall, and maturing
rather quickly, Ruderalis just doesn't produce the yield or quality one looks for in their
flowers. A slight light cycle reduction can trigger a sprout with as little as 2 to 3 leaf sets
to flower. Ruderalis spontaneously initiates flowering a few weeks after sprouting, and
will not produce decent flowers unless the photoperiod provides around 18 to 19 hours of
light. Even then, the yield and quality are less than desirable, incomparable to that of the
Sativa or Indica sub-species.
Sativa -- Sativa is a hard plant to grow indoors due to high lighting requirements, tall
stature, and late flowering traits. Sativas come from equatorial regions, thus the
neccesity for high ammounts of lighting and a warmer tropic-subtropic climate. You can
identify a Sativa by its long, slender, finger-like leaves. A Sativa will typically produce a
euphoric, energetic, cerebral high. Despite the Sativa's climatic limitations, they are truly
a reward to obtain, grow, and smoke. A pure Sativa will take 2 to 4 months to finish
ScrOG/ SOG -- "Screen Of Green" method. The purpose of ScrOG is to maximize your
usage of the available space and lighting by training the new growth of a plant into a
screen or mesh.
Seed Casing - The integuments of the ovule, which are the ovule's old coverings, harden
and become the seed's protective coat
Sensimilla - OR Sensi, In Spanish means 'without seed', having a female plant bud without
letting a male plant pollenate it, thereby preventing seeds from forming in the buds. This
increases THC potency and smokable bud weight.
Sepal -- Sepals are components of the calyx. Located at the base of the flower, these
modified leaves usually function as protection for the petals while in bud stage.
Occasionally, sepals will be colored, but they are usually green
Sexing - The act of determining the gender of a plant through various methods.
Shwag/Stress/Regs/Bobby Brown - Non-Sensimilla buds that are typicly grown in very
large outdoor batches, which prevents the care and love that smaller groups of plants can
get. It has many names, this is only a few of them.
Stamen --This is the male reproductive organ of a plant, located in the androecium of the
flower. It has two components: the filament and the anther..
Stigma: The sticky tip of a pistil.
Strain - refers to the specific genetics of the plant. Example: White Widow, Northern
Stomata: Opening in the epidermis of a leaf which permit gas exchange with the air.
Stretching - When the lights are placed too far from the growing plant and causes it to
stretch out and grow tall and skinny. Normally this happens in young plants and
Sun Leaves/Fan leaves - These are the large leaves that grow off of branches, and while
not rich in THC, they play an important role in photosynthesis.
Synthetic Nutrients - Concentrated and industrial-made nutrients. They have a longer
shelf-life than organic nutes, but are known to nute-burn a plant more quickly.
THC -- a. Tetrahydrocannabinol A compound, C-21 H-30 O-2, obtained from cannabis or
made synthetically, that is the primary intoxicant in marijuana and hashish.
b. The main physcoactive ingredient in pot. this is what gets you "high!". it is often(not
totally accurately) measured by the trichomes(fairy dust) visible on pot.
Topping - Is a method used separate and top of the plant, and make it grow into 2, or even 4 very large main cola's (See Colas)
Traditionally, topping your plant causes two shoots to grow back in place of the one
pruned off, thus increasing the number of top/main buds
Transplanting Shock -- When transplanting seedlings from one place to another, the roots
are often disturbed and occasionally the change in climate can cause the plant to slow
down or appear to stop growing. This is transplant shock. It is really redirecting it's
energy to re-grow lost roots and to get accustomed to a change in temperature that it
hadn't experienced before.
Trichomes - AKA crystals or sugar, they are tiny, mushroom-shaped capitulate glands full
of THC that form on the flowering buds and bud leaves of cannabis.
Vascular - Refers to the xylem and phloem tissues, which conduct water and nutrients
through the plant body.
Vegetative - OR 'Vegging' Refers to the vegetative stage in the first part of a plants life when it is only growing leaves and stems. This is when you have your lights on 18/6-24/0, or any timing variation where the amount of light exceeds the amount of dark by several hours. This
phase preceeds flowering and follows sproutling.
Vermiculite -- is sterile and light in weight (5 to 8 lbs/ft3). The pH of vermiculite will vary
depending on where it is mined. Most U.S. sources are neutral to slightly alkaline,
whereas vermiculite from Africa can be quite alkaline (pH = 9). Vermiculite is used
extensively in the greenhouse industry as a component of mixes or in propagation. It is
usually sold in four size grades: #1 is the coarsest and #4 the smallest. The finer grades
are used extensively for seed germination or to topdress seed flats. Expanded vermiculite
should not be pressed or compacted, especially when wet, as this will destroy the
desirable physical properties.
Ventilation - Circulating air in order to provide the plant with fresh air and/or to reduce
the temperature in the grow area. Air movement also encourages strong stems.
Yield - The amount of bud harvested, or projected to be harvested, from a finished plant.
Watering Schedule - term referring to how often and how much water a plant is given,
usually measured in days and gallons. Ex: 1 gallon every 4 days.
Watts -- A measure of the amount of electricity flowing through a wire. Watt hours
measure the amount of watts used in one hour. A kilowatt/hour (KWH) is 1000
Worm Casting -- (Vermiconversion) or using earthworms to convert waste into soil
additives, is a biologically active mound containing thousands of bacteria, enzymes, and
remnants of plant materials and animal manures that were not digested by the
earthworm. The composting process continues after a worm casting has been deposited.
In fact, the bacterial population of a cast is much greater than the bacterial population of
either ingested soil, or the earthworm's gut. An important component of this dark mass is
humus. (See; Humus)
WW - Typicly refers to the cannabis strain 'White Widow'.
Thats all so far, is anyone notices anything missing, please feel free to point it out and i'll edit the post and add it in. Thanx for reading and I hope this answers your questions!!!