Bob Bitchen's buds

Hey TC... I heard your wife got a pretty cool job. Shame you guys aren't based in CA... I just got a letter from work saying the new minimum wage in CA kicked in on Jan 1. So I get a retroactive raise !!!

WB! Did things get resolved for you?

Haha... that's funny. Nah bro... still waiting. Coming up on 4 years since I was arrested. My old lawyer said though that the longer it drags on the better it is for me. Like we can just argue it's been so long it should be dropped. So fucking stupid. I don't think about it much, to be honest.

And while Spain is a hotspot for the virus and all, we're in a rural town and live out in the campo (the countryside). So we're basically'trapped' in a giant house with a giant pool situated in a beautiful valley. So life is about as good as it can be all things considered. I'm glad we're not in the USA through this. I'm worried about shit getting ugly there.

The worst thing I have to complain about is running out of weed a week ago, and also finding out the one plant I have going is a male. :( My smoking days are a LONG way off.

Being in another country really is sad for my wife. She really wants to be with her parents through this to help take care of them, etc. And we are both worried about losing our parents while we're stuck here. Both our dads are super high risk. Old with lots of health issues.
Hey TC... I heard your wife got a pretty cool job. Shame you guys aren't based in CA... I just got a letter from work saying the new minimum wage in CA kicked in on Jan 1. So I get a retroactive raise !!!

Haha... that's funny. Nah bro... still waiting. Coming up on 4 years since I was arrested. My old lawyer said though that the longer it drags on the better it is for me. Like we can just argue it's been so long it should be dropped. So fucking stupid. I don't think about it much, to be honest.

And while Spain is a hotspot for the virus and all, we're in a rural town and live out in the campo (the countryside). So we're basically'trapped' in a giant house with a giant pool situated in a beautiful valley. So life is about as good as it can be all things considered. I'm glad we're not in the USA through this. I'm worried about shit getting ugly there.

The worst thing I have to complain about is running out of weed a week ago, and also finding out the one plant I have going is a male. :( My smoking days are a LONG way off.

Being in another country really is sad for my wife. She really wants to be with her parents through this to help take care of them, etc. And we are both worried about losing our parents while we're stuck here. Both our dads are super high risk. Old with lots of health issues.
I live in a smaller Midwestern city and the peak (they say) has passed in our state a few days ago. Thankfully our Governor started the "stay at home" early. "Only" 34 cases, 16 hospitalizations and 1 death in my county, so we got off better than many. I'm 69 but my health is OK and I'm good mentally with the isolation and careful about the sanitization/wearing a mask when I go out. The hotspot regions are worrisome, though. Are you getting regular reports from your folks? Are they in a larger city?
Hey TC... I heard your wife got a pretty cool job. Shame you guys aren't based in CA... I just got a letter from work saying the new minimum wage in CA kicked in on Jan 1. So I get a retroactive raise !!!

Haha... that's funny. Nah bro... still waiting. Coming up on 4 years since I was arrested. My old lawyer said though that the longer it drags on the better it is for me. Like we can just argue it's been so long it should be dropped. So fucking stupid. I don't think about it much, to be honest.

And while Spain is a hotspot for the virus and all, we're in a rural town and live out in the campo (the countryside). So we're basically'trapped' in a giant house with a giant pool situated in a beautiful valley. So life is about as good as it can be all things considered. I'm glad we're not in the USA through this. I'm worried about shit getting ugly there.

The worst thing I have to complain about is running out of weed a week ago, and also finding out the one plant I have going is a male. :( My smoking days are a LONG way off.

Being in another country really is sad for my wife. She really wants to be with her parents through this to help take care of them, etc. And we are both worried about losing our parents while we're stuck here. Both our dads are super high risk. Old with lots of health issues.
Man to say you rode it out in Spain and you're doing well it's inspirational. I'm in a hotspot here and they say the peak is 3-4 weeks out. One of the growmies near me just got out of the hospital. We are def trying to hide and only go out if absolutely necessary. Bummer on the no weed deal for ya
I live in a smaller Midwestern city and the peak (they say) has passed in our state a few days ago. Thankfully our Governor started the "stay at home" early. "Only" 34 cases, 16 hospitalizations and 1 death in my county, so we got off better than many. I'm 69 but my health is OK and I'm good mentally with the isolation and careful about the sanitization/wearing a mask when I go out. The hotspot regions are worrisome, though. Are you getting regular reports from your folks? Are they in a larger city?

Glad to hear you are doing alright. Same to you @macsnax. Stay safe out there. Here we have some wild restrictions and we've only been leaving the house once a week for food. I've only been off my property 3 times since March 6. My daughter hasn't left the property at all since then. She's not legally allowed to unless there's a medical emergency. The poor kids in the city haven't been able to leave their apartments in over 4 weeks, and a lot of them don't even have a terrace. So pretty much like jail. I can't imagine the parents having to sit in an apartment with 3 kids for that long. I'd lose my damn mind.

My parents and I talk often on Video chat. They aren't taking it as seriously as I'd prefer. Half assing the whole thing. It's a bit of a miracle my dad's alive anyway, I wish he would just stay home. My mom was a career nurse so I would have thought they'd be treating this whole thing with more care, but what can you do. I suggest they do things differently... but my dad doesn't listen. He does things his way, and I do too.
Glad to hear you are doing alright. Same to you @macsnax. Stay safe out there. Here we have some wild restrictions and we've only been leaving the house once a week for food. I've only been off my property 3 times since March 6. My daughter hasn't left the property at all since then. She's not legally allowed to unless there's a medical emergency. The poor kids in the city haven't been able to leave their apartments in over 4 weeks, and a lot of them don't even have a terrace. So pretty much like jail. I can't imagine the parents having to sit in an apartment with 3 kids for that long. I'd lose my damn mind.

My parents and I talk often on Video chat. They aren't taking it as seriously as I'd prefer. Half assing the whole thing. It's a bit of a miracle my dad's alive anyway, I wish he would just stay home. My mom was a career nurse so I would have thought they'd be treating this whole thing with more care, but what can you do. I suggest they do things differently... but my dad doesn't listen. He does things his way, and I do too.
At least your safe. And I totally know the stubbornness, my dad is the same way. A lot of people in the states are still taking this as a joke. My state alone has 3-400+ new cases rolling in everyday, and that's all just pending test results stuff lol.