Thank you for taking the time to explain a few things.
I’ve been saying for a long time it’s no longer a left/right thing. People are downright radicalized and ignore truth.
Anyways. I’m familiar with the issues you’ve cited and nice to se people see the nuances behind things.
So what’s with the obscenity, violent and vulgar ass dudes in the political section? Are these the Russian trolls you speak of?
The Russian thing I have no clue or real knowledge on. But, it is apparent some insidious source is methodically manipulating the public against each other and their best interests.
I have no real way of knowing, I think this website has always had a pretty healthy combination of propaganda trolls (left and right), and the genius of this years long trolling of our Democracy is that you really can't know if you are a normal person living in a democracy getting catfish'ed.
The scam is very sophisticated, and very personalized. For example,
Kid is playing a video game that has a chat, Russians troll those chats to find kids that they can manipulate, say some loner that after a year or two they have so wrapped up in their little online nazi world that they cannot see strait, and they send them parts of a gun through the mail and ammo from Russia to go out and attack people in America.
There is examples of kids being sexually abused online by this type of cat fishing too.
But it is all the same, it is like the telephone book scams that target vulnerable people who pick up the phone when they spam call to get money sent to them. It is all about numbers, if they hit 300 million people, it is not hard to tease out the 70k or so that you need to sway an election using analytics when they don't have to follow our laws and can just collect data strait off peoples computers due to the viruses that they spam.
The Russians are even now renting accounts to cat fish easier and use them to direct traffic to their misinformation websites like OANN that are just a nice platform for the trolls to push the real propaganda in the comment sections to not pop the particular bubbles they design for people. They do the same to the people who are not going to vote for Trump on the left, for example they are doing for Tulsi Gabbard.
Edit: My advice for people not looking to just troll, use your ignore button. It is usually a dead give away when people can't seem to not troll or use it that they will end up being a troll.