Pandemic 2020

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What are your plans?
Like when you lose your job & get sick ( u will, u do know that, right? )
Like do you work?
Where do you live?
My entire State of Connectcut is shut down, like everthing & you seem to make lite of it.
You should incoperate rates of suicide in your stats because of people losing everything they have or love over this disaster.
Oh I’m sure they will now it’s 2%
There’s more people that have it and don’t know it than are dying. Your version sounds more interesting though
the reason Covid-19 is so dangerous is because it's not lethal enough.....if it killed more people quickly they wouldn't be able to spread it around fast enough to create an epidemic. But Covid-19 remains dormant for a long time and doesn't kill quickly, so it gets spread around much more....that's why Covid-19 is worse than Ebola or SARSE....
This report has been mentioned a few times by Trump's team, so I looked it up to find out what they were talking about. China was using a test that gave a false-positive result about half the time. Basically, they way over-estimated the number of infected but asymptotic people. I have no way of knowing what they are doing now, still, given these results, one would think that China's tests are now showing much fewer cases because their earlier test kits have been replaced with a better one.

[Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients].

in English,
Objective: As the prevention and control of COVID-19continues to advance, the active nucleic acid test screening in the close contacts of the patients has been carrying out in many parts of China. However, the false-positive rate of positive results in the screening has not been reported up to now. But to clearify the false-positive rate during screening is important in COVID-19 control and prevention. Methods: Point values and reasonable ranges of the indicators which impact the false-positive rate of positive results were estimated based on the information available to us at present. The false-positive rate of positive results in the active screening was deduced, and univariate and multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed to understand the robustness of the findings.

Results: When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%. The multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analysis results supported the base-case findings, with a 75% probability for the false-positive rate of positive results over 47%.

Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.
COVID-19; Close contacts; False-positive; Nucleic acid
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Yes you are correct. That is just my opinion, which I’ve stated. Having a different opinion is still okay isn’t it? We have not gone full communist in the states yet.
Your hero trump did “hearby order” private businesses to only conduct operations in the state approved manner and the grocery stores are out of food and they’re just gonna hand out money now so it seems like trump brought us that communism you love so much
Your hero trump did “hearby order” private businesses to only conduct operations in the state approved manner and the grocery stores are out of food and they’re just gonna hand out money now so it seems like trump brought us that communism you love so much
Lol you lefties are insane
How can you say that?

The US has barely begun to test compared to even here in Canada and I'd wager the actual cases are 10X what is reported thus far and I'm pretty sure I'm being very conservative in that estimate.

The shit has yet to hit the fan!
You could say the same thing about the number of people who have it and are fine. Glass half empty people damn.
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