Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
LOL, that's not how things work down here, they will unplug a poor sick child to give Rush a machine. If you're rich and or famous they will give a liver transplant to a alcoholic.
A 2% death rate is one thing, a 20% hospitalization rate quite another, even if most other folks get knocked down for 3 weeks and some are not that sick.


Well-Known Member
It's also likely that many recent deaths recorded as flu or pneumonia were from 2019nCov and unreported because they aren't testing for it... don't test what you don't want to know
Abandon is a fit young buck and ya look at these things differently if yer an old fart in poor health! There is no shortage of old farts here either, myself included, though I am young at heart...


Well-Known Member
Abandonconflict, do you have any recommendations for over the counter medications to grab now (while the stores are still stocked )that would be best for the side effects of the virus?
Public health tip #1
Eating raw garlic will keep it and other people at a safe distance, create your very own personal force field! They won't get in yer face if yer breath can knock em down at 40 paces, just wash yer hands frequently.


Well-Known Member
Echinacea / Goldenseal / ACV

My go to cocktail instead of OTC crap . Most retail medications throws your blood pressure through the roof.
Echinacea is available as caps with some having BOTH Echinacea and goldenseal in a blend.
ACV in bottled water ( 1-2 teaspoons ) .... acidic taste but has other benefits too.

I haven’t needed a flu shot in 11 years. VA tries pushing it every year , I pass.


Well-Known Member
Abandonconflict, do you have any recommendations for over the counter medications to grab now (while the stores are still stocked )that would be best for the side effects of the virus?
Cold and flu medications should give some symptomatic relief and help control fever. Any anticongestant and anti inflammatory medications for respiratory use might be useful too, in a dire emergency. There are some antiviral drugs that help, but they will be reserved for medical use only, might be hard to get. If this thing knocks ya down, stay down, drink lots of fluids and make sure some who cares calls and checks on you. Don't take symptomatic relief meds and go to work cause ya feel better, get rest and stay away from others!

This age of loneliness and social isolation might help prevent the spread of this plague, many people just go out to work and shop and spend a lot of time at home with media, hobbies, etc. Smart phones and social media might mitigate the spread by global air travel, in the developed countries anyway.
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Well-Known Member
unless your Australian....
They are on the doorstep of this thing with lots of Asian travel, I imagine they are responding correctly and testing people to contain the spread.
Best of luck, it will show up sooner or later though. This thing is novel to human immune systems and is very contagious so most people will get it, those whose immune systems have seen something similar will probably respond better, individual response could vary quite a bit in a place like North America. More genetically homogenous populations could have an easier or a worse time with this bug, its something new, the stats will tell the grim tale in the end.
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Well-Known Member
Echinacea / Goldenseal / ACV

My go to cocktail instead of OTC crap . Most retail medications throws your blood pressure through the roof.
Echinacea is available as caps with some having BOTH Echinacea and goldenseal in a blend.
ACV in bottled water ( 1-2 teaspoons ) .... acidic taste but has other benefits too.

I haven’t needed a flu shot in 11 years. VA tries pushing it every year , I pass.
I use ACV too, I take a straight shot 30ml every morning. You have to get good ACV - organic with the mother

I take cinnamon capsules too

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your advice and ideas how to boost immunity and make taking on and battle this virus with simple healthy weapons. I’m moving forward in a positive fashion. Preparing with some 2 weeks supply for quarantine if necessary but I plan on beating this virus very quickly when it hitsme. I’m going to work out and sweat the demon out of me when it comes. Good luck to you all! Take care!


Well-Known Member
When I start to feel ill, I take two aspirin and throw them out the window. In a week or so, I feel better.
I get a flu shot and if that don't work I take a cold remedy, why suffer, it mitigates the worst and helps ya sleep. Had a case of Noro just before the holidays, I didn't know I contained so much shit! Felt like shit and could shit through the eye of a needle at 50 paces, when I wasn't shitting my pants! What a fucking mess and clean up in the aftermath!


Well-Known Member
i have 5 gallons of 35% food grade H2O2, gonna put it in a windex bottle and spray anyone who comes close
Spray them with raw Javex, ya get fewer visitors, except the cops who will pepper spray (and disinfect) you. Bleach is very effective the stronger the better!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
37 million people in Canada and 18 confirmed cases yet every store is now sold out of hand sanitizer, alcohol, toilet paper? I stocked up not for the virus but for the lack of shit (no pun intended lol) available due to panick buying. I don’t know but am I the only one that sees a bit of an over reaction to this? Yes I am concerned but really?


Well-Known Member
37 million people in Canada and 18 confirmed cases yet every store is now sold out of hand sanitizer, alcohol, toilet paper? I stocked up not for the virus but for the lack of shit (no pun intended lol) available due to panick buying. I don’t know but am I the only one that sees a bit of an over reaction to this? Yes I am concerned but really?
And we have confidence in our government too! Imagine what will happen where they don't and they don't put in effective public health measures. It's not a question of if, but when it will strike, it has already broken out in Washington state. We live in an age of social isolation and social media and that might help to mitigate the spread. An older person looks at this a bit differently than a younger one does and even if we are in good health, many of our friends and family are not. This is serious business, if the experience of other places who have it is anything to go by and people ignorant or not want to protect themselves as best they can. The priority is to slow the spread so the health care system can absorb it without being overwhelmed, if it is, then you'll see panic, big time.


Well-Known Member
People are crazy. 8 out of 10 people will be sick with a cold, 2 of 10 will be really sick (people with underlying health conditions) and .2 of 10 people will die. Pretty sure I'll survive without a fallout shelter.

Halifax has 6 universities inside a 5 mile radius that are filled to the brim with foreign students and we have large Chinese, Philippine and Iranian populations here, so it will undoubtedly be passed around. It's been 30 years since I've had a flu and often go years without catching colds so I figure I'll be fine.

Apparently outside the body the virus will last about 12 hours depending on the surface it lands on, so if you can keep.your fingers out of your eyes, nose and mouth while you're in public, you have little chance of picking it up. Also, plain old soap and hot water kill the virus and it doesn't like heat or direct sunlight, so bring on summer!!!