Mane's Indoor Summer Extoic Grow


Well-Known Member
that really blows, but its better than the lockup.. you can still care for your kid and hopefully they will be pretty lenient on how often you have to pay on your fine.. they expect everyone to have that kind of money laying around like its nothing. How long do you have probation for? and is it reporting or non reporting? You better start smoking all you can for the next couple weeks cause they gonna piss test you soon if its reporting.. good luck man, im in the same shithole.


Well-Known Member
Thats a slap on the wrist mate, you got your freedom still, thats what counts eh? Especially coming up to xmas.

Glad it went well for ya mate.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about that shit with the pigs, blood.Had a question for you. When your using your HomeBox XS do you use it for Vegging only? How many plants do you put in at a time at, and what lights you be using? Good luck with that case....


Well-Known Member
Sorry I unsubscibed to this thread until I can get my situation straight.

Now that you're on probation, they have a right to search your house whenever they like, just keep that in mind, gl bro.
I know, I won't be growing here.

Sorry to hear about that shit with the pigs, blood.Had a question for you. When your using your HomeBox XS do you use it for Vegging only? How many plants do you put in at a time at, and what lights you be using? Good luck with that case....
Vegging and flower. HPS and MH
250 in one and 400w in the other

Thats a slap on the wrist mate, you got your freedom still, thats what counts eh? Especially coming up to xmas.

Glad it went well for ya mate.
yea paid my fine yesterday bruh

that really blows, but its better than the lockup.. you can still care for your kid and hopefully they will be pretty lenient on how often you have to pay on your fine.. they expect everyone to have that kind of money laying around like its nothing. How long do you have probation for? and is it reporting or non reporting? You better start smoking all you can for the next couple weeks cause they gonna piss test you soon if its reporting.. good luck man, im in the same shithole.
reporting, I'm working on that piss test shit now. Girl knows my P.O.