Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Sofa King Smoooth

Well-Known Member
I doubt many are buying it for that but sure I guess. It’s because the director of health Canada stated that we all need to stock up on 2 weeks worth of supplies .......... like WTF was she thinking, we had 8 cases at that point I think. This is where she tells 37 million people to buy 2 weeks worth of shit? So nope, I actually don’t have confidence in our government as DIY assumed lol. A measured approach and good monitoring of suspect travellers and a “wash your fucking hands” media blitz, yes that would be good. Sending 37 million people shopping over a weekend was not :(
PS: I did also say I was concerned and as fog said it’s the news storyline but when I look at the numbers I wonder WTF is this really about?
Wow, that's pushing the limits of good sense. An ice storm or flood usually empties shelves here.

New Orleans area during Katrina is the worst I've seen in the US so far. Kinda scary to think what may happen if the emergency was country wide.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I see concern, but no panic, people are preparing to weather a storm and hunker down. With it starting to run wild in the States because of Trump's fuck ups we could see a rapid rise in cases, I imagine any doctor can test anybody he wants at this point in Canada, I've heard no complaints from the medical community so far. They might have to close the border or restrict entry, if the US turns into a giant fucking petri dish of infection. The border guards will be in PPE and be shooting incoming Americans at the border with a Thermometer gun before it's over.
Starting to run wild??? How many confirmed cases in the States? Do you realize Toronto international has 1500-2000 people from China go through their gates every day ...... just Toronto and the border will be closed to the States? What are they up to now re confirmed cases 60? 80? I honestly don’t know but it would take a few hundred thousand for me to say running wild lol.


Well-Known Member
Starting to run wild??? How many confirmed cases in the States? Do you realize Toronto international has 1500-2000 people from China go through their gates every day ...... just Toronto and the border will be closed to the States? What are they up to now re confirmed cases 60? 80? I honestly don’t know but it would take a few hundred thousand for me to say running wild lol.
They haven't even begun serious testing in the states and figure it was on the loose in the north west for 6 weeks, there could be thousands of cases, the contagion rate is said to be R4. They had better get busy real soon to have a chance at containment. Trump screwed the pooch bigly here. I believe there are restrictions on air travel from China and expect them to get very strict. The danger is if this thing gets loose in a big way and overwhelms the medical system with a projected hospitalization rate of 10 to 20%, containment is everything to keep the healthcare system from crashing and burning. Any and all measures will be considered if it gets bad enough.


Well-Known Member
What is it with stupid? Guy here tested positive to Corona on Monday afternoon, told to go home and self isolate. Stupid fkwit went to the supermarket....
Honestly, what's the difference? He's been spreading that shit around for 2 wks before he even felt the slightest bit sick. There's no controlling this.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Wow, that's pushing the limits of good sense. An ice storm or flood usually empties shelves here.

New Orleans area during Katrina is the worst I've seen in the US so far. Kinda scary to think what may happen if the emergency was country wide.
I know huh, I am thinking we need to worry about the people more than the virus. I survived the ice storm quite well actually, it was like a 14 day camping trip in a really nice tent lol


Well-Known Member
Honestly, what's the difference? He's been spreading that shit around for 2 wks before he even felt the slightest bit sick. There's no controlling this.
The danger is if this thing gets loose in a big way and overwhelms the medical system with a projected hospitalization rate of 10 to 20%, containment is everything to keep the healthcare system from crashing and burning. Any and all measures will be considered if it gets bad enough. They gotta try and slow it down, its the only option left, the purpose is to preserve the medical system and avoid panic.


Well-Known Member
The danger is if this thing gets loose in a big way and overwhelms the medical system with a projected hospitalization rate of 10 to 20%, containment is everything to keep the healthcare system from crashing and burning. Any and all measures will be considered if it gets bad enough. They gotta try and slow it down, its the only option left, the purpose is to preserve the medical system and avoid panic.
Do you seriously think I'm cheerleading for the virus? I get it, I don't need it explained to me. What I'm saying is that there is no controlling a virus that is passed on 2 wks before you know you're sick. Can we control the flu? Riiiiight, didn't think so.

This virus is likely everywhere, people you know are already sick from it, they're just not sick enough to be hospitalized or tested. It's been out since when? October or November and canada only has 16 cases? Lol, if you believe that I got a bridge to sell ya for cheap!!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Do you seriously think I'm cheerleading for the virus? I get it, I don't need it explained to me. What I'm saying is that there is no controlling a virus that is passed on 2 wks before you know you're sick. Can we control the flu? Riiiiight, didn't think so.

This virus is likely everywhere, people you know are already sick from it, they're just not sick enough to be hospitalized or tested. It's been out since when? October or November and canada only has 16 cases? Lol, if you believe that I got a bridge to sell ya for cheap!!
31 actually ....... just sayin ;).


Well-Known Member
I looked at the story and I would need a lot more evidence and the endorsement of scientific expert professionals before I took it too seriously. Only a moron would fuck with a coronavirus like that, respiratory infections know no borders and the only military use would be if you had a vaccine already. There are plenty of natural sources from pigs, chickens and other critters who keep a ready supply of new ones ready, mutations are a constant feature as it inherits from its host cells, new scrambled sequences to its RNA string creating constant variation.

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 29: Testing problems, mutations, COVID-19 in Washington & Iran

Coronavirus Update 29 with pulmonologist Dr. Seheult of
Topics include COVID-19 testing problems and shortages in the United States, Mutation of SARS-CoV2, Rapid growth of confirmed coronavirus cases in Iran, South Korea, Washington State, among many other places.


Well-Known Member
Welp ... 7 new cases exploded in LA county ( los angeles ) in last 24 hours ... LA county passed an “ emergency declaration “ to be proactive. Pasadena , long beach will also make a declaration soon. Concerns over the homeless population and those with chronic conditions that may also add to cases near area.

Right in my fucking backyard ( plus Orange county cases ) ....

Its showtime folks.


Well-Known Member
I doubt many are buying it for that but sure I guess. It’s because the director of health Canada stated that we all need to stock up on 2 weeks worth of supplies .......... like WTF was she thinking, we had 8 cases at that point I think. This is where she tells 37 million people to buy 2 weeks worth of shit? So nope, I actually don’t have confidence in our government as DIY assumed lol. A measured approach and good monitoring of suspect travellers and a “wash your fucking hands” media blitz, yes that would be good. Sending 37 million people shopping over a weekend was not :(
PS: I did also say I was concerned and as fog said it’s the news storyline but when I look at the numbers I wonder WTF is this really about?
2 weeks supplies ain't gonna do it.....more like 2-3 months....


Well-Known Member
California also had a brief media ( local ) stating its not time to panic ( *smirk ) and if it accelerated to an unmanageable point , sporting events could be played with “ NO Spectators “ .... imagine that.