Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
California also had a brief media ( local ) stating its not time to panic ( *smirk ) and if it accelerated to an unmanageable point , sporting events could be played with “ NO Spectators “ .... imagine that.
Watch some documentaries on the Spanish flu, whenever they could they did things outdoors so people wouldn't be crowded together inside, even court proceedings were done outdoors when possible.


Well-Known Member
I doubt many are buying it for that but sure I guess. It’s because the director of health Canada stated that we all need to stock up on 2 weeks worth of supplies .......... like WTF was she thinking, we had 8 cases at that point I think. This is where she tells 37 million people to buy 2 weeks worth of shit? So nope, I actually don’t have confidence in our government as DIY assumed lol. A measured approach and good monitoring of suspect travellers and a “wash your fucking hands” media blitz, yes that would be good. Sending 37 million people shopping over a weekend was not :(
PS: I did also say I was concerned and as fog said it’s the news storyline but when I look at the numbers I wonder WTF is this really about?
I'm there with you man.

I hear that one of the most common items people are buying in the lead up to this epidemic is... wait for it... toilet paper!

We already have enough canned food, pasta and such on hand to keep us going if we get house bound for a couple of weeks. Toilet paper too. It's not as if the zombie apocalypse is upon us. I wonder what people are thinking when they go out and buy up a couple of month's supply of TP? Bottled water too. As if the tap water is going to get contaminated.

Yup, wash your hands, don't go out if you have flu symptoms and wear a mask when you do. That's about all we can do. Unless we get real sick, in which case, I hope the hospitals have capacity. That's not in my control and why worry about what one can't control? I'll blame the authorities if that happens and there will be payment due at the ballot box if so.

Sofa King Smoooth

Well-Known Member
I'm there with you man.

I hear that one of the most common items people are buying in the lead up to this epidemic is... wait for it... toilet paper!

We already have enough canned food, pasta and such on hand to keep us going if we get house bound for a couple of weeks. Toilet paper too. It's not as if the zombie apocalypse is upon us. I wonder what people are thinking when they go out and buy up a couple of month's supply of TP? Bottled water too. As if the tap water is going to get contaminated.

Yup, wash your hands, don't go out if you have flu symptoms and wear a mask when you do. That's about all we can do. Unless we get real sick, in which case, I hope the hospitals have capacity. That's not in my control and why worry about what one can't control? I'll blame the authorities if that happens and there will be payment due at the ballot box if so.
I have a garden hose if t.p. runs out. Same thing for bottled water. Hooked up to R.O. filters if necessary


Well-Known Member
I live in a area with a lot of super rich, there are homes of over 40,000 sq/ft near me. I was at the local grocery store this morning and it's business as usual. No panic buying, no empty shelves and no looks of concern, they seem oblivious to it all. I told my neighbor last night about the true numbers involved with this virus and he looked shocked and had no idea. 10 miles away is a completely different story in the poorer areas.


Well-Known Member
Today's biggest developments:
  1. 11 Americans have been killed by virus
  2. 1,000 people in self-quarantine in Westchester
  3. LA County confirms six new cases, declares state of emergency.
  4. New Hampshire's 1st patient told to stay isolated but went to event instead, officials say.
  5. Outbreak in South Korea shows little signs of slowing down.
  6. COVID-19 is deadlier than the flu, WHO says.



Well-Known Member
Italy is in big trouble and their health care system is about to be overwelmed, closed all schools. Iran is emptying their prisons and many of their politicians are ill with it.


Well-Known Member
Italy is in big trouble and their health care system is about to be overwelmed, closed all schools. Iran is emptying their prisons and many of their politicians are ill with it.
A preview of things to come this election season, Trump's plague, coming to a neighborhood near you! They need to hang this around the fuckers neck until november or he dies of it himself, dumb cunt. Yep what are folks gonna be thinking about during plague season? Healthcare and the democrats have an answer in one form or another, the GOP will tell ya to die in a ditch.
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Well-Known Member
Read somewhere this morning that because of financial cuts Italy's ICU capacity in their hospitals can only handle1% of their population.
I believe the USA has about a million hospital beds, but resources aren't mobile like in China where they can order thousands of health care workers into a plague zone and build hospitals (quarantine centers) over night. Regional authorities will want to horde their resources to meet local needs should they arise. It might get really bad in some regions of the country with the local health system overwhelmed and travel to and from some states might be restricted. Trump will continue to fuck things up and make it worse than it has to be.


Well-Known Member
Being that there are a lot of fucking nuts out there, when is some idiot in North America going to eat a bat or some other strange animal to actually try to start a disease?

Remember the Australian kid who ate a slug and died like 7 years later of rat lung disease?

You know somebody is thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
Being that there are a lot of fucking nuts out there, when is some idiot in North America going to eat a bat or some other strange animal to actually try to start a disease?

Remember the Australian kid who ate a slug and died like 7 years later of rat lung disease?

You know somebody is thinking about it.
One of the problems with the present and future is the empowerment of individuals through technology. An nuke won't end the human race, some 14 year old kid fucking with a virus 30 years down the road will, or some self replicating nanotechnology will eat it later on, same cause. A lone hacker can bring down the power grid of a country now or cause trillions in economic damage.


Well-Known Member
I believe the USA has about a million hospital beds, but resources aren't mobile like in China where they can order thousands of health care workers into a plague zone and build hospitals (quarantine centers) over night. Regional authorities will want to horde their resources to meet local needs should they arise. It might get really bad in some regions of the country with the local health system overwhelmed and travel to and from some states might be restricted. Trump will continue to fuck things up and make it worse than it has to be.
Those "hospitals" they built overnight. They were pre-fab prisons Chinese government pulled out of storage and used them to save their asses. What were the prisons for? One wonders.


Well-Known Member
Trumpers are already fear driven people, they will react poorly to this epidemic if real panic sets in they will make up the majority of those doing the panicking and freaking out. What's going on here in these threads is preparedness and a frank assessment of the local cause (trump), measures to mitigate the spread, inform the public and brace folks for what might come their way sooner than expected.

@abandonconflict the OP lead the way here on this topic, I'm trying to cover the political and social ramifications on another thread, but everything is intertwined on this particular issue.


Well-Known Member
Trumpers are already fear driven people, they will react poorly to this epidemic if real panic sets in they will make up the majority of those doing the panicking and freaking out. What's going on here in these threads is preparedness and a frank assessment of the local cause (trump), measures to mitigate the spread, inform the public and brace folks for what might come their way sooner than expected.

@abandonconflict the OP lead the way here on this topic, I'm trying to cover the political and social ramifications on another thread, but everything is intertwined on this particular issue.
Anti-vaxxers are Republicans.