Can you clone AutoFlowers?

Now you’re really getting off topic. I don’t want to hijack his thread anymore than we have. Not sure if you posted that in here on accident or if you wanted to change topics.
It's actually related to this...Because the crux of this original post was can you clone autos...The answer is Yes...For the same reasoning and logic I have used throughout this thread.
It's actually related to this...Because the crux of this original post was can you clone autos...The answer is Yes...For the same reasoning and logic I have used throughout this thread.
The truth is you can do either and it’s been done by tons of people successfully.
Yeah but people are arguing that you can't do autos for the same unfounded reasoning...psychological rather than anything that can be proven with research papers or photos...just like the defol argument.
Yeah but people are arguing that you can't do autos for the same unfounded reasoning...psychological rather than anything that can be proven with research papers or photos...just like the defol argument.
Cool buddy you do u. I’m just some dummy new grower. They clearly don’t want this discussion or they wouldn’t have closed the last one.
Cool buddy you do u. I’m just some dummy new grower. They clearly don’t want this discussion or they wouldn’t have closed the last one.
Who is "They"...Is there some kind of global conspiracy to keep most growers defoliating so as to ensure there is less weed in the world?
Who is "They"...Is there some kind of global conspiracy to keep most growers defoliating so as to ensure there is less weed in the world?
They are people that grow weed every day that defol. Half the people in the other thread claim they don’t but then admitted to removing branches and leaves. So I tend not to side with hypocrisy. Sorry

they are just like religious people claiming to be of god on Sunday while cheating mon-sat
They are people that grow weed every day that defol. Half the people in the other thread claim they don’t but then admitted to removing branches and leaves. So I tend not to side with hypocrisy. Sorry

they are just like religious people claiming to be of god on Sunday while cheating mon-sat
Lol look man...I honestly don't mind the whole defol thing for aesthetics, cause when I look at your plants they look fine. In fact I probably appreciate seeing it cause I would never see it on my own grow anymore. Clear defined colas that aren't being blocked out by fan leaves...It's sooooo hard taking a decent shot on my grow for a single flower without a wall of green in the picture.
This would look a lot bigger if it was trimmed and on it's own.


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Lol look man...I honestly don't mind the whole defol thing for aesthetics, cause when I look at your plants they look fine. In fact I probably appreciate seeing it cause I would never see it on my own grow anymore. Clear defined colas that aren't being blocked out by fan leaves...It's sooooo hard taking a decent shot on my grow for a single flower without a wall of green in the picture.
Good chat bud sorry OP to hijack your thread but they closed ours!
Good chat bud sorry OP to hijack your thread but they closed ours!
Yeah same...Anyways good luck on your grows and just as an apology to the OP, I'll say again that you can clone autos. Some people will argue it's not worth it but for some they may just want to do it for fun, valid arguments to be made in both.
Actually if I'm going to play devils advocate than you shouldn't be cloning auto's. The whole point of auto's is for quick one off's. The time you spend pissing around trying to clone an auto you can be tending to other new plants instead. Also, do you support the grower you buy off? Then you should buy their seeds every time you plant, or at least not try so hard to cheap out. In saying all is possible to clone autos.
You can clone autos.

autos won’t flower because they’ll be developing roots and not mature enough to flower. Yes, you can clone without a problem.
Im curious as to why you're on this board giving advice on subjects you have little experience on & even less knowledge of ?
You should be asking more questions & giving less opinions.
I see you ask alot "auto or pheno" care to explain ?
I saw that earlier and thought it was a typo...until I saw them confuse photo with pheno multiple times.
Many ways to grow, treat plants. Find what works, what doesn't. Pretty simple actually. For us, growing many, many on a timeline, LST is a beautiful thing!!