Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus


Well-Known Member
The most dangerous threat to the Human Race existing today in my opinion is not the coronavirus, but Donald J Trump, who has again showed what a complete idiot he is by stating on Fox News last night that the World Health Organization, led by the greatest scientific minds on the Planet, is wrong & exaggerating the threat from this virus that has so far killed thousands worldwide, has no vaccine, and has caused the states of Washington & California to declare a state of emergency.
What the fuck?
This is our fucking President, to disregard expect advice, again, from Doctors & Scientists that actually know what their talking about because of a " gut feeling" that he has?
All I can wish for and hope for is that all his supporters take his advice & don't worry about it & go to his rally's & contaminate the shit out of themselves & fucking die. That would be fine with me.
Oh, and on a side note, 13 cases have been identified within 50 miles of where I live in Connecticut, and it's only just begun.

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The most dangerous threat to the Human Race existing today in my opinion, is not the coronavirus, but Donald J Trump, who has again showed what a complete idiot he is by stating on Fox News last night that the World Health Organization, led by the greatest scientific minds on the Planet, is wrong & exaggerating the threat from this virus that has so far killed 10's of thousands worldwide, has no vaccine, and has caused the states of Washington & California to declare a state of emergency.
What the fuck?
This is our fucking President, to disregard expect advice, again, from Doctors & Scientists that actually know what their talking about because of a " gut feeling" that he has?
All I can wish for and hope for is that all his supporters take his advice & don't worry about it & go to his rally's & contaminate the shit out of themselves & fucking die. That would be fine with me.
Oh, and on a side note, 13 cases have been identified within 50 miles of where I live in Connecticut, and it's only just begun.

The only comfort ya can take from it Jimmy is that it will hurt him bigly in the election, but it will be a cold and bitter comfort, he politsed it and he fucked up the response with stupid policy decisions, both past and present. This is classic house oversight territory and they are gonna hold investigations and will rub Trump's fucking nose in it this spring and summer. Dereliction of duty is impeachable too, his first job is defending the American people and he failed miserably at this fundamental task, the buck stops with trump here.
The biggest problem for me is that I can't believe anything he says, and he won't just shut up and let the people who know what they are talking about explain it in the nice boring way that they do so people can go about their lives with information they can trust.

And anyway this turns out, it's either really bad and he throws everyone else under the bus and his cult believes its all their faults and the news is out to get Trump, or it doesn't get too out of hand and he gets to say see, the news is out to get me, and his cult believes him.
The biggest problem for me is that I can't believe anything he says, and he won't just shut up and let the people who know what they are talking about explain it in the nice boring way that they do so people can go about their lives with information they can trust.

And anyway this turns out, it's either really bad and he throws everyone else under the bus and his cult believes its all their faults and the news is out to get Trump, or it doesn't get too out of hand and he gets to say see, the news is out to get me, and his cult believes him.
The cult believes everything, an interesting "experiment" would be if Trump had the guts to hold a rally in a red state during an outbreak, would he pack an arena? I'm guessing he would and the place would be crawling with virus, that would be a real reality bitch slap for some of em.
I thought the death count was 3,000 world wide? Where does 10s of thousands come from?
I thought the death count was 3,000 world wide? Where does 10s of thousands come from?
The mortality rate is higher than spanish flu, almost everybody will eventually get it and it is very contagious, the key thing is the hospitalisation rate of 10 to 20%, so it must be slowed down by containment, so that the medical system doesn't crash and burn on local levels, then you'll see panic!
Mass panic already set in. I’m not worried or bothered. I didn’t get scared at SARS, MERS, or swine in 2009.
Mass panic already set in. I’m not worried or bothered. I didn’t get scared at SARS, MERS, or swine in 2009.
Not in North America, preparedness is being carried out by many and this is a wise move in some regards. In this crises we have to think about others and our communities, as well as ourselves. You have parents and grandparents, other people you know are vulnerable, it's a crap shoot for survival and these people have poor odds without medical support. If that support is overwhelmed then real panic sets in quickly, as the local TV news shows people lined up at hospitals and dying in line.
So silly. The WHO releases info - and their current estimates are considered accurate by experts, even in China and Iran.

In China, 0.0006% of citizens have become infected. In every 15,000 people, one person has or had the virus. Almost half have already recovered. Yes, it is in the US. But Coronaviruses have cycles, similar to influenza.

Y'all would keep hating Trump no matter what he said or did. It's called TDS, and it's mostly incurable. Causes more misery than any virus ever will.
So silly. The WHO releases info - and their current estimates are considered accurate by experts, even in China and Iran.

In China, 0.0006% of citizens have become infected. In every 15,000 people, one person has or had the virus. Almost half have already recovered. Yes, it is in the US. But Coronaviruses have cycles, similar to influenza.

Y'all would keep hating Trump no matter what he said or did. It's called TDS, and it's mostly incurable. Causes more misery than any virus ever will.
Then keep going to the rallies.