Third Grow: Skywalker, OG, and Powerskunk


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hope you like my grow journal, it will be my first serious one and I want it to be as educational as possible for me and you, enjoy.:bigjoint:

Initial Story: (started 10/23)

This going to be my third grow now but plan on and I am using aeroponics for everything except for the 4 initial mothers, which were in soil. After getting everything in order with my grow room (since I just moved), I took 24 clones and put them in an aeroponic cloner that I built. Since the moms were too big to keep I just took another 6 clones for new moms and put them in the other aeroponic cloner that I built.

This time around I plan on dominately growing the skywalker, mostly just because I'm eager to see how it turns out.

So the 24 clones I took consisted of:
15 Skywalker + 2 extra just in case*
3 Og + 1 extra*
2 Powerskunk + 1 extra*

*I only plan on growing 20 plants at a time but felt that I should definitely take some extras in case any of them should die.

Next time I plan on growing dominately Og so the clones I took for the new mother's consisted of: 3 Og's, 2 Skywalker, and 1 Powerskunk. The clones I took for the new mother plants are much larger than the original 24. I wanted them to have a good head start in size since I am going to need another set of clones in about 5 weeks.

Up and rolling:

Presently its been four days since I cut the first 24 clones and 6 mother clones and they are doing very well. Here are a few stats as to what I will be doing and whats going on:

Nutrients - I plan on using the House and Garden Van de Zwaan nutrient line because its basically designed for aeroponics and hydrogardens (meaning that it won't clog anything). They have a lot of products that other companies just don't have, and im pretty sure that's a fact. It's pretty cool because for a long time only the owner had the rights to sell it and just until recently has it really been out. A lot of people are really stoked on this stuff cause it works, plain and simple, and I can't wait to try it out. Here's the website if anyone is interested They also have an AWESOME nutrient calculator House and Garden Van De Zwaan , probably the best I've ever seen allowing you to see your entire grow schedule from start to finish. I'm going to try and keep the PH around 5.8 for most of the grow and bring it up possibly a little near the end. During these first 3 weeks I'm going to only use H&G's Roots Excelurator. Once I start the veg cycle I'm going to start using the H&G's two part nutrient system called Aqua Flakes and then an additive called Multi Zyme. Then for flowering I plan on using those same nutrients while adding H&G's Bud XL, Top Booster, and shooting powder. I also plan on using Botanicare's Sweet as well as Cal-mag near the end when the plants start to yellow. Finally at the end for flushing I plan to use just plain water with Clearex.

Systems - As I said before I'm using all aeroponics now and have three systems running at the moment. I use ez-clone sprayers for everything because of their durability and 350-400gph pumps for all systems. The first two systems are aeroponic cloners made out of two 25gl Rubbermaid Ruffneck containers, one pump, pvc piping, and ez-clone sprayers. One of the systems has the 24 clones in 1.5 inch neoprene sleeves and 2 inch net pots, and then the other system has the 6 new moms in 1 inch rockwool cubes and hydroton rocks in 3.75 inch net pots. The flowering system consists of two square tubes, one pump, a pvc frame, pvc piping and one 25gl resevoir, which is also a Rubbermaid Ruffneck container. I use cycle timers for all my systems which allows you to set it for a designated ON time and then a designated OFF time that it follows and repeats. I have the pump timer for the cloner with 24 clones set to 1 minute on and then 60 minutes off. As the clones begin to pop roots I will begin to lower the off time to smaller intervals like 30 minutes, then 10 minutes, and so on as the plants begin to use more water. The best reason to use a timer like this is to control your watering as best as possible. Over watering and root rot is a typical thing if you are not careful with aeroponics (which is funny because aeroponics is all about allowing your roots to get as much AIR as possible, not water). The pump timer for the flowering system I plan to run around 1 minute on and 5 minutes off, by then the roots should be drinking lots of water and this should be a good ratio. Just always keep in mind that you want your roots to be dominately getting oxygen, not water (but at the same time just be sure to not allow your roots to ever dry out). Lastly, the pump timer for the other cloner that has the new moms in it is set to 1 minute on and 8 hours off because of the fact that the hydroton rocks hold mouisture really well and don't need to be watered much. If I had infinite supplies I would have forgot the hydroton rocks and rockwool all together but since the mom's are going to get way bigger than the other clones are I wanted them to have a good base when they start getting heavy.

Lighting - For lighting I use a few different things from start to finish. I'm using two 150 watt flourescent lights for all the clones right now until they have somewhat of a root system. After that I'm going to switch to a 400 watt metal halide system until the end of the veg cycle. Once flowering starts I'm going to use two 1000 watt HPS systems. The reflectors for the 1000 watt lights are able to be air cooled so that the temps never get too high. I plan on using a 440cfm fan and 6 inch ducting with these, which should keep the heat well regulated. I hope to keep the temperature around 75 degrees, I have a air conditioning but If that isn't enough I have a 800 watt Koldfront portable air conditioner just in case (cooling ranges from 80 to 62 degrees).

Program - I plan on letting the clones set and grow roots for 3 weeks, then a 2 week vegetative cycle, followed by an 8 to 9 week flowering cycle. I'm going to pretty much follow the nutrient calculator/calender that H&G provides for the grow. Here's the link again: House and Garden Van De Zwaan. I'm going to make a log entry to this journal everytime I do something or there is a change in whats going on. The logs should include as much information as I can include without repeating myself and also feel free to ask questions/leave feedback or criticism (I can take it, just no bullshit please keep it grow related).

Well this should just about do it for the intro, I hope to have pictures of the setup soon and I hope you have enjoyed reading thus far.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, heres some information I have on each of the strains I'm growing right now.

Skywalker: Blueberry x Mazar (100% indica)
Maturation: 9 weeks
Yield: 1-1.5 ounces per plant for my setup
Height: Small (24-36 inches) after 2 week veg and 9 week flowering
THC content: 12%

Og(original ganster): Chemdawg x Afghani kush hybrid (80% sativa, 20% indica)
Maturation: 8 weeks
Yield: 1 ounce per plant for my setup
Height: Medium (36 inches+) after 2 week veg and 8 week flowering
THC content: 16%

Powerskunk: Skunk #1 x Power plant x Northern lights hybrid (%'s unknown)
Maturation: 8 weeks
Yield: 1-2 ounces per plant for my setup
Height: Tall (36-48 inches) after 2 week veg and 8 week flowering

Should have pictures of everything uploaded on friday, thats when I will have the cable that goes to my camera.


stays relevant.
Skywalker is probably the most amazing strain available. Did you grow this from seed, or were you able to find a clone somewhere? I've been trying to get my hands on a clone version here in SoCal but no luck so far...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I really wish I was able to get a clone but this strain is really hard to find so I had to get seeds from good ol' Amsterdamn. Got them feminized, which I have heard a lot of criticisms about but thought I'd try anyways. Under the wrong conditions feminized seeds turn into hermaphradites I guess but I'd didn't have any problems at all. I had a pack of 5 seeds, germinated 2, after they popped I put them in 1/2 gallon pots and after 5 weeks they showed signs of preflowering and luckily they were both females no hermaphradite problems. I actually used to live in so cal and yeah I get what you mean when you say its hard to find a skywalker clone, let alone any real good clone considering for the most part you don't usually know where it came from. After getting these seeds from amsterdamn and seeing how strong they were, I'm really really satisfied with the results.


stays relevant.
Yeah I really wish I was able to get a clone but this strain is really hard to find so I had to get seeds from good ol' Amsterdamn. Got them feminized, which I have heard a lot of criticisms about but thought I'd try anyways. Under the wrong conditions feminized seeds turn into hermaphradites I guess but I'd didn't have any problems at all. I had a pack of 5 seeds, germinated 2, after they popped I put them in 1/2 gallon pots and after 5 weeks they showed signs of preflowering and luckily they were both females no hermaphradite problems. I actually used to live in so cal and yeah I get what you mean when you say its hard to find a skywalker clone, let alone any real good clone considering for the most you don't usually know where it came from. After getting these seeds from amsterdamn and seeing how strong they were, I'm really really satisfied with the results.

The only genetics i'm working with right now is SFV OG... LA Confidential, and Sour Diesel... I know where two of the three came from but still wish I had a danged skywalker. Skywalker flowers are worth money out here, I may end up needing to purchase some seeds... Too bad you're not a patient in CA...


Well-Known Member
The only genetics i'm working with right now is SFV OG... LA Confidential, and Sour Diesel... I know where two of the three came from but still wish I had a danged skywalker. Skywalker flowers are worth money out here, I may end up needing to purchase some seeds... Too bad you're not a patient in CA...
Heh, ooo but I am, I've been a patient for about a year and a month now and I still live in california. I actually might have the same Og you have because I got it from west coast clones in so cal, but I'm not sure. Yeah and I'm suprised that Skywalker is even heard of by most people I've been to lots of clubs and have never seen it, thats why it looked interesting from the beginning. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Thought I should give the values and stats for everything going on with the cloners right now. Current time is 11:45am.

They both have 25gl resevoirs but I only fill them to about 20 gallons to make calculations easier, also because I don't want the water spilling out of the buckets for any reason. I change the water for all systems once a week. I fill them to 20 gallons and I let the water sit around for 8-10 hours so that the chlorine can evaporate. Since the rooting hormone I'm using, along with my nutrient line, is 90% organic I don't want the chlorine to be killing anything beneficial. I also use vinegar for PH down since it is very strong and super cheap, it really works great.

24 Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 60 minutes OFF)
PH - Plain water is 8.1 to start, but brought it down to 5.8 today
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)
PPM - Plain water is 198, then with the root hormone its just over 215, and with the flakes it went up to about 315
Temperature - Air 79.1 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH - 52 to 56%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 8 Hours OFF)
PH - 8.0 to start, brought it down to 5.8 today
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)
- Plain water is 198, then with the root hormone its just over 210, and witht he flakes its around 290
Temperature - Air 79.1 degrees F, water 73 degrees
RH - 52 to 56%


Well-Known Member
Grow Schedule (For the 24 clones)

Week 1: 24/0 Fluorescents
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
PH 6.8-7.0

Week 2: 24/0 Fluorescents
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
1-1.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 3: 24/0 Fluorescents
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
2.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 4: (Week 1 Veg) 18/6 MH lamp
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
5.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 5: (Week 2 Veg) 18/6 MH lamp
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
6.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 6: (Week 1 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
6.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Multi Zyme per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 7: (Week 2 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
7.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Multi Zyme per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 8: (Week 3 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
8.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Multi Zyme per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 9: (Week 4 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
9.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Bud XL per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 10: (Week 5 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
10.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Bud XL per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
5.7ml of Top Booster per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 11: (Week 6 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
7.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Bud XL per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
5ml(1 tsp) of Shooting powder per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 12: (Week 7 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
7.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Bud XL per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
5ml(1 tsp) of Shooting powder per gallon
PH 5.8

Week 13: (Week 8 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
1.1ml of Roots Excelurator per gallon
7.5ml of Aqua Flakes per gallon
3.8ml of Bud XL per gallon
**ml of Botanicare Sweet per gallon
5ml(1 tsp) of Shooting powder per gallon
PH 5.8-6.2

Week 14: (Week 9 Flower) 12/12 HPS lamps
Plain water with Clearex
PH 5.8-6.8

Week 15:
Harvesting and starting 1st part of drying, planning on hanging it in my bathroom for about a week.

Week 16:
Starting 2nd part of drying, going to put everything in paper bags (helps everything dry evenly).

Week 17+:
Curing in the fridge :weed:


Well-Known Member
Cloner Stats (10/29)(12:07pm)

24 Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 40 minutes OFF)
PH - 6.2, so brought it back down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)
PPM - 318
Temperature - Air 79.0 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH - 45-49%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 8 Hours OFF)
PH - 6.3, brought it back down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)
- 293
Temperature - Air 79.0 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH - 45-49%

A few clones in the 24 setup popped their first roots last night so I guess I can relax a little heh. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I was finally able to get my pictures uploaded onto my computer so let me run you guys through them all.
(All pictures were taken today, 10/29)

Cloners, moms to the left and others to the right.

Closer look.

Have a fan pulling air away from the lights up above, and then one circulating air down below.

Showing their first roots.

A look inside the mother cloner (they are both the same), basic pvc pipe consruction and then a drain below to connect back to the rez.

Cycle timers, one ON knob with a designated ON time and then one OFF knob for the designated OFF time in between.

The flowering system, still have to set up the lights though.

Inside the tubes.

The flowering system rez, 25 gallon.

K, well that should just about do it for now, if end up taking any more pictures I'll post them up.


Well-Known Member
From now on I'm just going to post a daily log that includes all the statistical information and pictures for that day. Then throughout the day I'm just going to update the same log if anything changes, to make things a little easier.


Well-Known Member

Well its been about one week since I first put the water and clones in the cloners so its time to change the water. I thought about it and I figure that I probably don't need 20 gallons of water in each cloner right now, they just don't drink that much water yet, so I only set aside 20 gallons of water instead of 40. For now I'll just have to wait another 6 hours or so until all the chlorine is evaporated out of the water before I can use it. Also to clear up any later confusion, I cut my clones last thursday, so thursday is the first day of "week 1" and the beginning of each week for them right now, when the veg cycle comes around just after week 3 I'm going to wait a few days until monday to start the veg cycle so that the beginning of their week from then on is monday.

So while we wait, here are the current cloner stats as of this morning:

24 Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF, now that the roots have popped they are actually drinking water now so I lowered the OFF time by a lot)
PH - 7.1, so brought it back down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)*
PPM - 323
Temperature - Air 78.8 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH - 45-49%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
20 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF, I lowered the OFF time by 4 hours because the air flow in the closet was cuasing the hydroton rocks to dry out quicker than I thought)
PH - 6.6, brought it back down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 1.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 1)*
- 295
Temperature - Air 78.8 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH - 45-49%

*I ended up changing my mind a bit and decided to give them the Aqua flakes near the end of week 1 (this last tuesday) instead of at the beginning of week 2 (today). So now, because of this, I plan to give them 2.5ml per gallon at the beginning of week 2 (today) and then 3.5ml per gallon at week 3 (next friday).


Damn the roots grow fast! Here's a pic from yesterday:

And here's today:

Here's another pic of the clones (taken today):

Update (9:44pm):

K well the water should be good enough by now so I just filled up the cloners and like I said before I only gave them 10 gallons each this time. I also increased the amount of aqua flakes from 1.5 to 2.5ml per gallon since it is now the beginning of week 2.

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH - plain water was at 8.4, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
PPM - 387
Temperature - Air 78.8 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH - 48-50%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF)
PH - plain water was at 8.4, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
- 368
Temperature - Air 78.8 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH - 48-50%


Well-Known Member
(12/31)(12:57pm) Happy Halloween! :twisted:

The plants seem to be doing fine with the boost in nutrients and are looking good. Although, since I only have 10 gallons of water in each of the cloners now I did have to add a little extra water to bring the ppm back down. I luckily had extra water that was sitting around so I didn't have to use tap water, which has the chlorine I don't want.

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.4, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
PPM- 385
Temperature - Air 79.7 degrees F, water 76 degrees
RH - 48-50%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF)
PH- was at 6.6, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
- 365
Temperature - Air 79.7 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH- 48-50%


Moms and clones:

Another shot of the clones:

Temps and humidity:

Nice steady root growth:

That should do it for now, I will update later if anything changes.


Well-Known Member

Everything is doing great, every one of the clones have popped roots except for 1 Og, 1 Skywalker, and 2 Powerskunk. Had a slight problem today though, but I'm not sure how bad it is. When I opened the lid of the 24 cloner setup it smelled a bit like mold, but only a bit, so I put in a little hydrogen peroxide, hopefully it helps.

Statistics as of this morning:

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.2, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
PPM- 383
Temperature - Air 77.0 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH - 49-54%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF)
PH- was at 7.2, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)*
- 368
Temperature - Air 77.0 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH- 49-54%

Update (10:47pm):

The humidity and temperature went up a little, but everything else seems normal.


Root growth is lookin good:
