Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
Democrat low life's have planted more.
3 Los Rios community colleges say students came in contact with coronavirus patient
God I could almost see Trump or one of his minions checking and finding those people were all Democrats before releasing them so they could say Democrats caused the outbreak with a straight face.


Well-Known Member
God I could almost see Trump or one of his minions checking and finding those people were all Democrats before releasing them so they could say Democrats caused the outbreak with a straight face.
By the time the epidemic and economic fall out are done with ya, Trump should be down to his hardcore base. This will hurt Trump bigly and his inept response more so, so will cutting the CDC and firing the Pandemic response team. What will he do when they ban his rallies and cut off his bullshit outlet and source of emotional support, he likes doing them and will miss the adulation and support of the base. This too will hurt Trump more than other candidates, I wonder if he will defy it in red states at least, naw he'd be afraid of catching it too. He still could catch it though, he has undocumented workers without health care who would be fired and deported if they got sick, they wouldn't say fuck all, just go to work. The secret service lives in the real world with the rest of us too, when they aren't at work guarding the royal throne.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder how many test kits are reserved to test those coming in contact with the president, not just government people either, but folks like Rudy and his family etc. Trump might personally use up all the currently available test kits to test the government officials and "others" to keep his own ass safe.


Well-Known Member
By the time the epidemic and economic fall out are done with ya, Trump should be down to his hardcore base. This will hurt Trump bigly and his inept response more so, so will cutting the CDC and firing the Pandemic response team. What will he do when they ban his rallies and cut off his bullshit outlet and source of emotional support, he likes doing them and will miss the adulation and support of the base. This too will hurt Trump more than other candidates, I wonder if he will defy it in red states at least, naw he'd be afraid of catching it too. He still could catch it though, he has undocumented workers without health care who would be fired and deported if they got sick, they wouldn't say fuck all, just go to work. The secret service lives in the real world with the rest of us too, when they aren't at work guarding the royal throne.
We couldn't be that lucky. Trump is so fucking toxic I doubt cancers, or viruses could survive long enough to be of any good.
Plus all that shit he sprays all over his face has to act like some kind of force field around the death star itself. Speaking of, is it just me, or he getting more orange lately?


Well-Known Member
We couldn't be that lucky. Trump is so fucking toxic I doubt cancers, or viruses could survive long enough to be of any good.
Plus all that shit he sprays all over his face has to act like some kind of force field around the death star itself. Speaking of, is it just me, or he getting more orange lately?
The older they get, the more extreme the makeup job, remember Tammy Faye Bakker, just go to any senior center, you'll see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of, is it just me, or he getting more orange lately?
Like a flower Donald will come into full bloom in the spring after growing in shit, the pandemic and economic fall out is about to test the dear leader, he doesn't really give a fuck about either, he will be concerned over the political fall out though. For sure Donald will only make things worse, he's fucked up everything he's ever touched and slimed or corrupted everybody he ever meet


Well-Known Member
The older they get, the more extreme the makeup job, remember Tammy Faye Bakker, just go to any senior center, you'll see what I mean.
He fucking near puts it on with a trowel like plaster of Paris now, he does the job himself too and it's sometimes sloppy, time for some professional help and a non disclosure agreement! If this keeps up he's gonna look like Frankenstein soon, he's nearly there now.


Well-Known Member
You can't be ragging on Tammy like that, God didn't cut her any slack, and I imagine she prayed a lot.. The older you are the more you've gotta pray you don't catch this hoax. Stick with your base.. Tools using tools. Sad to say, but that's the way we do it here in the good ol USA.. I wish it wasn't true, but it seems the GOP does a better job of doing that.. Doing anything else would just be work..
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Well-Known Member
You can't be ragging on Tammy like that, God didn't cut her any slack, and I imagine she prayed a lot.. The older you are the more you've gotta pray you don't catch this hoax. Stick with your base.. Tools using tools. Sad to say, but that's the way we do it here in the good ol USA.. I wish it wasn't true, but it seems the GOP does a better job when doing that.. Doing anything else would just be work..
They should come together in large groups to pray. Also lay hands on people who are sick to heal them. The power of God will heal all.

That, and time for one's immune system to make the necessary antibodies.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's accelerating.

View attachment 4492008
Terrible news! I worked at That Providence Everett Hospital for 5 years where the very first case in the USA was found and now that high school student who is infected is located in the same County, Snohomish, where Prov Everett hospital is located. I’m so happy I’m not there anymore. I won’t be surprised if the virus starts moving real fast up there. Unfortunately some of the dirtiest unhygienic backass redneck people I have ever taken care of live up in that area.




Well-Known Member
The defunding of the CDC never took place. Fake news. Politics..... Not the time for this.
from your article......"Last year, the USAID program known as PREDICT was shuttered. The initiative was launched in 2009 and designed to improve the “detection and discovery of zoonotic viruses with pandemic potential.” The program is credited with identifying nearly a thousand new zoonotic viruses, which are transmitted between animals and humans, and influencing the response effort currently being employed to combat the coronavirus, which is a zoonotic infection"
Thump shuttered the very program that was designed to discover pandemic virus's.......because Obama started it. I sure miss Obama....
P.S. Obama was never Impeached


Well-Known Member
The defunding of the CDC never took place. Fake news. Politics..... Not the time for this.
From the link you posted:
Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 1.41.56 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-29 at 1.42.16 PM.png

You are right, it isn't the time for it, but calling it fake news when Trump did indeed cut funding and leave vacant positions (pushing judges too much) but luckily the Democrats continue to legislate for everyone in our country, is more of a waste.