DIY aero cloner

I use one that the collars go into holes on the lid without a pot, you have to squeeze them a bit to get them in and if you are not careful your finger can slip taking them out.

Which weather stripping did you find that worked?
Which weather stripping did you find that worked?
So dont mind my roots... I lost a ballast in the veg tent and dont want to transplant until that gets in in the next couple days so cloner is a veg box right now lol.

I used this and doubled it up and it worked perfect. I was trying to find 1/2"x1/2" but this was the biggest the had.

Thats pretty smart. I like it.
With the collars I use and the lid having those grooves like it does, it vents mine pretty well without water getting out.
Last version the holes were centered in the squares and they sit flush against the plastic, it got a lot hotter in the box.

It took me 3 tries with different weather stripping to find one that worked with 0 leaks

and the slipping on the collars does not make sense to me?
I pick the whole thing up out of the hole and push the neoprene insert up out of the net pot from the bottom.
I get what he means, built have never killed one like that myself. But honestly, to rid the whole equation of collars to begin with is a win in my book. I just might implement this. I'm always tripping about the collars getting too wet.
Alright everyone tell me what you think. I just finished it. The inserts are closed cell foam and they don’t absorb any water. It all beads up and falls off right away. I have the pump turned all the way down. It sprays a little too crazy on full power. The weather stripping on the lid was definitely necessary, and I’m glad someone told me to do that. Got 20 sites in the lid. It was an excuse to buy a really badass new hole saw set. The only thing I can think of is that I might want to add a few more sprayers. I have a shitload of them.

Cool. I’ll turn the pump up then when it comes time to run it. I mostly turned it down so I could take a pic without it spraying my phone.

What I will say for sure is that this was a LOT cheaper than buying a 20 site aero cloner.
See this is why I told you to downsize the pump. That manifolds awfully high up... And If you use 3/4, re do it in 1/2"
Nah that’s half inch pipe. The only way I could secure the PVC onto the pump was with a rubber boot. I didn’t want any glue in this thing at all. I could drop the pipes down more by turning the pump on its side. That’s no big thing. Just another elbow. I’ve been dropping so much money on lighting lately I wanted this to be super cheap, and I think I’m at about 40 bucks all in with this thing so far.
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Made a bit of a mess to show mine on.
All that really matters is wet and not too hot. 15 on 15 off keeps my temps stable with my cheap amazon "550gph"
Mine had threaded fittings and I was able to find a pvc coupler thing that screwed into the pump, the top part is just press fit into that. Only a few pieces are actually glued on mine.
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Exactly. Some people glue them in place, others take them out and wash them.

Really wish i had seen this back when i built mine, very smart idea.

Fucking A that's clever

no doubt, i love it. too bad my cooler cloner is already drilled out for 2" collars or id borrow this idea for sure.
Really wish i had seen this back when i built mine, very smart idea.

no doubt, i love it. too bad my cooler cloner is already drilled out for 2" collars or id borrow this idea for sure.
Unless im missing something, how do you get your clones out of those tubes when the roots branch out?
This is why I r ecco mended using 1/2" black vinyl tubing. It will adapt to go on to almost any pump you use via the barbed fittings
Thanks for all the help with this. Last night I ordered a pint of dyna grow kln, a quart of true plant science silica gold (I fucking love their products so decided to get their silica for the cloner), and a pint of southern ag fungicide. It’s gonna be a few weeks yet before anything is actually ready to cut, but I’m excited to get this thing all fired up. The only thing I still need is a 15 minute interval timer but those are dirt cheap at Lowe’s.
This simple DWC cloner cost me 10 bucks to build. Results speak for themselves. You don't really need any fancy equipment for rooting clones with 100% success rate. Light bloom feed and a few drops of chlorine is what I use.