Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

We lose about 2 and 1/2 minutes a day. You made me look up Fairbanks and they lose 7 minutes a day!
That is crazy isn't it? When I was writing I had to research sailing the area from Iceland to Greenland, and on around to St Johns NFL. It was hard to believe each day could gain or lose that much sun. {I've got way too may tide charts, sunrise and set tables, and weather charts for the spring of 1718}
That is crazy isn't it? When I was writing I had to research sailing the area from Iceland to Greenland, and on around to St Johns NFL. It was hard to believe each day could gain or lose that much sun. {I've got way too may tide charts, sunrise and set tables, and weather charts for the spring of 1718}
300 hundred year old tide tables? Hang on to those, you may have the only ones in town.
300 hundred year old tide tables? Hang on to those, you may have the only ones in town.
The interwebs have everything. But I couldn't find them for every port, so in the end I just used the ones from the current year. It was hard enough keeping old time and new time straight. The places under French control used new time, and English old time. {11-12 days difference, so you had to add or subtract according to where you were}
Another hot one today. Showers in the area, so it should cool down. At 1700 it's partly cloudy, 91F {heat index of 108} with 68% humidity. Forecast low of 75F with 50% chance of rain tonight, and 80% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 91/71F with 10 days of possible rain.
Thunderstorms moving through Wisconsin ahead of a cold front. Need the rain, so no problem.
Temps remain in the 80s during the day, 60s overnight. Just a perfect stretch of weather here the last 6 weeks. Losing about 3 minutes of sunlight per day now.
Sun hours at 13:49:07 today.
Really big thunderstorms yesterday. A couple three inches out near the house. Fields were swamped and my pond was rising. Cleared up in time for me to walk to the camp. Clear all night, with a cool breeze blowing in an hour or so before daylight. Got down to 75F. More thunderstorms this morning. At 1505 it's mostly cloudy, 89F with 84% humidity. Forecast high low of 83/73F with 30% chance of rain today and 80% tonight. 10 day high low of 90/72F with 10 days of possible rain.
There was 3 inches of rain in 45 minutes this morning down at Panama City. Flash flooding for them. We saw black clouds all day, but they stayed to the south of us. At 1820 it's partly cloudy, 83F with 82% humidity. Forecast high low of 85/74F with 20% chance of rain tonight, and 80% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 91/72F with 9 days of possible rain.
So what does it take for me to get a few nice days? Apparently a hurricane. Still in the 90's but much drier last couple of days. At 1910 it's sunny, 84F with 58% humidity. Forecast low of 68F with 10% chance of rain tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 92/68F with 4 days of possible rain.

Length of day is 12 hours 52 minutes with tomorrow being 1 minute 44 seconds shorter.
How long the high pressure hangs in there will determine if I get real weather, or just a nasty inconvenience.

Another nice day. At 1215 it's partly cloudy, 87F with 64% humidity. Forecast high low of 91/73F with 50% chance or rain today, 20% tonight and 20% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 98/69F with only two days of possible rain.
Today was gorgeous in northern Colorado; seventies, light breeze, sunny and now some nice soaking rain at night.

It's a bit early for people to be worried about their outdoor crops getting wet so all in all, a lovely evening.
Today was a little cooler. At 1600 it's sunny, 93F {HI of 100} with 40% humidity. Forecast high low of 98/76F with 10% chance of rain tonight. We hit 101F yesterday. I think it was a record for the date, maybe the month. No rain the last week. Getting dry in a hurry. But my 10 day has 5 days of possible rain. I'll take it.