Archive Seed Bank

The slurricanes were so so. I started 3 beans 2 were female and 1 male. The male hermied, threw out pistols too, the females were nothing special one was shitty and 1 was decent. The 1 decent reminded me of any old chem cross. I believe I have pics of them in this thread.
That’s weird because damn near every pic I’ve seen of IHG’s Slurricane is absolutely sugarcoated and looks fire af so the fact that archives regular version doesn’t even slightly compare is kind of funny because he was talking mad trash about all the breeders that made a purple punch x dosidos cross and if what y’all are saying is true his ended up being one of the worst.
Looking back at everyone else’s pictures that they posted of archives version looks like it definitely leans more to the chem side. Some even looked like it’s got a little bit of sour d in it as well. I only seen one picture that even closely resembled purple punch
Looking back at everyone else’s pictures that they posted of archives version looks like it definitely leans more to the chem side. Some even looked like it’s got a little bit of sour d in it as well. I only seen one picture that even closely resembled purple punch
Mine definitely looked more sour d than punch for sure. I also seen all the inhouse canes so when the archive one popped up I grabbed it and then seen all the drama behind it. If you ran a whole pack or 2 you'd probably find some nice but I ain't got time for that personally.
idk what everyone was expecting from the slurricanes, they were literally made to piss off inhouse, or because someone was pissed at inhouse. no blame here.

if we knew what the 91chem* really was 40ampsto (Joe Brand needs to pop up again) .... pretty sure the faceoff is not ogchem and you can hear fletcher speak on it on the riot live, its on youtube. and whoever knocked the ghost cut aka ogers aka joshd.... well you might not have it then. you might, but you might not, get it?

if you grow out the hazmatog and the casper you ll see which ones have chem in it and which dont. pretty simple. just because its gas doesnt mean it has chem in it.

(* id concur in terms of chem possibly being related to a skunk... probably not skunk1 but an afghan right. i like the idea of a NL/Skunk or a NL/HP/Skunk predating the dogbud. who knows)

no offense!



No offenses at all thanks for post and info. I often forget a lot of cut history because I am far more interested in the cut it self, but who is Joe Brand? Is he related to the Skunk VA guy who found the 91' and distributed it (as far as I know anyways)? I completely agree with your assumptions by the way about the afghan side of things.

Also I thought Ghost and Josh D cut were absolutely different. The Josh D = what people were calling OG (original), Legend, and Triangle Kush. The ghost shit I had was trash compared to SFV. In breeding, flavor, smell, literally all categories. Looked OG on some phenos and that was about it...My Triangle Kush and S1's are on a whole other fucking level. That is the OG I know like SFV. Did not keep any of the Ghost stuff and it 100% had skunk phenos as I stated before that had the candy powdered sugar smell. Just like what you got in old Citral skunk side of things.

It's just so weird too though if Faceoff isn't an OG out cross how does it breed horribly with SFV which is hands down standard bearer of OG's?

I don't think this is too big of a leap of logic especially when the owner of the genes does not even know if it is pure OGK. I don't really get too hung up on this shit though I just want a fire product at the end of day. Dosidos is nice shit so far /shrug. Faceoff crosses would have to be given to me to grow out anymore again. I would never spend the $ on it again in comparison to Dosidos or the multitude of other good choices out there.
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Mine definitely looked more sour d than punch for sure. I also seen all the inhouse canes so when the archive one popped up I grabbed it and then seen all the drama behind it. If you ran a whole pack or 2 you'd probably find some nice but I ain't got time for that personally.
True that, right now I don’t have the time for that either. I wish I did but where I’m at right now it’s just not possible, hopefully one day though. I’ve got so many packs of different breeders gear that I’d love to just pop them all and be able to do a massive pheno hunt but I just don’t have the time or the space, but like I said hopefully one day I will. This really makes me wonder is archives face off an actual S1 of OG, a S1 of Chem, an OG crossed to Chem, or an OG crossed to Sour D. I guess we’ll never know unless he spills the beans which I doubt will happen. The whole drama behind it was childish(over not shouting him out) and not to mention the drama with him and thugpug basically trying to get thugpug blacklisted from other seed banks is pretty fucked up as well(again over not shouting him out for using dosidos in PBB). I really don’t blame thugpug for not dealing with seed banks that would carry archives “version” of his strain using the same name and if I owned some of those seed banks with how his “version“ of Slurricane came out for most growers, I would think twice about allowing that and carrying it. That’s just my opinion though, not trying to hate on archive but damn some of this shit is petty as fuck
No offenses at all thanks for post and info. I often forget a lot of cut history because I am far more interested in the cut it self, but who is Joe Brand? Is he related to the Skunk VA guy who found the 91' and distributed it (as far as I know anyways)? I completely agree with your assumptions by the way about the afghan side of things.

Also I thought Ghost and Josh D cut were absolutely different. The Josh D = what people were calling OG (original), Legend, and Triangle Kush. The ghost shit I had was trash compared to SFV. In breeding, flavor, smell, literally all categories. Looked OG on some phenos and that was about it...My Triangle Kush and S1's are on a whole other fucking level. That is the OG I know like SFV. Did not keep any of the Ghost stuff and it 100% had skunk phenos as I stated before that had the candy powdered sugar smell. Just like what you got in old Citral skunk side of things.

It's just so weird too though if Faceoff isn't an OG out cross how does it breed horribly with SFV which is hands down standard bearer of OG's?

I don't think this is too big of a leap of logic especially when the owner of the genes does not even know if it is pure OGK. I don't really get too hung up on this shit though I just want a fire product at the end of day. Dosidos is nice shit so far /shrug. Faceoff crosses would have to be given to me to grow out anymore again. I would never spend the $ on it again in comparison to Dosidos or the multitude of other good choices out there.
True, I don’t know the ghost OG cut I had was really good had more of a lemony taste to it with your typical og smell and taste and did pack a punch like your typical OG’s. I do have to agree with you though Triangle Kush and SFVOG are definitely my favorite OG cuts but to me True OG from elemental wellness had more of a bland taste to it. It definitely was potent but it just had more of a musky afghan taste with slight hints of your typical OG taste and smell. I haven’t had the pleasure to try the Josh D cut, I’ve seen some pictures from him and other people growing it and it definitely looks like your typical grade A OG
I don’t know what you’re trying to get at? Are you saying face-off OG is not an actual OG? I mean from what I’ve seen of the hazmat OG’s and Casper OG’s seems to look pretty spot on like an OG or has some Chem in they’re lineage. Not to mention the Hazmat OG definitely looks like it has some chem in it from the pictures I’ve seen from multiple growers. They all look like they have solid/chunkier but very similar bud structure to the original Chemdog. Which I assume it having a denser structure would be from the Face-off? I guess I’ll look up the interview on YouTube and see what he says about it but I do feel like his Casper OG, Hazmat OG, and Secret Formula(WiFi43 x Dosidos) should have some absolutely amazing pheno’s come out of those packs.

what the hell did you actually read what was written? reading comprehension at an all-time low. it states "pretty sure faceoff is NOT ogchem", and further you are directed to educate yourself on what fletcher says on the riot podcast about the face off story. hazmat is the one with chem in it and that was crystal clear.

i get why fletcher got over yall, better learn to read first, look at what you wrote Nate Dogg smh. the casper does NOT have chem in it, where from??

and yes of course the face off crosses are good, if all his seeds where a crapshoot, he wouldnt have the same reputation. besides, where would you start looking for OG in seedform, in its ever so great abundance? archive, karma will be your most heard answers from commercial seedmakers.

The slurricanes were so so. I started 3 beans 2 were female and 1 male. The male hermied, threw out pistols too, the females were nothing special one was shitty and 1 was decent. The 1 decent reminded me of any old chem cross. I believe I have pics of them in this thread.

out of all his shit I woulda never personally ran the Slurricane, and if you look around experienced growers who pay alittle attention didnt take that one too seriously either.

peace out and please read what people state properly.

warm regards.
No offenses at all thanks for post and info. I often forget a lot of cut history because I am far more interested in the cut it self, but who is Joe Brand? Is he related to the Skunk VA guy who found the 91' and distributed it (as far as I know anyways)? I completely agree with your assumptions by the way about the afghan side of things.

Also I thought Ghost and Josh D cut were absolutely different. The Josh D = what people were calling OG (original), Legend, and Triangle Kush. The ghost shit I had was trash compared to SFV. In breeding, flavor, smell, literally all categories. Looked OG on some phenos and that was about it...My Triangle Kush and S1's are on a whole other fucking level. That is the OG I know like SFV. Did not keep any of the Ghost stuff and it 100% had skunk phenos as I stated before that had the candy powdered sugar smell. Just like what you got in old Citral skunk side of things.

It's just so weird too though if Faceoff isn't an OG out cross how does it breed horribly with SFV which is hands down standard bearer of OG's?

I don't think this is too big of a leap of logic especially when the owner of the genes does not even know if it is pure OGK. I don't really get too hung up on this shit though I just want a fire product at the end of day. Dosidos is nice shit so far /shrug. Faceoff crosses would have to be given to me to grow out anymore again. I would never spend the $ on it again in comparison to Dosidos or the multitude of other good choices out there.

if there was major consensus on negative results with archive seedbank then the business would not be where it is today. how could a seed company hold itself up, and have such a solid reputation, if the majority of results were to be dissapointing? the element of selection is almost always completely disregarded. moreover, how often do you have to run a pheno to dial it in properly?

there arguably is an analogy/silver lining with the work that goes into regular seedlines as previously mentioned by ThaDocta. finding and selecting winners out of reg seeds is a process. dont expect instant validation just because you are offered exactly that on IG and the likes.

if you dig a lil deeper (forums, IG, real life lol) the overwhelming majority of growers that popped some archive beans display above average results. another argument would be that other seedmakers work with selections from archive seedbank seeds. how many times has someone started a thread on any forum asking "OG in seedform"? and how many times where those questions directed towards archive (or karma tbh)?

imo the Faceoff xs are pretty damn close to all those clones you see up online and winning cups if that actually makes a difference for you. not finding a winner in a pack is always dissapointing, but more than often it is relative to your ability as a plant grower, bluntly put.

best regards

Archives Gear lacks the potency of the real OG cuts.... His FaceOFF doesnt have the Kick of the CLone Only cuts.. his attitude is a joke.. Id chin check his ass so quick if he came off to me a douche like he does online... same with his fanboys...

Dosidos is his best line of work... it checks off on every box except POTENCY .. which is to be expected from his gear
Archives Gear lacks the potency of the real OG cuts.... His FaceOFF doesnt have the Kick of the CLone Only cuts.. his attitude is a joke.. Id chin check his ass so quick if he came off to me a douche like he does online... same with his fanboys...

Dosidos is his best line of work... it checks off on every box except POTENCY .. which is to be expected from his gear
Which breeder/strains aren’t lacking in potency?
nice looking fade, good job on the grow man.
If you take photos on your cell phone, there may be geographic coordinates embedded in the file information. an easy way around this is to open your photo in microsoft paint, and save it as a .jpg file with a new name.
From my understanding, every picture you take with your smartphone has a location tag imbedded in it. I think you can turn your location tag off. Never tried myself.
Archives Gear lacks the potency of the real OG cuts.... His FaceOFF doesnt have the Kick of the CLone Only cuts.. his attitude is a joke.. Id chin check his ass so quick if he came off to me a douche like he does online... same with his fanboys...

Dosidos is his best line of work... it checks off on every box except POTENCY .. which is to be expected from his gear

oh wow, another tough guy on the internet. no one respects you for having a big mouth or swinging around with threats, thats just not cool in the cannabis community.

fletcher repeats that his selections are for flavour, that being said, there are so many potent phenotypes in the faceoff line and others. the killer malawi offspring will have loudmouths like you green out in the corner.

if all you do is being dabbed out all day and you re still complaining about potency it might be time to move on to a "better" drug.

best regards

Weak sauce potency... overly hyped Face off .. its all good bro... when OGKB 2.0 is the saving grace of ur working lines... its no wonder ur strains arent potent and just taste good..
Its called fools gold
Weak sauce potency... overly hyped Face off .. its all good bro... when OGKB 2.0 is the saving grace of ur working lines... its no wonder ur strains arent potent and just taste good..
Its called fools gold

ignorant comment. finding your hype cuts often involve a solid amount of luck (in selection, if it happens). or actually involve real selection.

you probably never selected anything anyway. ask archive how many different phenos he runs to work a line. if you believe OGKB is the end-all weed you probably only smoke cookies or OG to begin with. what does that say about your palate?

cant wake someone up who pretends to be asleep.

best regards

Weak sauce potency... overly hyped Face off .. its all good bro... when OGKB 2.0 is the saving grace of ur working lines... its no wonder ur strains arent potent and just taste good..
Its called fools gold
So which breeders produce potent hybrids? And which face off crosses have you personally ran ?
what the hell did you actually read what was written? reading comprehension at an all-time low. it states "pretty sure faceoff is NOT ogchem", and further you are directed to educate yourself on what fletcher says on the riot podcast about the face off story. hazmat is the one with chem in it and that was crystal clear.

i get why fletcher got over yall, better learn to read first, look at what you wrote Nate Dogg smh. the casper does NOT have chem in it, where from??

and yes of course the face off crosses are good, if all his seeds where a crapshoot, he wouldnt have the same reputation. besides, where would you start looking for OG in seedform, in its ever so great abundance? archive, karma will be your most heard answers from commercial seedmakers.

out of all his shit I woulda never personally ran the Slurricane, and if you look around experienced growers who pay alittle attention didnt take that one too seriously either.

peace out and please read what people state properly.

warm regards.
I think you had a hard time comprehending what I was saying. When did I ever say that gassy terps only comes from chemdog? I never made that claim or even questioned if the face off he uses did. I did question it once I seen other people’s results from the slurricane he put out. Most pictures that people posted definitely looks like it has some chem or sour D somewhere in it’s genetics. Whether it’s coming from the purple punch cut he used or the dosidos cut he used, I guess no one will know until he elaborate’s on it. Also when I was talking about the strain that looks like it has chem in it’s genetics I was talking about the hazmat OG, not the Casper OG. Thats what had me confused and asked what you were trying to get at, because you misunderstood what I said. I had no clue what you were trying to get at or if you were being sarcastic, because like I said before I never made the claim that face-off had chem in it’s genetics. I watched that live stream and he doesn’t even know what the genetics are, all he said was that it was bag seeds from a bag of bud he had got and number four was the keeper. I took no offense to what you said at all, I come on these forums to ask questions and learn more about different strains because no matter how good of a grower you are, you can always learn something new. You should take your own advice and read what people say before making assumptions because you know what they say about assuming. Anyways I’m not trying to argue with people, everyone have a blessed day, and happy growing
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Poochie love #4 at about the 75% mark. Unique smoke for sure, it stands out against most of everything else I have grown in it’s own way. Is it better or does it fuck me up more than anything else?? I don’t know, I just like the high a lot!......and I probably cull more plants per year than the average poster even runs.


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