Aussie Growers Thread

If only the bank would give me a 10m line I would get into real estate buso

im not saying im loaded, i not really, as i spent all me doe on 6 boats, when i was earning ok dollars, then one day thought ferk better fuck off the boats get a house, (i was about 25 then) made the banks rich for about 8 years, paying f all off me loan, but over 125k in interest as a young bloke

spose if you aint from a rich familly thats normal practice for most people being slave to the banks

then thought ferk this, fucked off the house /banks and moved to the outskirts,

start growing weed, simple plan but works

i do quack on a good offshore 6m tinny tho ,,,,,,,,,, just about snap my neck each time i go past a boat yard

nothing like you and a mate pulling in a monster from the deep
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If u wanna be rich just get into selling houses or renting em out or banking. Assets I got none lol
I was Real Estate agent for awhile and had a couple rentals a decade or so ago but sold everything when i semi retired. I earnt more money selling Motorbikes than Real Estate, was more fun to.
But yep, good $ in investment properties. I liked the positively geared ones.
You sound like a dole bludger
just sick of feathering other cunts nests

i only put feathers in my own nest now,

fk every other cunt they gonna give you shit anyway,

work for your self or be like a bitch that rolls over, to the boss, that my view

cant change it nutzy
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if youve been arround nutzy, then you'll know im right

how many times you worked your ass off to make profit for, some lazy rich cunts, pointing their fingers about

only to get paid just enough to get by with after taxes, n bills r paid

then the gov. starts taking away the penalty rates wtf,

wages havent risen in decades, yet power water, fuel , taxes have all risen

all right reading it back i do sound a bit like a dole bludger,

but its more like i got a grudge with a few rich cunts that i used to work for
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one so called rich fuck,

an italian gold chain wearing cunt, still ows me almost 9 grand,,

so one of his work utes wont be coming back till i get it

and hes better (if ya wait long enough) than the other rich aussie fwits i used to work for
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I've only worked big company's n
if youve been arround nutzy, then you'll know im right

how many times you worked your ass off to make profit for, some lazy rich cunts, pointing their fingers about

only to get paid just enough to get by with after taxes, n bills r paid

then the gov. starts taking away the penalty rates wtf,

wages havent risen in decades, yet power water, fuel , taxes have all risen

all right reading it back i do sound a bit like a dole bludger,

but its more like i got a grudge with a few rich cunts that i used to work for
I've never ever worked for a company that has control over me to the point they owe me money
Big corp company's yeah sure they got rich cunts on there board of directors bit at the same time these guys aren't in the habit of owing money cos they got to much of it
Working for a guy who has his own biz and struggles himself or is a tight arse rip off cunt (as in your previous bosses)
There's bound to be shit go down with u gotta sort or wait for
Fuck that the mines set me up and I've slowed down now albeit a similar industry ..I could never work for that cunt who owns his own biz with you and one or two other lads He rips off