Well-Known Member
But yo buddy don’t trip ur in a better place rn than a lot of first time growers keep ur head up just watch that first number on NPK keep it lower than usual, if u have less than 3 weeks from chop I’m running the 3 part so I’d be using for a ballpark figure if I seen that an those were my plants I’d water with ph neautral no nutes then next feeding is when I’d apply like 2ml/l micro 0.75ml grow and 2.25ml bloom er sumthing in that direction, not sure how to play with nitrogen levels in the sensi line and I’m just getting hang of this 3 part like rn I have an idea how it works ,I don’t bother regiment I just read em. Rn therehealthy af so next run they get pure water tmrw only calmag added, n not that much like a pinch literally cuz it got 2-0-0 and I don’t want no more N in my medium rn. After that if the new growth looks meek il add 0.5-1ml more per gallon as needed but last feed yesterday I give em 2ml micro 2.6ml grow and 2 bloom in a gallon jug, if the new growth is still darker green then I know to add a micro feeding ,if 50/50 I’d give bout the same as I gave em last time. I know I am a bad read but I try guys. I’m no good at explaining things properly.. and don’t go by me I’m a seasoned vet you would b much better off running strict regiment rn