How to flush??

Fish nay like chlorinated water too :-)

In most nursery they use soiless mix. And they don't bother sterilisation. Distilled water us for carnivoreous plants (theuly cannot have tap water or fertilized water. And for equippement sterilization. Not for watering plants. That's what labs do to know exacty what is in the water after they add aditive to be able to compare test...

If you're all that concerne about chlorine then thro a bottle of prime seachem. Destroye chloramine and chlorine instantly. But that's an whole under topic on its own that dosen't really have it place here.
Lol, see the funny thing is I'm not "pissed" one bit. I think it's fucking hilarious. Then you wanna resort to talking about shoving dick up ones ass? Not quite sure what you do in your free time but keep those details to yourself please. Cheers.
u call me a moron and a noob what response do you want after i called you all childish if you really wanna fight with him take it to dms
Here bk78 troll on these houseplant that grow in a 1/2 gallon pot. Sprouted from seed (23/09/2019) and look at the diffrence of top and add two week of vedging as to not topping and flower right away (front) has to not topping and wait 2 week to flower. 50-75% of watering has been done with water coming from under and mild watering from above.

Cute micro grow bro
Im pretty sure neither type is easily filtered or bound out of water by brita, could be wrong :-)
Nah, they're both filtered out. Now completely? I'm not sure, but I know based on taste and smell... it smells and tastes like distilled water from a bottle so it works for me.
u call me a moron and a noob what response do you want after i called you all childish if you really wanna fight with him take it to dms
I understand that, but kids like this need to be called out on their bs. Yes, I agree it needs to be taken to dm's and quite frankly, after this response, I will no longer be commenting back to that kid because I grow bored with it. But the fact is, kids like that are pampered and a lot of what is wrong with the world. They need to learn a bit of respect and somewhere along the line, that wasn't taught to these younger kids. ALSO, I see that I tagged you in that comment where I was referring to "moron" and "noob". I meant to tag that bk kid. My apologies.
sorry dipshit but dyna gro adds chlorine to their nutes.

thanks captain obvious. everybody knows that.
And not once did I ever say chlorine isn't good for your plants. You're taking what I'm saying out of context. I said CHLORAMINE isn't good for your plants. So, next time you wanna run your mouth like some 10 year old, read everything I said as I said it, not twist it in your favor. I said giving your plants tap water containing CHLORAMINE isn't good, not don't give them chlorine. You need to read things a couple times out loud before responding, my friend.
I understand that, but kids like this need to be called out on their bs. Yes, I agree it needs to be taken to dm's and quite frankly, after this response, I will no longer be commenting back to that kid because I grow bored with it. But the fact is, kids like that are pampered and a lot of what is wrong with the world. They need to learn a bit of respect and somewhere along the line, that wasn't taught to these younger kids. ALSO, I see that I tagged you in that comment where I was referring to "moron" and "noob". I meant to tag that bk kid. My apologies.
ah np then bc I was kinda like srsly I did nothing
Cute micro grow bro
Yeah. It's my breeding line. Waiting for the f3 seeds to grow. I don't need to grow more then i need for this. Been offered many time to run grow ups. But i make more doing less work for my gardening employement at the moment. More looking to have my own nursery in the near future. So i stabalize my own strains in my house. But i do inten on poping few 100 seeds and select phenos for f4 seeds. And sending seed to friends in few provinces for testing pheno types variation in environemental diversity. I'm done with growing now i'm breeding.
Fish nay like chlorinated water too :-)
Chlorinated water is very armful to fish. It suffucates them and kill skin cells. I own a saltwater aquarium and that's how i learned all about nitrogen cycle and all the element used combine with beneficial bacteria responsible for the breaking down of these nutrient that are assimilated to plants. Adding tap water will not reduce this cycling process to a armful stage. But doing a water change over 30 % with plain tap water will not only reduce the nitrogen cycle it with kill tge remaining beneficial ir lower it to a toxic level. Called nee tank syndrome. When. Eneficial bacteria are to low to comokete the nitrogen cycle. All living fish and invertebrate will die... And saltwater fish aren't cheap. In water the bacteria used are mainly fir the nitrogene cycle. From amonia to -nitrate-nitrite into plan assimilble nitrogen. Into living soil the biodiversity is wider and almost all element gets broken down by diffrient micro and macro organism... Unlike soiless mix and salt fert that don't rely on mycro organism to bring nutrient to plants. Organic fertilizer needs to be in most part brokent down by the organism living in the irganics soil. Which bring to feed the soil not the plant moto. So by dking a major wash down on your living soil most of that bacterial population is wash whit the watrr along most nutrient thatvwere broken down. This leave you with a soil that needs to rebuilt it's living organism in order to restart the nutrient breakdown and the plant growing in this soil need to rely on stored nutrient till the popuplation bounce back. Sometime a tea brew is used to keep population thriving. If if you don't feed your soil it can take weeks for your population to bounce back. By this time your plant can be very depleted from nutrient... Chlorinated water on top of this mighty run off only adds an extra kick to the process. If you are using coposte or your soil soil mix has compost in it. It has all these beneficial bacteria. And the flush in organuc soil is to get ride of these bacteria has much as possible. And your plant won't care about the nutrient in the soil since it does not have access to it... In hydro or coco or soiless all nutrient remaining in the inorganic soil are still availlable... I don't no if this makes sense to you.. But it dies in the practical world if plant and assimilable nutrient.
First and fourth picture look like female no hair. And 2/3 picture throws me og because shape is rounded and looks like on a bract
And not once did I ever say chlorine isn't good for your plants. You're taking what I'm saying out of context. I said CHLORAMINE isn't good for your plants. So, next time you wanna run your mouth like some 10 year old, read everything I said as I said it, not twist it in your favor. I said giving your plants tap water containing CHLORAMINE isn't good, not don't give them chlorine. You need to read things a couple times out loud before responding, my friend.
you're still here? triggered much?
you replied to me that chlorine and chloramine aren't different. i can quote you if you'd like. and i wasn't even responding to you.
and they aren't remotely similar.
do you think methanol and ethanol aren't different too?
here's something for you to consider:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
here ya go, Elmo. @An1m0ssity

Actually, you're wrong.

Now stand down Junior before I embarrass you even more.
So I mistakenly put "you're wrong"... my bad. Yes, they are SLIGHTLY different, but they're essentially the same shit because you need chlorine and ammonia to make chloramine. The only difference is, chlorine can essentially evaporate from a solution where as chloramine cannot. Still negating the fact that you're taking shit out of context and you're solely focused on something I mistakenly put rather then address the fact that I never once said chlorine is bad for plants, and then sit there like a raging 10 year old and talk about how I have elmo as my avatar, I mean c'mon.. seriously? Also, you were in fact responding to me because you assumed I was saying chlorine is bad for plants, which wasn't the case at all. Here's something for you to consider... maybe focus on what someone is calling you out about rather then taking crap out of context for your own benefit because in all actuality, it's making you look like the idiot here. You're in a corner looking bad by a newb grower so you're resorting to nailing the fact I MISTAKENLY put "you're wrong" and my avatar being elmo. So why don't you sit down, smoke a fucking joint and move on because I'm not going anywhere... junior!
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here ya go, Elmo. @An1m0ssity

Actually, you're wrong.

Now stand down Junior before I embarrass you even more.
To the both of you. Chloramine is the result if adding chlorine and amonia to water. The combining of chlorine to the amonia (in another way urea, or sterilized piss) created chloramine,

And secondly chloride is the natural compound in water that plants absord. Helps control plants desease.. Help plants breath '' stomate '' and photisynthesis. I think it attaches to magnesium butvthat going too far in plant biology
The breakdown of Chlorine into the soil what will turn to chloride. And yes it is and essential micro-element for plants growth. But it will scorch plant in high dose. So he's not wrong there..
Chlorine can be evaporated but not chloramine.
Choramine is no arms to plant but it can make soil or whater acidic and it will decrease bacterial activity good or bad including those that may help with fungi infection.

Almost all elements are are useful to pkants in their right ration. Even vitamins..

Don't go baching people idee with backing your opinion without fact. Otherwise it makes you seem like fool also by those that know the science behind plantology..

Reason i often push my ideas are because its often backed up by science
and just because most people don't talk about these nearow subjet and prefere to tell poeple not to do or use certain technic is because they are most likely to fuck up..
Look at how many people fucks up.

There are those that copy other.
Those that learn master and push the boundries
Both can teach but onky those who pushes the limite will get argued but thos that copies... Keep learning and pushing your limite. There are still many technic and product in this world that needs testing...

So less arguing and more fact backed up by sciense would be a little helpful.
didn't you tell me that if chlorine was so good for plants that I should use pool water??

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Yes, and again you took it out of context. That wasn't meaning that chlorine is bad for plants. I was stating just because tap water has chlorine in it, doesn't mean it's safe to use. Because of the chloramine, it has more then just chlorine in it. It was just a smartass way of telling you how to get your chlorine.
To the both of you. Chloramine is the result if adding chlorine and amonia to water. The combining of chlorine to the amonia (in another way urea, or sterilized piss) created chloramine,

And secondly chloride is the natural compound in water that plants absord. Helps control plants desease.. Help plants breath '' stomate '' and photisynthesis. I think it attaches to magnesium butvthat going too far in plant biology
The breakdown of Chlorine into the soil what will turn to chloride. And yes it is and essential micro-element for plants growth. But it will scorch plant in high dose. So he's not wrong there..
Chlorine can be evaporated but not chloramine.
Choramine is no arms to plant but it can make soil or whater acidic and it will decrease bacterial activity good or bad including those that may help with fungi infection.

Almost all elements are are useful to pkants in their right ration. Even vitamins..

Don't go baching people idee with backing your opinion without fact. Otherwise it makes you seem like fool also by those that know the science behind plantology..

Reason i often push my ideas are because its often backed up by science
and just because most people don't talk about these nearow subjet and prefere to tell poeple not to do or use certain technic is because they are most likely to fuck up..
Look at how many people fucks up.

There are those that copy other.
Those that learn master and push the boundries
Both can teach but onky those who pushes the limite will get argued but thos that copies... Keep learning and pushing your limite. There are still many technic and product in this world that needs testing...

So less arguing and more fact backed up by sciense would be a little helpful.
Dude tbh, this whole thing started because I was sticking up for you against that bk dude and other people wanted to chime in so...