
The SIX PACK was kick ass but everyone started using the premixed because they couldn't be bothered mixing it up...themselves. Its still the best if you ask me but we are not to allowed to buy large amounts of ammonium nitrate.. lol
We used to go up to orenda drive and pick everything up with the farmers.Then they made it so you had to have a license PPPHHHTTT
hmmm 6 pack
potassium sulfate....potassium nitrate.... mono potassium phosphate... mag sulfate (epsom salts) and calcium nitrate.... oh and trace elements....
hmmm 6 pack
potassium sulfate....potassium nitrate.... mono potassium phosphate... mag sulfate (epsom salts) and calcium nitrate.... oh and trace elements....

Hardest part to get is potassium nitrate, have to get a permit from gov to sell and have to take and retain personal info for when gov requests it. Also since legalization they've came to my shop to see how I store the restricted chemicals since I have the permit.
This has to be the least surprising thing I've heard in a while.

Will see, I don't have the space to set it up at home and land lord is ok guy but not weed friendly but because how cheap my lease is if I had to move I'd be paying $3400 for same place and probnably not find a place/landlord that is so animal friendly. Will try with the shop again soon lol
Will see, I don't have the space to set it up at home and land lord is ok guy but not weed friendly but because how cheap my lease is if I had to move I'd be paying $3400 for same place and probnably not find a place/landlord that is so animal friendly. Will try with the shop again soon lol
I'm just missing who "Strata" is?
Hardest part to get is potassium nitrate, have to get a permit from gov to sell and have to take and retain personal info for when gov requests it. Also since legalization they've came to my shop to see how I store the restricted chemicals since I have the permit.
Thanks a lot to Timothy McVeigh for that one.
hmmm 6 pack
potassium sulfate....potassium nitrate.... mono potassium phosphate... mag sulfate (epsom salts) and calcium nitrate.... oh and trace elements....
potassium nitrate my bad:D its been quite a while since using it lol like35 years :shock:
that and diesel fuel,,, among other things mixed with it can go boom..but you are allowed to buy it in the form of the six pack .. :)
There is a planted aquarium web store from Manitoba I believe that sells and ships K.NO3 all over Canada. You have to email in some ID.

Pure salts not ag grade.
There is a planted aquarium web store from Manitoba I believe that sells and ships K.NO3 all over Canada. You have to email in some ID.

Pure salts not ag grade.

I sell it but have to retain ID. Same with 35% peroxide. Not the grade I just get it from my agri supplier. Would have to check the label.
Some of the Ag stuff is only required to be 70% purity (I think I have the right number, memory). That’s why the pure salts are such a big deal for planted fish tanks. The fluorite rocks that some phosphate is extracted from are extremely toxic.

Not many play with making their own nutrient solutions anyways but there are advantages. There are online calculators for it.

I’ve got some calcium nitrate prill from an unrelated project definitely going to try a recipe or two with it. Much more gentle on microbes than k.no3. Dissolves instantly and balances at pH 6. Is Ag grade but very pure. Couldn’t believe the price on 25 kg sacks.

Any veggies and herbs I grow are cheapskate organic with fish water. It works well. I add minerals (hardwood ash and dolomite) to the rain or RO water, put in fish tank, then put on the plants. Last summer I had a 400 gallon tropical fish pond set up to water the gardens full of cichlids, live bearers, giant danios, etc.
Talked with plant-prod company (u see their products in box stores too) out of leamington.. home of the can see the MJ light pollution from space...they have distribution throughout canada..they have a product 6-11-31 hydroponic..similar to jacks i think... need cal-nit and Epsom like the 3-2-1. 15kg bag was $76. Plantprod61131.jpg
I have a giant sack of the latest version in Canada. It has a version 2 label but we swear its version 3.
I use it in veg on hand water should last me the rest of my natural life.
I am switching to something else full cycle. Other products remain constistant in formula over time...This ever changing do we know what we have etc...
I went back to a 3 part for all water systems and everything is growing better with less crap in the res.
I love the value but i want consistency.

I will try a bubble bucket full cycle to see. I have 20 pounds left to use :D
FYI. From a GLN rep.....

"we are doing 1 more change in about 3-6 months, and planning to make it pure powder. This seems to be a much bigger issue that a lot of indoor smaller growers were complaining about (mixture of balls and powder and perception of getting uneven mixture). So with pure powder formula you can use extremely small doses and not have to worry about uneven mixture."

I went to Jacks because of all the formula jackery.
FYI. From a GLN rep.....

"we are doing 1 more change in about 3-6 months, and planning to make it pure powder. This seems to be a much bigger issue that a lot of indoor smaller growers were complaining about (mixture of balls and powder and perception of getting uneven mixture). So with pure powder formula you can use extremely small doses and not have to worry about uneven mixture."

I went to Jacks because of all the formula jackery.

Similar to what Advanced were doing. Constantly changing shit and labels. Only thing with MC is you have to get a skid to get the price down quite a bit.
FYI. From a GLN rep.....

"we are doing 1 more change in about 3-6 months, and planning to make it pure powder. This seems to be a much bigger issue that a lot of indoor smaller growers were complaining about (mixture of balls and powder and perception of getting uneven mixture). So with pure powder formula you can use extremely small doses and not have to worry about uneven mixture."

I went to Jacks because of all the formula jackery.
If it aint broke don't fix it