Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Earlier this afternoon it was 94F with a HI of 103. Big thunderstorm blew through from the east, heavy rain with thunder and lightning. Cooled thing off a lot. At 1715 it's partly cloudy, 78F with 65% humidity. Forecast 95/71F with 20% chance of rain tonight, 10% tomorrow and 10% tomorrow night.
We had our rain for the week the other night. We're definitely not seeing the same heat anymore, for which I am thankful!
We had our rain for the week the other night. We're definitely not seeing the same heat anymore, for which I am thankful!
This is the hottest time of year here. This passing storm was the only rain we've had since Dorian. It's dried out in a hurry. I almost lost all my orange trees, not paying attention.
This is the hottest time of year here. This passing storm was the only rain we've had since Dorian. It's dried out in a hurry. I almost lost all my orange trees, not paying attention.
Yikes! People worry about losing orange trees when it freezes but they're just as vulnerable to dry conditions.

Someday I'd like to visit Larry Land and I'll want some fresh oranges for my trouble! Lol
Yikes! People worry about losing orange trees when it freezes but they're just as vulnerable to dry conditions.

Someday I'd like to visit Larry Land and I'll want some fresh oranges for my trouble! Lol
The ones in the ground can take a bit of hot dry weather. But I have several in black pots. The heat and dry weather plays hell on them when I forget to run the sprinklers. But I remembered them a couple of days ago and gave them a good soaking. Then today I watered the young ones in the ground.

I only have two grown trees. They are down at the river. It will be a long walk to carry water to them, but I need to do it. Or cut a shorter path. But I've planted several young ones at the graveyard. Also turned the 5 broken red cedar trees into sitting logs. In a few year, if the timing is right, folks will be able to pick oranges during funerals. Then sit on a log to eat it.
The ones in the ground can take a bit of hot dry weather. But I have several in black pots. The heat and dry weather plays hell on them when I forget to run the sprinklers. But I remembered them a couple of days ago and gave them a good soaking. Then today I watered the young ones in the ground.

I only have two grown trees. They are down at the river. It will be a long walk to carry water to them, but I need to do it. Or cut a shorter path. But I've planted several young ones at the graveyard. Also turned the 5 broken red cedar trees into sitting logs. In a few year, if the timing is right, folks will be able to pick oranges during funerals. Then sit on a log to eat it.
I'll bring vodka.
Still no rain. Other than that one storm, it's been a couple of three weeks since we've had any. At 1645 it's fair, 91F with 40% humidity. Forecast high low of 94/71F with 20% chance of rain tonight, and 10% tomorrow. 10day high low of 99/65F with 0 days of possible rain.
Another warm one. At 1600 it's sunny, 98F with 29% humidity. Forecast high low of 100/71F with 0% chance of rain tonight and 20% tomorrow. 10 day is 99/64F with 1 day of possible rain.
Nice and warm in northern Colorado! Upper 80s, sunny early, partly cloudy later. Light breeze. It's been dropping into the 50s overnight, good sleeping weather.
I used to live in Arkansas. They'd have to pay me $250k to move anywhere in the Dirty South.
Actually it has been low humidity for my area. Yesterday morning walking in from the camp, the grass wasn't really wet with dew. That is pretty rare. But we are drying up in a hurry. No rain in sight, so I worry about fire danger.
I didn't even think Arkansas was considered the south. Try Georgia!! The climate here is like Kashyyyk.
Oh yeah, it's the South. Racist attitudes and all. Lots of retirees from what I understand, although since I was in college at the time I didn't see much of them. Lots of retirees = old attitudes die hard.
Actually it has been low humidity for my area. Yesterday morning walking in from the camp, the grass wasn't really wet with dew. That is pretty rare. But we are drying up in a hurry. No rain in sight, so I worry about fire danger.
Feast or famine, I guess. There's only a few small fires in Colorado right now, so that's below average!
Oh yeah, it's the South. Racist attitudes and all. Lots of retirees from what I understand, although since I was in college at the time I didn't see much of them. Lots of retirees = old attitudes die hard.
Oh yeah, it's the South. Racist attitudes and all. Lots of retirees from what I understand, although since I was in college at the time I didn't see much of them. Lots of retirees = old attitudes die hard.
Georgia is nothing like what you described, especially around the cities.