Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
I guess, unfortunate that I need to get paid to live :(.
Ya know Dudley there might be an opportunity here for Canadians if Bernie wins the nomination and election. He'll need some experienced socialists to teach the heathen at his FEMA re education camps and Canadians are a shoe in for the job! We can teach them about the joy we feel when we pay the GST or tell them how we near shit when we see the deductions from our paychecks... Generally grease up assholes fur Bernie stuff.


Well-Known Member
Sharpie time! Heads are gonna roll at the CDC soon
Trump’s Upbeat Virus Prediction Undercut by New CDC Warning

President Donald Trump sought to reassure Americans on Tuesday that the coronavirus outbreak poses little threat, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned hours later to prepare for the disease to disrupt daily life in the U.S.

The virus is “very well under control in our country,” Trump said Tuesday at a news conference in New Delhi, where he’s concluding a two-day visit to India. “We have very few people with it,” he said, adding that 36 infected Americans brought home from Japan are recovering. “We think they’ll be in very good shape very, very soon,” he said.

“We are down to -- we’re really down to probably 10,” Trump said. “Most of the people are outside of danger right now.”

The benchmark S&P 500 index extended its losses for a fourth straight day, the longest such streak since Aug. 5, falling more than 2% on Tuesday.

Hours after Trump’s remarks, CDC officials told reporters in a conference call that Americans should prepare for daily life to be disrupted by the virus, including school closings and the cancellations of public events and business meetings.

“We expect we will see community spread in this country,” Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters Tuesday. “It is not a matter of if, but a question of when, this will exactly happen.”


Well-Known Member
Should I wear a mask to protect myself from influenza?

In some cases, wearing a mask might help protect you from the human influenza A and B viruses — the ones responsible for most seasonal outbreaks of flu (influenza). But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) generally suggests that only health care workers who are in close contact with people with influenza wear masks. The CDC doesn't recommend that people in public areas wear masks to protect themselves from influenza.

If you have influenza and need to leave your home, such as to go to a doctor's appointment, you can wear a mask, which may help reduce the spread of infection. The CDC also recommends avoiding contact with anyone if you're ill with influenza.

Generally, taking precautions such as washing your hands regularly and avoiding people who are sick is considered the best mode of protection against influenza.

People who live in community housing — such as college dorms, nursing homes or military barracks — are at higher risk of influenza because they're in contact with more potentially infected people.

Influenza A and B viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object — such as a telephone or computer keyboard — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth.

For health care workers caring for people with influenza, surgical-type masks may help block respiratory droplets carrying influenza germs and transmission of germs from the hands to the mouth. However, in most cases, the best way to protect yourself from influenza is to follow preventive measures such as washing your hands often and getting your annual influenza vaccination.

Pritish K. Tosh, M.D.


Well-Known Member
yuck, sharing quarters with a thousand or so passengers wracked by a disease and nowhere to go.

My mom lives in an assisted living facility. With the need for antibiotics to control disease among all of those immune challenged people, I expected the next super bug to come from one of them. I'm often wrong. Assisted living facilities are like cruise ships except they aren't going anywhere. All the people housed in those stationary cruise ships will be sitting ducks if this thing goes wild.
Then sending those infected people back to their home countries to likely spread the disease there until it becomes a new outbreak epicenter...


Well-Known Member
High hopes from USA!
COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start
Moderna’s vaccine against COVID-19 was developed in record time because it’s based on a relatively new genetic method that does not require growing huge amounts of virus. Instead, the vaccine is packed with mRNA, the genetic material that comes from DNA and makes proteins. Moderna loads its vaccine with mRNA that codes for the right coronavirus proteins which then get injected into the body. Immune cells in the lymph nodes can process that mRNA and start making the protein in just the right way for other immune cells to recognize and mark them for destruction.


Anyone catch the video of the Iranian health minister. Addressing a bunch of higher ups on the virus, he starts sweating profusely and coughing. A day later he tested positive for the virus. Its on youtube, one can only hope he spreads it to the Mullahs. (oops bad karma but fuck the mullahs) Iran is looking like a tinder box right now..

Edit to add I would not trust using a paper towel. Virus are extremely small and some paper towels are porous. It would be similar to wearing chicken wire for a dust mask.


Well-Known Member
Anyone catch the video of the Iranian health minister. Addressing a bunch of higher ups on the virus, he starts sweating profusely and coughing. A day later he tested positive for the virus. Its on youtube, one can only hope he spreads it to the Mullahs. (oops bad karma but fuck the mullahs) Iran is looking like a tinder box right now..

Edit to add I would not trust using a paper towel. Virus are extremely small and some paper towels are porous. It would be similar to wearing chicken wire for a dust mask.
It's pretty well known that the most important role of the mask is to prevent the wearer from spreading the disease, not so much from catching it.


Well-Known Member
It is spreading, but not super crazy numbers so far. I just read that "during the winter of 2017-8, over 800,000 Americans were hospitalized with influenza, with 61,000 flu related deaths."
Yes, a disease with an R0 of 1.4 and a mortality rate of 0.02% killed 60k Americans and hospitalized 800k.

2019nCoV has an R0 of about 4 and a mortality rate of 2%.

It has spread despite the biggest quarantine in history. More than 10% of the entire human population (half of China) is under complete lockdown.


Well-Known Member
It sucks the only countries I trust enough to actually tell us what is going on with accurate numbers and responsible leadership (like Norway and France) haven't really recorded a lot of cases and from what I have (just) read it looks like France has a handful of cases and 2 people died, one described as a 80-year old Chinese traveller.

With our government in such a hard spot with Trump gutting the CDC, I don't trust them at all. The clips I from the hearing was a shame, it actually made John Kennedy seem respectable again after going full Trump bootlicker.



Well-Known Member
It sucks the only countries I trust enough to actually tell us what is going on with accurate numbers and responsible leadership (like Norway and France) haven't really recorded a lot of cases and from what I have (just) read it looks like France has a handful of cases and 2 people died, one described as a 80-year old Chinese traveller.

With our government in such a hard spot with Trump gutting the CDC, I don't trust them at all. The clips I from the hearing was a shame, it actually made John Kennedy seem respectable again after going full Trump bootlicker.

I would trust Seoul for that.


Well-Known Member
The Jenius is mad because people aren't praising him enough about his handling of the coronavirus. He will have a press conference tonight at 6 PM to school us all on his single handed rescue of Merica by the raw power of his intellect.



Well-Known Member
My only question is, will our orange savior also jump off the stage and beat the entire press corps to death with the jaw bone of a ass and save us from the fake news media?