First grow, signs of stress, not sure how to proceed


Well-Known Member
did you back off the nutes when you saw the N toxicity? the subsequent yellowing may have been caused by too much nutrients


New Member
did you back off the nutes when you saw the N toxicity? the subsequent yellowing may have been caused by too much nutrients
I don't think it is N toxicity anymore. The tips are not burned and no dark green. I suspect heavy P deficiency since all of them are flowering intensly and I was too light on the nutes while giving a lot of water and light.


New Member
Looks more like phosphorus deficiency to me. Some red drifting into stems, light spots at first and then progressively getting more yellow and brown mottled spots. Also, I see what appears to be some purple tinting of the leaf blades
What is the temperature swing of the tent you are growing in?
Hey thank you for your input. Looks like you were right.
How do you recommend I proceed?


Well-Known Member
I read that P deficiency also bring calcium and/or magnesium deficiency with it?
Do I need to add calmag or is the calcium and magnesium enough, wich is included in the products that I use?
I still have Bloom Nutes and Phosphor Plus.
You need to up the mag/epsom salt and your led light is too intense/too close, its washing out the mag in the top section of your plants


Well-Known Member
I read that P deficiency also bring calcium and/or magnesium deficiency with it?
Do I need to add calmag or is the calcium and magnesium enough, wich is included in the products that I use?
I still have Bloom Nutes and Phosphor Plus.
Not really sure about the nutrients you are using. However I would start feeding them bloom phase nutrients now. Make sure to not over do it though. Have you been feeding them anything for blooming yet? And when you were, were you following the recommended dosage and schedule? And if not what percentage were you using? As they grow bigger they can take in more than they could when they were young.

Sometimes people start light with fertilizer (as they should until they get to know that strain) but dont think to their levels as the plant grows.
If you do increase the phosphorus and potassium, you will after a few days be able to tell if you are having issues with calcium and magnesium. I will try and look into your situation a bit more in the morning.


New Member
So I gave them 4/5 (40ml per 10l of water) of the recommended dosage of the bloom nutes.
I will buy some calmag to have it ready if needed.
I read that P deficiency can also bring a cal/mag deficiency with it, because they are somewhat interdependent.
The pics are from day 43.



New Member
You need to up the mag/epsom salt and your led light is too intense/too close, its washing out the mag in the top section of your plants
How much light can I give them at this stage?
I trying to give them between 600 and 1000 ppfd and they are on a 20/4 cycle.
Can I give them the maximum light if I provide all the nutrients and water they need?


Well-Known Member
So I gave them 4/5 (40ml per 10l of water) of the recommended dosage of the bloom nutes.
I will buy some calmag to have it ready if needed.
I read that P deficiency can also bring a cal/mag deficiency with it, because they are somewhat interdependent.
The pics are from day 43.
Cool. I would have started a little lighter but hopefully they start doing better. And like the person above stated you could give them some Epsom salts too. Or just use a little cal/mag.

Still, I would like to see a picture from further away that shows the whole plant and your light distance. Still need to know the temperature swing too, coldest to hottest temps throughout the day.
We had an issue like this once when we tried out LEDs and in the end we went back to hps. Problem solved.
Sometimes deficiencies can be exacerbated or caused by temps being to hi or too low. And LEDs even though they aren't as hot as hid lights can and do still burn plants. And it can get even worse if you have a deficiency. Have you lifted your lights as the plants grew or did you just let them keep getting closer?
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