How much does your grow cost!!!

NOTHING is better than sun-grown. For sure.
Humans will never make a light source anything even close to God-given sun.
IF I had a choice, I would be outdoors.

I started growing out doors as a younger version of me in 1975, in the mountains west of a little town by the name of Covelo. I worked for a guy who's dead now, his nickname was Mendo Joe. A VietNam vet, forward recon. Nicest guy you ever met, most dangerous guy in the county ... good thing was, it was up to you which guy you got to deal with. You got to choose.
Started out a mule, schlepping in food, ferts, supplies to the on-site guy.
Finally became the on-site guy for five grows, got raided.
Ended up doing his cloning for him.

Nothing is better tasting than sun-grown. I don't understand why people actually pay more for indoor.
Funny you mention the outside grow comparison as we were just discussing that topic. Lights and Nute manufacturers all say they help mimic outdoor grows, b/c outdoors is magic, but indoor bud is more expensive, WTF?!
Funny you mention the outside grow comparison as we were just discussing that topic. Lights and Nute manufacturers all say they help mimic outdoor grows, b/c outdoors is magic, but indoor bud is more expensive, WTF?!
Maybe because indoor bud may be better due to perfect climates every single day.
I can get better results using the same ferts I use in the vegetable garden as people using AN. There is nothing special about cannabis. It requires the same things as most other plants. I see all these pictures of crappy looking plants from people using these "Cannabis" specific products to know they are not needed. It's all marketing, stoner science and just blatant lies from many of these companies. But feel free to spend as much on one grow that myself and many others spend on dozens of grows.

I don't buy into all the bullshit, youtube infomercials, and all the other "You need this" crap. I've been growing plants of one kind or another for fifty years.

Go take a browse in the marijuana problems section and look at all the fucked up plants people are growing despite using AN or "X" cannabis specific brand and paying ten to twenty times what those in the know do.

Fancy labels and cool sounding names don't grow good cannabis. A good grower that keeps the environment nice and feeds properly with any nutrient will have great success. Newer growers that buy into the marketing nonsense and follow some ridiculous feeding chart that has you using a dozen bottles of unnecessary shit are not growing anything better than me. All their doing is transferring their money to some shysters bank account.

But feel free to spend $100 a grow on nutrients. I'll spend less than that for a couple of years worth of very good grows. Take a look at the labels on these cannabis specific nutrients. Same shit as products that cost a fraction of the price. It all comes down to the elements and AN nitrogen is no better than the bulk calcium nitrate I buy for dirt cheap just like all those fancy bloom boosters and such are made with the same MKP, potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, etc... that I buy in bulk as well for pennies of what it costs to buy AN overpriced nutes. Plant science is real. Cannabis specific marketing is crap.
This is the same as the gold rush. The guys selling shovels, picks and pans were who made bank. Lights, pots, soils, ferts, trimmers and dryers is where the dope money is being made.
I drunk most nights for some time at a pub that had 24 hr strippers (proper ones not only to the G string fake strippers). You soon dont even notice them unless its a new girl and even then its not for long.

Here in Portland we have the full nude dancers. No pasties, g-strings, etc... And they'll bend over naked an inch from your face. Not mine of course. I don't go anywhere near those sleazy dives but back in my younger days I got drug into more than one when out with friends.
Here in Portland we have the full nude dancers. No pasties, g-strings, etc... And they'll bend over naked an inch from your face. Not mine of course. I don't go anywhere near those sleazy dives but back in my younger days I got drug into more than one when out with friends.
One man's sleazy dive is another man's treasure. Or the saying is something like that.
This is the same as the gold rush. The guys selling shovels, picks and pans were who made bank. Lights, pots, soils, ferts, trimmers and dryers is where the dope money is being made.

Exactly! But don't forget the guys selling seeds for $20 a pop for some pollen chuck they made. Call yourself Bob's Bitchin Breeder, make a website, use the same pollen chuck and call it seven or eight different strains, and watch the money roll in. So what if what the customer grows doesn't resemble the picture or description of what you're selling. They'll just call it one of a dozen different phenos. Now that's real breeding :bigjoint:

And anyone can buy bulk LED's from China, rig up some lights, and sell them on Amazon for ten times what it cost them to make. Also, don't forget mixing some magnesium sulfate with water, putting it in a bottle with a fancy label and name like Bazooka Bam Flower Power and charging $25 a bottle.

That's where the industry is at right now and there are plenty of Marks out there willing to part with their money.

Hold on, I have to fill some orders. Gotta pay for that $180,000 MasterCraft X-Star.

Laughing all the way to the bank :bigjoint:
I drunk most nights for some time at a pub that had 24 hr strippers (proper ones not only to the G string fake strippers). You soon dont even notice them unless its a new girl and even then its not for long.
When I was in the Navy my boss dated a stripper. We hung out at her place of work a lot, and you do get used to the nudity. Got to know several of the other dancers. You would see them shopping for food or taking the kids to school, and if you didn't know what they did for a living, you wouldn't have guessed from seeing them in public.
. . . . . . . . . But don't forget the guys selling seeds for $20 a pop for some pollen chuck they made. Call yourself Bob's Bitchin Breeder, make a website, use the same pollen chuck and call it seven or eight different strains, and watch the money roll in. So what if what the customer grows doesn't resemble the picture or description of what you're selling. They'll just call it one of a dozen different phenos. Now that's real breeding :bigjoint:. . . . . . . . . . . .Laughing all the way to the bank :bigjoint:
Since the hurricane broke all my pine trees, that is my retirement plan. I have 30-40 strains already, with more crosses every year, so no need to double name anything. And I'll be honest about my choices. That 'Epave de Raisin cross was because the Sourwreck male was in the same bed as the Gorille de Raisin female.

I will keep the price down to 5 bucks a seed and only sell to noobs. I already have my company name and logo picked out. Sandhill Seeds. When alright is good enough.
Since the hurricane broke all my pine trees, that is my retirement plan. I have 30-40 strains already, with more crosses every year, so no need to double name anything. And I'll be honest about my choices. That 'Epave de Raisin cross was because the Sourwreck male was in the same bed as the Gorille de Raisin female.

I will keep the price down to 5 bucks a seed and only sell to noobs. I already have my company name and logo picked out. Sandhill Seeds. When alright is good enough.

I'm thinking the same thing but I'm not as nice as you. I'll make them pay $20 a seed. All I need is a cool name and snazzy website and they'll pay. It's easy to think up the name and I've been building websites since the nineties.
Here in Portland we have the full nude dancers. No pasties, g-strings, etc... And they'll bend over naked an inch from your face. Not mine of course. I don't go anywhere near those sleazy dives but back in my younger days I got drug into more than one when out with friends.
I dont mind sleazy....especially sleazy with toys and a pole.
When I was in the Navy my boss dated a stripper. We hung out at her place of work a lot, and you do get used to the nudity. Got to know several of the other dancers. You would see them shopping for food or taking the kids to school, and if you didn't know what they did for a living, you wouldn't have guessed from seeing them in public.
Most of the younger ones were uni students. Easy way to earn some $'s in a short amount of time so as a part time job with mainly night or weekend work it suites. Being a 24hr pub most weekdays it was young mums workin. Just normal people payin the bills.
I dont mind sleazy....especially sleazy with toys and a pole.

I always liked the nice girls and they liked me because I was one of those sleazy Bad Boys their parents told them to stay away from.

And I just realized I posted a bunch of videos on the wrong thread. I meant to post them in the Music thread "What are you listening to".

I'm doing too many things at once. My mind isn't where it should be. That joint I smoked of my PCK + Durbin isn't helping me stay focused. I just want to go off into la la land.
I was within the window to delete so I did.

About those strippers. We got 86'd from the Pink Pearl in Portland back in the late eighties.
I always liked the nice girls and they liked me because I was one of those sleazy Bad Boys their parents told them to stay away from.

And I just realized I posted a bunch of videos on the wrong thread. I meant to post them in the Music thread "What are you listening to".

I'm doing too many things at once. My mind isn't where it should be. That joint I smoked of my PCK + Durbin isn't helping me stay focused. I just want to go off into la la land.
It was cool to see another Paul Di'anno fan exists, anyway. Those first 2 albums were fantastic.
. . . . . .And I just realized I posted a bunch of videos on the wrong thread. I meant to post them in the Music thread "What are you listening to".

I'm doing too many things at once. My mind isn't where it should be. That joint I smoked of my PCK + Durbin isn't helping me stay focused. I just want to go off into la la land.
lol Welcome to my world. I do that about once a week.