Hi so I have a 3' X 3' X 5' tent with a led set up my temp usually stays 26°c and 38 humidity I have a filter and inline fan set up plenty of ventilation. I'm wondering if I can continue venting into my same laundry room as I always have the door open, at least cracked a few inches. it dosent seem to be getting to warm or moist in there at all and my intake is at the bottom of my tent and exhausting to the ceiling (my laundry leads to an open living room). My other option is connecting to my existing dryer line (I'm an HVAC installer btw) with a Y and a backdraft damper on each end before the Y with my tent exhaust on the angle side and my dryer on the straight line. I know that the fan is pushing out just under 200 CFM and the dryer is no where near that assuming the air follows path of least resistance (exiting my building) as long as I install maybe a shut off gate and close my tent side completely when running my dryer and shut off my fan till my dryer cycle is over I shouldn't have any issues with air coming back into tent or dryer I'm only assuming. Please give me some input on this. Also was wondering as I live in a condo with 6 to each building will anyone notice like repair men or building inspectors that the dryer vent is constantly blowing ? PLEASE GIVE THOUGHTS THANKYOU!!!