Best Torrent Downloading Sites

I wrote MIRC scripts back in the 90's. But Mine were not friendly. :mrgreen:

We took over channels and basically just caused havoc until they thought they could control the IRC and destroyed it. Back in the Efnet and Undernet days things were hopping. This is before facebook and and other global social media. MIRC was the app most people used.
I used to run a warez site. Also ran war bots on IRC, took over channels, and just had a great time back in the day. The IRC was hopping back then.
I still have an IRC sleep disorder from operating on GMT trying to be in those channels of lawlessness. :-)

Yeah I might of had a couple sites get banned back then, but those were fun days.
Streaming requires constant internet access, a platform that is operational, and they often have a limited library. I can download all the movies and shows I want and go out to sea, in the desert, watch while the power is out, whatever. Having a library built over the years that has anything I want as soon as it's released and I download it. I also use Plex so it functions similar to Netflix or Hulu except it's free and you have to download your shows/movies ahead of time.

To be honest, I mostly torrent music and new releases. Most of what's on TV at my house is Netflix which is paid for (mostly) by T-Mobile.

To each their own. I tried the sideloaded Firestick with Kodi and it was too much to keep up with and not worth the stress of getting shit from my ISP. My laptop has a VPN and while it is possible to hook up your router to a VPN it just isn't worth it to me. Maybe shit has changed since I fucked with streaming, though. That app may be awesome. Just sharing my personal thoughts and experience. YMMV.
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