Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus


Well-Known Member
I really refrain from these posts because the mer waste of time it takes to right one isn’t worth the debate with people like 90% of the above^^^^^
How can you sit there on your asses.....

For reasons like these

One.... you blame one man for a freaking virus no matter the origins.....

Two.... do something about it! Get off your ass stop bitching and go help those elderly and vulnerable that don’t have families or support systems.

Three.... do you really feel good at night wishing death on 100s of thousands of a certain political party?...Fellow Americans??... wait!!! Your for peace love and humanity??


FIVE.... there is no left and right or republican or Democrat
There’s “haves” and “have nots”. Those that do for better for their selves for the better good of everyone and there’s those that do nothing and take from those that work for them selves....

Where do any of you lie?

If every single one of you spent half the time you spend bitching about a certain president and instead got out and did something positive, maybe your Love for people and the world around you would TRUMP your disgusting Hate!!!

TRUMP 2020!!!!!

Said the one 1%

While our Quality of life dwindles.

trump has taken US to 14th place, and you are cool with it.


Well-Known Member
I really refrain from these posts because the mer waste of time it takes to right one isn’t worth the debate with people like 90% of the above^^^^^
How can you sit there on your asses.....

For reasons like these

One.... you blame one man for a freaking virus no matter the origins.....

Two.... do something about it! Get off your ass stop bitching and go help those elderly and vulnerable that don’t have families or support systems.

Three.... do you really feel good at night wishing death on 100s of thousands of a certain political party?...Fellow Americans??... wait!!! Your for peace love and humanity??


FIVE.... there is no left and right or republican or Democrat
There’s “haves” and “have nots”. Those that do for better for their selves for the better good of everyone and there’s those that do nothing and take from those that work for them selves....

Where do any of you lie?

If every single one of you spent half the time you spend bitching about a certain president and instead got out and did something positive, maybe your Love for people and the world around you would TRUMP your disgusting Hate!!!

TRUMP 2020!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I really refrain from these posts because the mer waste of time it takes to right one isn’t worth the debate with people like 90% of the above^^^^^
How can you sit there on your asses.....

For reasons like these

One.... you blame one man for a freaking virus no matter the origins.....

Two.... do something about it! Get off your ass stop bitching and go help those elderly and vulnerable that don’t have families or support systems.

Three.... do you really feel good at night wishing death on 100s of thousands of a certain political party?...Fellow Americans??... wait!!! Your for peace love and humanity??


FIVE.... there is no left and right or republican or Democrat
There’s “haves” and “have nots”. Those that do for better for their selves for the better good of everyone and there’s those that do nothing and take from those that work for them selves....

Where do any of you lie?

If every single one of you spent half the time you spend bitching about a certain president and instead got out and did something positive, maybe your Love for people and the world around you would TRUMP your disgusting Hate!!!

TRUMP 2020!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You guys gotta stop listening to what these people put out there for you.
Research and dig for your self..... cannabis is a great tool for that.



Well-Known Member
This guy is on the hook for helping to spread the virus through negligence and dereliction of duty when ineptly evacuating Americans from quarantine zones back to the states. Congress is gonna want to talk to Alex, I wonder if trump will order him not to show up for the oversight hearing and withhold documents.
White House sidelines Azar from coronavirus response
HHS Secretary Alex Azar has gone from the face of President Donald Trump's virus team to a supporting character.

There will be a notable omission when Vice President Mike Pence visits Washington state Thursday as part of the Trump administration's coronavirus response: health Secretary Alex Azar.
The White House on Wednesday also benched Azar from a coronavirus task force press briefing, the latest sign of diminished standing for an official who was the face of the U.S. response to the disease just a week ago.

Four of Azar’s deputies — including Medicare chief Seema Verma and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Steve Hahn, who were both added to the task force after Pence took over the federal response — joined the vice president and other officials at the White House on Wednesday.

Azar's absence didn't go unnoticed by allies worried about his standing in the administration and the way he's catching more flak for missteps. Azar was front and center Thursday at a Capitol Hill briefing with House members, during which he took heat from some lawmakers over transparency and whether his department is adequately prepared for the stealthy disease.
Asked why Azar didn’t attend Wednesday's televised briefing, a Pence spokesperson said that Azar left for his office after the task force meeting, and officials wanted to make room on stage for Ben Carson, the Housing and Urban Development secretary and also a task force member. A spokesperson for Azar said that members of the task force will be “rotating through as necessary” now that the group is doing daily briefings.


Well-Known Member
So silly. The WHO releases info - and their current estimates are considered accurate by experts, even in China and Iran.
No, this is not true.

This study was conducted when China had 7500 "confirmed cases" and clearly says the number should have been ten times higher even then.



Well-Known Member
Trump Keeps Lying About the Coronavirus Outbreak: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump lying to millions of people about the coronavirus outbreak as his administration bungles its response to the crisis.


Well-Known Member
Wow... you're a dumbass. Spend more time thinking for yourself instead of trump and you might get put of that trailer. Your avatar isn't going you no favors here

Actually buddy, thinking for myself would entail me finding out to the best of my abilities exactly what the people in power over us in stead of for us are doing.

so yes I do think for myself. Last time I checked Trump didn’t call me for any of the answers.

so I don’t believe I’m doing any thinking for him.
My avatar? Wow great work bud. So am I less then you because of it?