Compound HQ's Grows

It’s been a week since we transplanted these from solo cups that came out of the cloner on 12/23 as you can see by the stock numbers on the labels. I’m really happy with the explosive growth over the past week. Most are 12-14 inches tall, and making tighter internodes since we moved them into the main room. It’s about time to get out there and start topping. 2ADCFC5C-B87E-40B2-8A01-CAB7329F28DC.jpegAEB39F55-CA20-412F-B724-F28CBAA557B6.jpeg
Not a whole lot to report this week, ending week 3 of veg, and got the inventory topped. The cool weather has been nice on the electric bill, we are only using the intake and evap cooler to keep the temps in the mid 70’s. Humidity is always a struggle this time of year due to the dry winter air, but the evap cooler and spraying down the trays a few times a day helps a lot. When they get a little bigger, they will make their own humidity. I don’t think I have ran the AC in a week or so. 76C1E95D-5BF3-42EF-959F-39639B163D4D.jpegB05584E6-409C-459A-8EE3-808AC6B49B3F.jpeg7CC0869A-47F3-438F-93A0-F5AF4E60E6B0.jpeg
Beautiful set up!
I’m curious do you walk around with a hose and wand to water? Also do you just let the water run off into that tray and evaporate or does it drain into a basin that you sump out?

We have a 55 gallon mix tank and pump. We use one of those shrinking hoses to keep things tidy. When we water, the trays have a 2 inch drop from one end to the other, so all the runoff goes to a catch tray on the end. If there is a lot of runoff, we use a ShopVac (pump series), it pumps water to a connector in the sink. We just set the hose in the catch tray and keep watering. DCD4E2D5-CEE3-4751-86B9-8AE33E96C185.jpeg601080D7-2818-4284-8FFF-9470674FF9F4.jpeg
We have a 55 gallon mix tank and pump. We use one of those shrinking hoses to keep things tidy. When we water, the trays have a 2 inch drop from one end to the other, so all the runoff goes to a catch tray on the end. If there is a lot of runoff, we use a ShopVac (pump series), it pumps water to a connector in the sink. We just set the hose in the catch tray and keep watering. View attachment 4461562View attachment 4461563
Those two consumer grade (?) dehueys handle that whole room? That's nice. How many pint each?
I didn't know there was a "pump series" of shop vac. So it's like the dehueys that have a built in pump then? Cool.
Are those HLG550 V2's?
Is that a Hyperfan in the wall? Just curious.

Looks real nice, organized and well planned.
Thanks man!, the dehueys are 4000 sq ft each rated. They run 24/7 and drain into the sink. Not right now though, but as we go into flower, they’ll be running all the time at 140 pints a day. I didn’t know there was a pump series shop vac either!! I was about to engineer a pump to my other vac until I ran across this. I leave the pump out hose connected to the sink all the time. ... and yes, those are HLG 550 V2’s. Love em!.. and yes, a 10 inch HyperFan is pumping in cold air with a timer lights on/off. Saves me having to run the AC.
We have a 55 gallon mix tank and pump. We use one of those shrinking hoses to keep things tidy. When we water, the trays have a 2 inch drop from one end to the other, so all the runoff goes to a catch tray on the end. If there is a lot of runoff, we use a ShopVac (pump series), it pumps water to a connector in the sink. We just set the hose in the catch tray and keep watering. View attachment 4461562View attachment 4461563

thank you for the response and additional pictures!
Just wow..! sick setup dude.. I would flip those dehu's around so the suction side is facing the wall, they will be more efficient. Also be careful with that shrinky dink hose they can bust open under pressure non stop. I don't think they're made to hold pressure I had left one outside this summer filled with a shutoff on the end and it blew one night.

Other than that I have nothing.. great fucking work!
Just wow..! sick setup dude.. I would flip those dehu's around so the suction side is facing the wall, they will be more efficient. Also be careful with that shrinky dink hose they can bust open under pressure non stop. I don't think they're made to hold pressure I had left one outside this summer filled with a shutoff on the end and it blew one night.

Other than that I have nothing.. great fucking work!
Good call on the hose. I duno what "brand" it is or the build quality, but generally those style are a little iffy.
I don't think @DoubleAtotheRON is leaving them pressurized though. Only during watering are they pressurized, and then the water is turned off. So at least ol' Turd Furg will be there if/when it bursts.
Just wow..! sick setup dude.. I would flip those dehu's around so the suction side is facing the wall, they will be more efficient. Also be careful with that shrinky dink hose they can bust open under pressure non stop. I don't think they're made to hold pressure I had left one outside this summer filled with a shutoff on the end and it blew one night.

Other than that I have nothing.. great fucking work!

Interesting. Why do you say the dehuyes would be more efficient swapped? I think the only reason I set them that way was because it fit best for the continuous drain to the sink. On the hose, those shrinking ones work great for saving space. We do use fresh ones ever other grow, and as you can see in the pic, I have set up a Y valve to take a lot of pressure off of the hose. The left side goes to a recirculating hose to the tank to keep things stirred up, and the right side goes to the hose. We can manipulate pressure to either side. And thanks man!, we’ve worked hard to make this a good workable space. 50B3CA2C-6BFA-4397-8740-B5C97E9C7FFA.jpeg
And that hose is only pressurized during watering. I’d say we operate it at less than half of rated pressure because that soil will only soak it up at a certain rate anyways. I have seen one swell and pop that was outside all year exposed to the elements. We have protocol if it does burst,,,, kink the shit out of it till you can get to the sink or pump switch. Lol!