FISA Abuse by FBI


Well-Known Member
Their main instrument was the Trump-Russia collusion story that roiled the capital until Special Counsel Robert Mueller pronounced it unfounded. Now they have moved on to one or more "whistleblower" complaints
Suck crap you post.


Well-Known Member
Nah he can take fire until at least March 2020. It will give Trump trolls a lot less time to go after whoever is next up. It is a team effort to bring down Dear Leader. And I look forward to seeing how hard he beats Trump if he slips through the Democratic primary.


Well-Known Member
The trump tower treason meeting

manafort sharing internal polling data with Russian spies

roger stone coordinating therelease timing and promotion of stolen American property with Russian owned Wikileaks

Russians tweeting about trumps presidential run in 2013

“hey Russia, if you’re listening” and they start hacking the next day

putin fucks trump in the asshole in Helsinki

You call it the “trump Russia farce”

The rest of us just laugh at you

do you think anyone still believes you’re not an all out trump cocksucker? How well do you think your act is working?


Well-Known Member
How about a bi-partisan senate report on Russian interference with the election that has been found to be going on since 2014.

I just go from the Mueller report. No Americans found to be colluding with Russia.
ignoring that criminal conspiracy was not established, but they were able to establish Trump asked and got help and the 10 obstruction crimes by Trump may be a very good reason for 'collusion' to have been not established.

Mueller Report:
Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 6.26.15 AM.png


Well-Known Member
Correct, no Russian collusion found as stated in last sentence above.
Hey, Buggy, you never answered my question.
So @Bugeye, if it turns out that several of Trump's people testify that there was very much a policy that Trump wanted a quid prop quo with Ukraine, that'll be a very bad thing wouldn't you agree? I mean, Trump violently asserts that this was not the case but when documents and first hand witnesses say that it was, you'll join us in calling for his removal and be incensed when Moscow Mitch blocks it, right?