Water run-off trays


Well-Known Member
I am getting some runoff trays today, and i wanna know if I have to empty them after I water, or will the plants take that excess water up and use it. I watered today, after letting them go just a bit too long. Soil was dry as hell, and the initial water just ran thru, and down the sides. Tonight, I'll water them again until the entire pot of soil is again watered to the bottom of the pot. then reset my schedule. I added about 1/2 tbsp of Epsom salts per gal to this water for a bit of Mg. I have read to use 1 tbsp per gal, but I'm really leery of nute burn after the last fiasco.

Also, the new leaves at the tips of the branches are looking pretty gnarled, kinda like a really arthritic hand. Does that sound like heat stress? I went ahead and raised the lights about a foot, they looked a bit too close to me. We'll see if they recover.

All in all, this grow is going well, no casualties so far. I'm gonna flower them at 2 months or so (2' or thereabouts), thats in about 2 weeks. I really ran into problems after I went into 12/12 last time, of course I WAS way overdoing it with the Miracle Gro ferts. I've learned alot from that first grow


Well-Known Member
Mine always use the water up unless it's very humid inside (and this is my non-Mary plants, btw). My Mary babies have always done the same thing, as long as I'm judicious with the water.

Happy Frog organic ferts should have some magnesium, in them.

How were the gnarley-leaved plants grown? From clone, re-veg, or seed?


Well-Known Member
Mine always use the water up unless it's very humid inside (and this is my non-Mary plants, btw). My Mary babies have always done the same thing, as long as I'm judicious with the water.

Happy Frog organic ferts should have some magnesium, in them.

How were the gnarley-leaved plants grown? From clone, re-veg, or seed?
Hey Seamaiden. This is my second grow from seed. I haven't gotten as far as the cloning thing, tho that might be an option to keep this strain going. I mixed my soil with the lime (like you suggested) Bone meal, and BioTone (5-4-4 with mycorrhizae), and am top dress feeding them Bat Guano (again, yours, and OhSo's suggestion) (10-3-1) and I'm gonna start adding Bone meal (6-9-0) to start raising the P the closer I get to flowering. Right now, I'm trying to find a high P guano that my local nursery can order. That seems to lack K in my opinion. Should I raise that? If so, with WHAT?

Here they are at about 6 weeks. I put the sprouted seed in the ground on 9/19.

Here is my watering system. It's a 15 gal Nalgene Photo chemical replenishment tank. I'm getting 2 more. I got a mac daddy dual diaphragm air pump, and some 4" air "disks" to aerate and mix.



Well-Known Member
I'm seeing gnarled leaves on one of my clones, she's tight up against the fluoro I'm using right now (I am actually amazed at the growth the fluoros, I kinda need to slow it down cuz I'm not quite ready for 'em.) But, she's a clone and tight up against the light. I think the leaves of your baby should straighten out.

You meant to post pix. :-P

I like the meals for mixing in the soil and topdressing to address those micronutrient issues, don't want to overthink it, ya know? It's why I also suggested the Happy Frog, it costs a little bit less than Dr. Earth (another good deal IMO), but is still completely organic. Not a complete fert, it seems you can't easily find complete AND completely organic fertilizers, but it's still pretty good.

Have you taken a gander at subcools soil mix? If I recollect I believe he said he doesn't normally fertilize using this mix. And we all know that man grows some f'ing monsters.