
First off sorry you've been hit, and I hope you are en route to get this behind you swiftly.

and even took my O2 level. It was 96, which he said was athletic. How the FUCK am I having trouble breathing while my O2 level was awesome??? Let's put a pin in that.
one thing to keep in mind is that your lungs do also serve as a gateway to exchange CO2 back into the atmosphere - your respiration rate is actually stronger influenced by this than the O2 intake need.

I asked her why no one was wearing serious protection, and her reply made me want to cry and give her a hug - "We're wearing these things not to avoid catching the virus, but to avoid potentially passing it to anyone."
what kind of logic is that? not catching it in the first place is going to prevent spreading it, of course... :/
I kept looking for the like button!
I went straight to the Love button!
Sorry I snapped earlier. I should not have quoted you at the time.
Didn't want to read what followed my post because I'm still on edge.
I hate violence yet loved seeing that dude above get wacked over the head.
I've never watched an entire UFC fight in my life, I don't enjoy it.

I do have a $5 Hard Rock 100th UFC fight chip if anyone wants lend me a roll of TP. :)
I could not. They have very few tests, and currently only test 'Hot Covid' patients (high fever, persistant dry cough, breathing issues. My one out of three didn't qualify.) First time I've heard that term. But every nurse, and the doc, asked about my journey, and before I got halfway through, they all said, 'Oh yeah, that's covid-19...' I figure I've got another week or so before I'm back to normal...
I would say I'm glad you're feeling better, but instead will say I'm glad you're on the way to recovery.

This lack of test thing is fucking horrible. I heard some jerkoff on TV say 'anyone who wants a test, gets a test' weeks ago. But that's only for millionaire athletes, politicians and the 'connected'.

How the fuck can we get this under control without actually knowing who has it and who doesn't?

You don't statistically count as having it but probably do. How many people are in the same boat?

I haven't had this same sense of uncertainty since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but that ended in a couple weeks, nobody died and the economy didn't crash.

I hope every politician who benefitted from this (i.e. selling stock after secret meetings, lying about it for weeks, happy talk, etc.) gets fired ASAP.

Nothing good will come of this, I hope we're all still around to watch the made for TV movie in 2022.
lol the problem is you never just get a Greek girl. You also get her parents, grandparents, siblings and probably a few aunts and uncles too. And everyone is always in your shit.

I love that movie. I'm going to watch them again today. I'd never guess that Andrea Martin is Armenian
Not any different than a Sicilian family, which may be why my ex is German-Norwegian