Elizabeth Warren


Well-Known Member
I'm bisexual, I've sucked a dick or two before. Don't be so upset. You've sucked a cock right? Admit it.

I was making fun of you using 'sucks' as a derogatory term. Because that originated as a way to say someone was a cocksucker, and you're a homosexual.

So saying Bernie sucks, and me responding to a man that literally sucks is very funny.
Wow don’t throw your arm out grasping for straws nazi boi


Well-Known Member
I prefer Warren over Biden. Haven't given much thought to Bootygig because he's just a mayor of a small town. I want somebody with more experience. Sanders sucks and won't get my vote in the primary. I'd vote for any of them in the general election.

I gave your videos a listen. In that goddamn first useless video, in his statement about picking a VP, Biden did NOT say he would pick a Republican as a VP running mate. Too funny that you couldn't hear the sarcasm in his statement. You guys are hopeless.

Now then. About those plasma beings. I want to hear about plasma beings.


Well-Known Member
Again, I don't sanction a government using the military to start a race war. I'm far more anarchistic than you, but you tend to assume things and accuse others without adequate evidence. Me as an individual killing someone who cares ews my race as a plague, or the people who accuse us of reducing the whiteness of Western countries should be confronted, and if violence is necessary, I as an independent individual have a right to defend myself against genocidal psychopaths.

I've done more Antifascists outreach in Brooklyn and queens than you have wasting your life away on this website fighting anonymous people.


Well-Known Member
Prove it.
How should I?, give me a way that doesn't give away my identity and I'll try. I can literally walk into any one of 15 lubavitch/chabad synagogues who's rebbis i've met at least once. I stopped being religious in my early teens but I still have connections and family here. I'll be in Monsey later tonight. FYI, ultra orthodox Jews don't like smartphones and people taking their pictures, so I won't do that to get others identities on RIU w/o their consent.


Well-Known Member
Honestly the only one I’ve seen screw up this extremely easy grift worse than you have is @eddy600

mans he kinda comes off as retarded whereas you strike me as the militant nazi type
Yea, you're calling a Jew a Nazi. This isn't half as bad as me calling you a homosexual(accurate).


Well-Known Member
Again, I don't sanction a government using the military to start a race war. I'm far more anarchistic than you, but you tend to assume things and accuse others without adequate evidence. Me as an individual killing someone who cares ews my race as a plague, or the people who accuse us of reducing the whiteness of Western countries should be confronted, and if violence is necessary, I as an independent individual have a right to defend myself against genocidal psychopaths.

I've done more Antifascists outreach in Brooklyn and queens than you have wasting your life away on this website fighting anonymous people.
there goes that nazi uniform showing again with the race wars nonsense

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
and none of them “hereby ordered” privately owned American businesses to stop doing business with China, which is the exact definition of the communism you’re constantly crying about
Very ironical, Comrade Poopy Pants...

EVERY politician that you like supports ordering private individuals "to hereby do business" with their gang though don't they?


Well-Known Member
Very ironical, Comrade Poopy Pants...

EVERY politician that you like supports ordering private individuals "to hereby do business" with their gang though don't they?
No one is forced to open a business you impotent racist pedo


Well-Known Member
there goes that nazi uniform showing again with the race wars nonsense
I pay attention to Nazis because that's the best way to infiltrate their forums and understand them. You know how this works right? Reading stormfront, vdare, GAB or any other neo fascist/crypto fascist community offers valuable information about their meetups, and Antifascists like myself can then notify the businesses where they frequent and boycott them or protest in solidarity with those they intend to harm. This is Antifascists tactics 101, infiltrate, identify, accumulate evidence and then counter attack. Your accusation is more of an indictment of your own mental neuroses than anything on my end. If you start killing racist whites in droves, it makes them even more radical, the smartest way to de-radicalize people is to understand their language, counter their narratives and offer outreach. I've learned much of this from other Antifascists including christian picciolini(an ex-neo-nazi).

These people are waiting for a moment to have a violent uprising, and they're stockpiling weapons for this purpose. This isn't some fucking joke, people will die, synagogues are being shot up, but you have no dog in this fight, you don't have to visit your family members who are afraid of a violent race war, because your a keyboard warrior.

You're an absolute fucking coward who would rather attempt to discredit someone than deal with the facts of the matter.

Thousands showed up in Charlottesville, these were young children radicalized by an ethno-fascist ideology, you're not going to quash that by killing them. If anything you will spurt more people to act violently.


Well-Known Member
I pay attention to Nazis because that's the best way to infiltrate their forums and understand them. You know how this works right? Reading stormfront, vdare, GAB or any other neo fascist/crypto fascist community offers valuable information about their meetups, and Antifascists like myself can then notify the businesses where they frequent and boycott them or protest in solidarity with those they intend to harm. This is Antifascists tactics 101, infiltrate, identify, accumulate evidence and then counter attack. Your accusation is more of an indictment of your own mental neuroses than anything on my end. If you start killing racist whites in droves, it makes them even more radical, the smartest way to de-radicalize people is to understand their language, counter their narratives and offer outreach. I've learned much of this from other Antifascists including christian picciolini(an ex-neo-nazi).

These people are waiting for a moment to have a violent uprising, and they're stockpiling weapons for this purpose. This isn't some fucking joke, people will die, synagogues are being shot up, but you have no dog in this fight, you don't have to visit your family members who are afraid of a violent race war, because your a keyboard warrior.
You are aware that your posts comparing anti fascists to nazis still exist, right?

you are so fucking bad at this


Well-Known Member
You are aware that your posts comparing anti fascists to nazis still exist, right?

you are so fucking bad at this
Some do, yes some Antifascists are about as dumb as a doorknob, I'd consider you one of them. The fact I've just admitted this, in annillegal state like NY makes me more likely to be surveiled by the government.

If you've been to enough Antifascists meetups, you'll know what I mean.

Cops show up dressed like one of us, they do the same thing we do to infiltrate fascist get-togethers. AND YES I wouldn't call myself 'antifa' I am a Democratic Socialist Jew, like Bernie Sanders. I would happily take part in rallies in solidarity with the people being targeted, but don't expect me to cover for 'antifa'(usually paid opposition aka pigs) smashing Starbucks windows or private businesses.

I see identitarians/alt-right/identity evropa/groypers/fascists as a hivemind, generally mentally ill people consumed by hatrednfor others who are different simply because their lot in line for is being challenged by different ethnic groups taking part in a multi-ethic society.
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Well-Known Member
I pay attention to Nazis because that's the best way to infiltrate their forums and understand them. You know how this works right? Reading stormfront, vdare, GAB or any other neo fascist/crypto fascist community offers valuable information about their meetups, and Antifascists like myself can then notify the businesses where they frequent and boycott them or protest in solidarity with those they intend to harm. This is Antifascists tactics 101, infiltrate, identify, accumulate evidence and then counter attack. Your accusation is more of an indictment of your own mental neuroses than anything on my end. If you start killing racist whites in droves, it makes them even more radical, the smartest way to de-radicalize people is to understand their language, counter their narratives and offer outreach. I've learned much of this from other Antifascists including christian picciolini(an ex-neo-nazi).

These people are waiting for a moment to have a violent uprising, and they're stockpiling weapons for this purpose. This isn't some fucking joke, people will die, synagogues are being shot up, but you have no dog in this fight, you don't have to visit your family members who are afraid of a violent race war, because your a keyboard warrior.

You're an absolute fucking coward who would rather attempt to discredit someone than deal with the facts of the matter.

Thousands showed up in Charlottesville, these were young children radicalized by an ethno-fascist ideology, you're not going to quash that by killing them. If anything you will spurt more people to act violently.
You showed up, posted some lies and then are angry that people don't trust or take you seriously.

Now then,

Plasma beings. I want to learn about plasma beings.


Well-Known Member
No, that is not what you were saying nazi boi

you are so incredibly bad at this
Again, you're calling a Jew a nazi, you have no argument, just ad-hominem.

It's ok, though because I called you a homosexual once, and I made fun of the more reckless members of the left who do nothing but provide centrists like yourself and the far right ammunition against real counter fascist sentiment.