Are you kidding me I try to debate you on facts and you pigeon hole my age. Brilliant. You know it's unfair, they wouldn't give us the same IQ test because your too old. Lol
IF I had the time and energy I would go back and copy n paste the last few posts you made. Yesterday you were in rare form.
This is the FIRST ONE that you have not used the word: cuck, suck, cock, several variants of the word 'fuck' towards me. You accuse everyone of being a cho-mo, a rapist, and stupid for not agreeing with you. I am not going to respond to that. I'm better than that.
I have never seen you actually outline what it is you DO believe in ... other than it is the opposite of everyone else.
I have never seen you tell someone that you disagree, and then go on to explain WHY. That's how adults talk. I don't even know your physical age, but your mental and emotional age appears to be about 16. And I don't mean that as an insult, like you did above with your 'too old' comment. It doesn't hurt my feeling, hell, I know I'm too old. I am reminded of it every day. I was 16 at one time, believe it or not, and I lived through it.
Immaturity is something that time usually cures.
But, two things have to happen for time to help you out.
1) Ya gotta live long enough, and
2) You need to open your mind, explore other possibilities, ask questions. Ask lots of questions.
Be willing to change your mind and admit that maybe you were wrong.
This is the longest (maybe the only) response I've ever made to a post of yours.
Lets see how it goes.