Can you clone AutoFlowers?


If you say it it must be fact. They removed the last debate on defol. So you might want to stay on topic.
Lol well I'm still happy to put my money where my mouth is...IF ANYONE can beat my zero defol harvest that's grown from clones in an rdwc system with a defolled grow same specs and time frame...$50000!

Lol well I'm still happy to put my money where my mouth is...IF ANYONE can beat my zero defol harvest that's grown from clones in an rdwc system with a defolled grow same specs and time frame...$50000!

Good for you buddy. You do you. No one really cares. I defol and so do most on here. Even the ones that claim they don’t.

I was just saying that the last one was removed so you may want to stay on topic so they don’t close the thread. Don’t hijack OP thread with your defol Bible
Good for you buddy. You do you. No one really cares. I defol and so do most on here. Even the ones that claim they don’t.
Lol well good for you too than...Thank you at least for not trying to argue that it helps yields. Cause I'll hammer it home for anyone newbie that might think defoliating for yield is a good idea...IT'S NOT. Not to be mistaken with pruning, which if you go with my extreme; is the danger.
Lol well good for you too than...Thank you at least for not trying to claim it helps yields.
I don’t claim or care. I defol because it works for me. You do you buddy. Glad you got that kind of money to bet on growing. You must be one of the guys getting that Trump tax break.
I don't think you get me cause I already explained my stance on defol...I have never said it was a bad thing, just that it will decrease yields.
Cool buddy not sure who you’re still arguing with I agree with you and whatever you say so you can stop hijacking this thread to push your no defol agenda.
Nope I'm actually one of the science nerds...So facts matter to me. Defoliating will decrease yield...That is a fact.
If you say it I can take it to the bank. You’re like a guy trying to convince everyone you’re not gay. You keep going even after we agree.

Cloning autos was the topic. Not defol.
Not sure why you non defols have so much to prove? You’re so outspoken even when no one cares or is listening. Much better growers then you defol. I will continue. No offense.
Also it's not an agenda it's just letting the truth be known...Defoliating is done for aesthetic purposes majority of the time rather than genuine plant health.
Also it's not an agenda it's just letting the truth be known...Defoliating is done for aesthetic purposes majority of the time rather than genuine plant health.
This is your opinion and I disagree and so do a lot of growers. Way to hijack the thread to push your agenda. Most non defols are close minded selfish people. This is just another example.
Not sure why you non defols have so much to prove? You’re so outspoken even when no one cares or is listening. Much better growers then you defol. I will continue. No offense.
Im curious as to why you're on this board giving advice on subjects you have little experience on & even less knowledge of ?
You should be asking more questions & giving less opinions.
I see you ask alot "auto or pheno" care to explain ?
Okay I'll stop being an ass hole...My main point is that especially in this day and age...The truth is more important than ever. Do you think America would be number one for Covid right now if their leadership respected truth? They had people telling them months ago the truth but they kept going on with their reality. So yeah, it's important.
Okay I'll stop being an ass hole...My main point is that especially in this day and age...The truth is more important than ever. Do you think America wouldn't be number one for Covid right now if their leadership respected truth? They had people telling them months ago the truth but they kept going on with their reality. So yeah, it's important.
Now you’re really getting off topic. I don’t want to hijack his thread anymore than we have. Not sure if you posted that in here on accident or if you wanted to change topics.