i'm not saying Biden is a bad guy, but they do call him "quid pro joe"...
and my opinion doesn't matter, the opinion of the unwashed masses who are exposed to attempted mind washing from both sides matters, and trump knows how to manipulate the lowest common denominator. he will trash Biden at every opportunity, and trumptards will believe every word of it. of course, trumptards are going to vote for trump, already...but once trumps lies become seated with them, it will then become trump fact, and half the country will believe he is a bad guy...
that's why you have to get him out of office...he's unbelievably bad at EVERYTHING involved in being president, except being able to manipulate the simple minded, who will die to keep this fucking idiot in a place where he can continue to damage the country daily.
so...will i vote for biden? if that's who gets the nomination....but i have little confidence in Biden's ability to beat trump....
i think way too much of the country is tired of quid pro quo, that's what got trump elected in the first place (and a few faithless electors, who should be horse whipped every day this cocksucker is in office). running quid pro joe against trump is just going to give them ammunition