Couple of quickies


Active Member
Hey all.. Awesome site just a few real noob questions I couldnt find anywhere else.
1. Does a cool tube HPS light have to be hooked up to a vent or can you just use it without?
2. Im planning on using a portable aircon in the room to keep temp and humidity consistant. Is there any reason i couldnt and could i take the exhaust of the aircon, which is conveniantly the same size and the cool tube, via the cool tube?
3. Does ali foil burn the plants or not? Half of everyone reccomends to use it, or just the dull side, and others claim it burns the plants. Has anyone had any personal experiance with this...
THanks in advance if anyone can help and sorry if these answers are else but read have searched.



Well-Known Member
Atticnoob said:
Hey all.. Awesome site just a few real noob questions I couldnt find anywhere else.
Hi... No problem... Makes me happy to help someone that tried on their own first...:bigjoint:

Atticnoob said:
1. Does a cool tube HPS light have to be hooked up to a vent or can you just use it without?
If you are not going to hook the cool tube up, don't use it... the glass will steal some light (very little if the glass is clean), and you will get ZERO cooling from it...

The idea behind the cool tube is to isolate and exhaust the heat from the light, without allowing the glass to get hot...

this is how a cool tube set up is supposed to work... (courtesy of Al B. Fuct)

Atticnoob said:
2. Im planning on using a portable aircon in the room to keep temp and humidity consistant. Is there any reason i couldnt and could i take the exhaust of the aircon, which is conveniantly the same size and the cool tube, via the cool tube?
You can... but it is best to keep the cool tube cooled by it's own, dedicated fan...

It is very easy to loose control of the temps, which is the greatest benefit iof a cool tube, if you mix it up with other things..

For example... you need to turn the AC off to keep the room from being too cold... now you have no air blowing across the bulb... that type of thing...

Plus, you would be blowing hot air across the bulb.. defeating the purpose...

Have your exhaust for the grow hooked up to a cooling thermostat...

have a dedicated fan for the cool tube...

the AC can exhaust to the outside... independently, so you can turn everything on or off without interfering with the light and the cool tube...

Atticnoob said:
3. Does ali foil burn the plants or not? Half of everyone reccomends to use it, or just the dull side, and others claim it burns the plants. Has anyone had any personal experiance with this...
Foil is bad for a number of reasons...

It absorbs heat... it is not very effective at reflecting light... and if it has any creases at all, it will reflect distorted, concentrated beams of light that cause hot spots... and burn plants... mylar will do the same thing if it is not stretched to a mirror...

ever play with a shinny object in the sun...? the reflections on the ground..? same deal...

foil is bad....

I like flat white paint.. clean and efficient.. no chance of hot spots... and cheap too...

My tent is made of B&W Panda Film... white being the inside... very reflective...

Atticnoob said:
THanks in advance if anyone can help and sorry if these answers are else but read have searched.

You are welcome...

Your questions were very specific and educated...

It is obvious that you tried to find the info on your own...

You will find that most members will be open to answering your questions... if you keep doing what you are doing...

+Rep for researching first!!!!:bigjoint:

Best of luck, and hit me up if you got anymore questions...


Ps. here is my cool tubed 36" x 20" x 60", 600 watt home made tent...



Active Member
wow awesome answers thanks heaps! Yeh i didn't think that when the aircon is off there wont be blowing air over the light great point! (although obvious it seems now lol) Im prob going way over the top for my first grow but the only room i can use was too hot and everyone is raving on about HPS's although i think i might run the fluro's also till flowering :)

Thanks again for wikid replys. Just starting germination now, will finish romm tomorrow and let you know how it goes. You guys can take 90% credit for it :)


Well-Known Member
hey gypsy whats them herbs growin to the left of yer herb ? you growin some snacks too ?
Oh Yeah...

I got tomato plants... arugula... peppermint... thyme... basil... chives... cilantro... and uh... :leaf: juicy fruit... white widow... 3 other "been around Alaska forever" strains (2 almost pure indicas and 1 50% sativa, of which I am almost ready to harvest a batch of miniatures...

here is week 8 of the minis... the biggest one is 6" tall by 12" wide...:lol:

and here is the bud I am smoking right now...:bigjoint:

Atticnoob said:
wow awesome answers thanks heaps! Yeh i didn't think that when the aircon is off there wont be blowing air over the light great point! (although obvious it seems now lol)
You are very welcome...

Yeah! it's like when I bought my Aerogarden... I had a choice and went for the BLACK one....

Well, I'll tell you now... I should have bought the white one... it reflects light!!!!

So don't feel bad... obvious is very elusive

Atticnoob said:
Im prob going way over the top for my first grow but the only room i can use was too hot and everyone is raving on about HPS's although i think i might run the fluro's also till flowering :)
Ok.. it's late and I will be short... forgive me...

If you are going to keep growing for ten years... you WILL end up with a 600 watt HPS, if not a 1000 watt... guaranteed... if you are serious about it..

Why upgrade eleventeen times?????

especially such an expensive item...????

I wanted a 250... then I thought that the 400 would kick ass... but when I thought about it... I bought the light that will keep me happy for many years to come... prob forever, since I am not a commercial grower...

I have a tent on steroids.. over lighted and over ventilated... combined with good nutes, you got explosive growth...

I bet I will get close to the fleeting 1 gram per watt ratio...

and THAT my friend is where the cat starts to meow...

when you can produce QUALITY at a price that is comparable or better than buying...

Invest now in the right tools, they will pay for themselves in the first grow...

I got about a grand into my tent... saved over $400 bucks by not buying it pre-made....

I will deff get that back... and then some... on the first grow... if I don't fuck up, of

I say 600 watt HPS with a cool tube and a 170 CFM centrifugal fan dedicated to the light...

I keep my 600 watts 10 inches from the plants at 72F...

Atticnoob said:
Thanks again for wikid replys. Just starting germination now, will finish romm tomorrow and let you know how it goes. You guys can take 90% credit for it :)
Your grow.. go with what you know...

I am just saying what works for me...

Best of luck...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Oh Yeah...

I got tomato plants... arugula... peppermint... thyme... basil... chives... cilantro... and uh... :leaf: juicy fruit... white widow... 3 other "been around Alaska forever" strains (2 almost pure indicas and 1 50% sativa, of which I am almost ready to harvest a batch of miniatures...

here is week 8 of the minis... the biggest one is 6" tall by 12" wide...:lol:

and here is the bud I am smoking right now...:bigjoint:
now that is a sight to behold....damn that got my attention for the better half of an hour......:-)

+ rep

just goin for another look...:-)



Well-Known Member
now that is a sight to behold....damn that got my attention for the better half of an hour......:-)

+ rep

just goin for another look...:-)



Check my sig for the link to the "nightstand" my hotel room will never be the same again... hahahaha....

See you over there...

Page 1 is the beginning... flowering starts on page 3 or 4... lots of pics on page 21... tent build starts there too...

Come on by.. shoo the shit with us... bonfire still

