Random Jabber Jibber thread

I really appreciate all the help you have given me, it has changed everything. You have been doing this for so long I think it is second nature, me not so much.
Hey! You know i wasn’t talking about you bro. Rite.

it’s funny. The last dude i knew from here that was local to me, he lived in Magalia and doesn’t post here anymore. I just talked to him this morning. Moved back to the east coast cause of the fire. Just had a baby right before the fire but it didn’t get him super close though. Like, super close. Fucked him up still. Anyways, we became good friends. I ended up being his growroom contractor. Good times.
fuck you @AlphaPhase /@CannabisNerd for Not posting here anymore. Fuck you dick! That would be funny if he still logs in and reads this. I think it was because @UncleBuck made him upset in politics. Lmao!

if i remember correctly, we were texting about the fire right when i was evacuating.
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Hey! You know i wasn’t talking about you bro. Rite.

it’s funny. The last dude i knew from here that was local to me, he lived in Magalia and doesn’t post here anymore. I just talked to him this morning. Moved back to the east coast cause of the fire. Just had a baby right before the fire but it didn’t get him super close though. Like, super close. Fucked him up still. Anyways, we became good friends. I ended up being his growroom contractor. Good times.
fuck you @AlphaPhase /@CannabisNerd for Not posting here anymore. Fuck you dick! That would be funny if he still logs in and reads this. I think it was because @UncleBuck made him upset in politics. Lmao!
I know, just taking the time to thank you again. Hell if my back was working right I'd be up there helping where I could. I can read a tape measure, swing a hammer, run a saw, and usually take direction well. You'd probably fire me after awhile cuz I'd ask why are you doing things a certain way...lol
Hey! You know i wasn’t talking about you bro. Rite.

it’s funny. The last dude i knew from here that was local to me, he lived in Magalia and doesn’t post here anymore. I just talked to him this morning. Moved back to the east coast cause of the fire. Just had a baby right before the fire but it didn’t get him super close though. Like, super close. Fucked him up still. Anyways, we became good friends. I ended up being his growroom contractor. Good times.
fuck you @AlphaPhase /@CannabisNerd for Not posting here anymore. Fuck you dick! That would be funny if he still logs in and reads this. I think it was because @UncleBuck made him upset in politics. Lmao!
It baffles me how butt hurt people can get. It’s the internet, don’t like what someone says keep scrolling or here use the ignore button. I’m no badass but nobody gonna run me off from anywhere, especially the internet. If I leave it’s on my own terms period. Just not wired that way.
It baffles me how butt hurt people can get. It’s the internet, don’t like what someone says keep scrolling or here use the ignore button. I’m no badass but nobody gonna run me off from anywhere, especially the internet. If I leave it’s on my own terms period. Just not wired that way.
What possesses someone to go to a weed site to stir up shit? That is about as anti stoner mentality that I can think of.
It baffles me how butt hurt people can get. It’s the internet, don’t like what someone says keep scrolling or here use the ignore button. I’m no badass but nobody gonna run me off from anywhere, especially the internet. If I leave it’s on my own terms period. Just not wired that way.
What possesses someone to go to a weed site to stir up shit? That is about as anti stoner mentality that I can think of.
Real life..... i’m about as liberal as you get, not a new young politically correct one though.. I’ll talk politics til someone says stop too.
i can totally still hang out with someone who doesn’t see things my way. Which in my opinion is clear as fucking day especially with this orange retard we have as president right now. Lmao. But anyways. I got Bernie Bro friends who are almost worse than trump supporters. So hard to talk about politics with them but guess what. We are really good friends, life moves on. It’s fun shit if you ask me. I just refrain, or try to, bringing it here on the internet. Should def not get butt hurt if you go there in the politics section if you ask me though i agree.
What possesses someone to go to a weed site to stir up shit? That is about as anti stoner mentality that I can think of.
I grew up in he santa cruz mountains in the eary 70’s. Hippy skippy. Mom was a hippie grew bud. I told you who she bailed in SoCal when i was 1yo. that is pretty funny. She bailed The 100% anti hippie of me and the nation at the time(saying too much) Anyways, i still do have a hard time understanding people who grow and smoke weed how they can cling to conservative politics. I love talking/arguing about it in real life. Me and you had a good talk in front of savemart that one day. It was too easy though, we were pretty much on the same level lol

dems like guns too. Not every Dem wants to kill babies. The absolute worse wedge issues of todays politics. But i sware to god. I do it all the time. If jesus was alive today, he wouldn’t be down with our orange great one or anything he’s about. Anyways. Lmao. What is this thread about? Lol
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I grew up in he santa cruz mountains in the eary 70’s. Hippy skippy. Mom was a hippie grew bud. I told you who she bailed in SoCal when i was 1yo. that is pretty funny. She bailed The 100% anti hippie of me and the nation at the time(saying too much) Anyways, i still do have a hard time understanding people who grow and smoke weed how they can cling to conservative politics. I love talking/arguing about it in real life. Me and you had a good talk in front of savemart that one day. It was too easy though, we were pretty much on the same level lol

dems like guns too. Not every Dem wants to kill babies. The absolute worse wedge issues of todays politics. But i sware to god. I do it all the time. If jesus was alive today, he wouldn’t be down with our orange great one or anything he’s about. Anyways. Lmao. What is this threat about? Lol
Honestly I can’t delve to deep into politics. I just don’t know enough to speak factually about it. I can’t watch debates and really have a hard time listening to any of them cuz they are mostly full of shit and would rather argue then actually accomplish anything. IMO. But like you, I’m not gonna let someone’s opinion ruin my day. Now what really gets me fired up and I will debate with anyone is when someone bashes marijuana and starts slinging shit that ain’t true. I even had a debate with a Dr. at work who try saying it was a gateway drug. I said, gateway to where? The pantry... lol
me @doublejj have very similar political leanings, if not the same. His garden is up in the sticks where the weirdos(i mean consevatives) like to live too. Lmao just kidding. I’m in the same boat. But anyways, you should be all accepting imo, which btw was sort of was what liberal used to encompass. Now it’s a fucking politically correct nightmare. People against other people. Our nation is def not great. This is a pretty good song that can say it better than me. Seen them in like ‘87? At shoreline because of the chicks. Yeah. The chicks! Don’t judge me fuckers!