Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

Shit's getting real, DIY. You are good at a lot of things and while I don't practice meditation or feel the need for counseling, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about that. So, I look forward to your posts about what you know and annoyed by posts from you that are pretty ignorant.

For myself, I don't really appreciate your "advice" about vitamins and cutting edge medicine. It seems another on this forum is saying the same.

Do you only ever give advice?
This is a place where opinions are offered on current events and issues. I like to write and have a wide variety of interests, this is not a professional environment, but a recreational one. I learned a lot about US politics here for instance, the constitution and law, but I'm no expert and don't really need to be one either, but it's nice to cite facts, data and expert opinion to back up one's contentions.

As for vitamin D, I've posted the videos and told my friends what I'm doing and suggest they educate themselves on the subject.

Vitamin D deficiency soars in the U.S., study says
New research suggests that most Americans are lacking a crucial vitamin.

Three-quarters of U.S. teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D, the so-called "sunshine vitamin" whose deficits are increasingly blamed for everything from cancer and heart disease to diabetes, according to new research.

The trend marks a dramatic increase in the amount of vitamin D deficiency in the U.S., according to findings set to be published tomorrow in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Between 1988 and 1994, 45 percent of 18,883 people (who were examined as part of the federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) had 30 nanograms per milliliter or more of vitamin D, the blood level a growing number of doctors consider sufficient for overall health; a decade later, just 23 percent of 13,369 of those surveyed had at least that amount.

The slide was particularly striking among African Americans: just 3 percent of 3,149 blacks sampled in 2004 were found to have the recommended levels compared with 12 percent of 5,362 sampled two decades ago.

"We were anticipating that there would be some decline in overall vitamin D levels, but the magnitude of the decline in a relatively short time period was surprising," says study co-author Adit Ginde, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. Lack of vitamin D is linked to rickets (soft, weak bones) in children and thinning bones in the elderly, but scientists also believe it may play a role in heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

"We're just starting to scratch the surface of what the health effects of vitamin D are," Ginde tells "There's reason to pay attention for sure."
This is a place where opinions are offered on current events and issues. I like to write and have a wide variety of interests, this is not a professional environment, but a recreational one. I learned a lot about US politics here for instance, the constitution and law, but I'm no expert and don't really need to be one either, but it's nice to cite facts, data and expert opinion to back up one's contentions.

As for vitamin D, I've posted the videos and told my friends what I'm doing and suggest they educate themselves on the subject.

Vitamin D deficiency soars in the U.S., study says
New research suggests that most Americans are lacking a crucial vitamin.

Three-quarters of U.S. teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D, the so-called "sunshine vitamin" whose deficits are increasingly blamed for everything from cancer and heart disease to diabetes, according to new research.

The trend marks a dramatic increase in the amount of vitamin D deficiency in the U.S., according to findings set to be published tomorrow in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Between 1988 and 1994, 45 percent of 18,883 people (who were examined as part of the federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) had 30 nanograms per milliliter or more of vitamin D, the blood level a growing number of doctors consider sufficient for overall health; a decade later, just 23 percent of 13,369 of those surveyed had at least that amount.

The slide was particularly striking among African Americans: just 3 percent of 3,149 blacks sampled in 2004 were found to have the recommended levels compared with 12 percent of 5,362 sampled two decades ago.

"We were anticipating that there would be some decline in overall vitamin D levels, but the magnitude of the decline in a relatively short time period was surprising," says study co-author Adit Ginde, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. Lack of vitamin D is linked to rickets (soft, weak bones) in children and thinning bones in the elderly, but scientists also believe it may play a role in heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

"We're just starting to scratch the surface of what the health effects of vitamin D are," Ginde tells "There's reason to pay attention for sure."
Some people just can't take a hint.

What do you know about Arsenic in Chinese Medicine? While at it, what do you think about the earth being flat?
If nothing else, does it really belong in the 'politics' section?
Only in that it is the very top political debate right now and it revolves around public health. Address vitamin D deficiencies in a significant portion of the population to lessen the impact of coronavirus, that would be expert opinion, not mine, though I agree.

You know me hanimmal, I can discuss politics too, but I have an interest in science like many. Even scientist discuss half baked ideas among themselves often over a beer, conjecture is part of the game. A symposium is greek work for a bunch of guys sitting around in the gym butt naked after working out shooting the breeze, much philosophy was fueled by wine.
Some people just can't take a hint.

What do you know about Arsenic in Chinese Medicine? While at it, what do you think about the earth being flat?
I'm game, nothing about arsenic in chinese medicine, but there is google.

As for the flat earth theory, a greek guy figured out it's circumference to a high degree of accuracy millenia ago by merely measuring shadow lengths and the distance between two points on the earth. most thinking people knew the earth was round for thousands of years.
How did he do it engineer, a real softball for ya? Dribbling at you at slow speed too. :D
Right there is why you lose. You don't even bother to push back on your having a cult leader in Trump on the Right in America.

You just try to equivocate by saying the Democrats do too, but you are wrong. You try to paint people on the left as cult leaders, but they get rejected time and again. AOC (Freshmen congress member), Obama (Flat out refused to play into that nonsense), Pelosi (unfotunantly your cult paints her as 'establishment' so she can't be a cult leader), and like Pelosi, they did the same with Biden.

Hell even Bush wanted no part of being a cult leader, he just wanted to be a spoiled rich kid.

You fucked up and elected an actual cult leader in Trump, and that is why you lose.
Lol. I didn’t vote for trump. I’ve never voted and never will. That’s why I bash both sides. Full dems and full reps are stuck in the loop. I don’t need government. Sorry you feel like you need someone to lead you.
I'm game, nothing about arsenic in chinese medicine, but there is google.

As for the flat earth theory, a greek guy figured out it's circumference to a high degree of accuracy millenia ago by merely measuring shadow lengths and the distance between two points on the earth. most thinking people knew the earth was round for thousands of years.
How did he do it engineer, a real softball for ya? Dribbling at you at slow speed too. :D
Hey, DIY

Did somebody I have already put on ignore say something about a direct request to a person I respect?
Lol. I didn’t vote for trump. I’ve never voted and never will. That’s why I bash both sides. Full dems and full reps are stuck in the loop. I don’t need government. Sorry you feel like you need someone to lead you.
That is your mistake not mine. You think that we need the government to 'lead' us. That is cult logic.

We need the government to do the job that we have given them to do. The President needs to lead the government and not cause social chaos in the rest of the country. The Democrats have been the only party doing the work of the entire population unlike the Republicans who only legislate only for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male.

p.s. I dont assume you are even American much less how you vote if you were.
I'm still looking for the footage of the president recommending people drink fish tank cleaning solution. lmao

A lot of anecdotal evidence that chloroquine could be useful in treatment, I hope they can pull the numbers together into some sort of useful data soon so physicians have more weapons in their arsenal.
I'm still looking for the footage of the president recommending people drink fish tank cleaning solution. lmao

A lot of anecdotal evidence that chloroquine could be useful in treatment, I hope they can pull the numbers together into some sort of useful data soon so physicians have more weapons in their arsenal.
still sucking trump dick eh?
Alex Jones and Jim Bakker sell that stuff but I have yet to see a scientist who has claimed that silver is used by the human body or that it has any value in someones health. I have read that scientists say silver can build up in your body and turn things like your skin blue or blue grey and that doesn't sound good.

Please don't take this the wrong way but it's because you are ignorant about the subject. I am ignorant about more subjects that I and educated about too as is everyone else. Ignorance is cured with education while stupidity is forever.

Silver was in common use as an antibiotic long before antibiotics were invented. Ever hear of the phrase, Born with a silver spoon in his mouth? It was because those that could afford it used silver utensils, dishes cookware etc and were much healthier than those that didn't have the means. A silver coin would be put into the milk jug to keep the milk fresher much longer in the days before refrigeration. Or water barrels strapped to the sides of covered wagons to prevent algae growing in there and tainting the water.

The Blue Man Syndrome, (Argyria), is caused by excess consumption of contaminated CS. Papa Smurf added salt to his tap water or some such creating silver compounds that turn black on exposure to light like silver nitrate which is used for the film in black and white photography. When circulating in the body it is exposed to light at the skin and the red colour of the blood makes the skin look purple/blue. Harmless but unsightly. Check the link at the start of this paragraph.

Like pot and many other medicinal substances Big Pharma can't patent it and profit from it so they denounce it and lobby our ignorant politicos to pass laws banning it. You know how that works right? ;)

I am in no way stating that it's a cure for Covis-19 or anything else but I fixed a seriously infected upper tooth that was swollen up to my eye in two days by swishing a Tbsp in my mouth for 5min then spitting it out 3x/day for two days. I was in serious pain and that was gone after the first treatment and the big ball of pus on the roof of my mouth was noticeably smaller after the 2nd treatment. By the 3rd day there was nothing left to worry about. Toenail fungus. Gone with an occasional spritz on the nail. Pink eye was gone overnight using it with an eye dropper. That was a bit scary to try but worked like a charm. Mom used to take off her wedding band and rub it on the corner of the eye when we were kids and that worked too. She grew up on a farm in the depression and her family came from Switzerland where they knew so many home cures. We never saw the doc unless we were at death's door and I still do the same.

I'm making colloidal zinc next. As soon as I can melt down some 99.9% pure zinc I have and form it into rods or flat slabs. Still brainstorming methods to do this. I take zinc for my prostate issues and it helps a lot. Stop taking it for a week and I'm up pissing 5x/night.

If you can believe pot is medicinal then why not some of the stuff that our fore-parents used to heal themselves or stay healthier. If you don't believe that pot can heal then wtf you doing on a pot forum?! LOL
