Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Just consider his target audience & the reason he's saying it, mate.

"Stay inside & do something to entertain yourself whilst in isolation". I don't see that as irresponsible at all. It's a good message to send to everyone right now.

I'm sure he's still doing as much as possible under trying circumstances with the shit that's flying atm.
That's how I read as well
I don't like the cunt but his audience was kids


Well-Known Member
'Sounds you'd make a perfect PM. Just like Rudd/Gillard/Rudd or even worse, that fuckwit Trump who decreed that Covid19 would be over by Easter Sunday because it's a religious thing.

What's the death-toll right now in the US? 21000?

Scomo was projecting the correct message to the masses.
What’s your issue with Rudd/Gillard. They got shit done and kept our economy thriving in a global downturn. Liberals got in and ripped it all to shreds.


Well-Known Member
Keep it simple. Strait water, keep the temps down, don’t let it run out. Biggest tip is to cut decent sized clones. The bigger the clone the easier they root. I Cut mine as big as my home built cloners will allow.
I made sure the whole system was sterile before use. Just used straight water, some H202 and a small amount of clonex solution. Kept temps down.
My feeling on it was that it was just too wet, and got all the associated issues with that...stems soaked, rot, and then pathogens. I thought about putting the pump on a timer and then just thought f’it I never had issues cloning the way I did for decades why change?
Gave two new things a go this year, LED’s and the aerocloner after hearing good things. Did ok with LED, however the aerocloner was my nemesis.


Well-Known Member
He was on Abc kids there age demo is 0-5 not primary or high school, pre schoolers. Do you think that study and watch Star Wars is the correct answer for a 4 year old. Do you have kids? If so do you remember what they we’re doing or capable of understanding at that age, little own a 2 year old. You honestly think that kids that age took in any of it. When he spoke all he did was upset my son because his bullshit attempt at publicity postponed Bluey. He has no idea or cares a fuck about the pm, better of getting the wiggles or jimmy giggle to do it at least he would pay attention
He needed to tell them to wash their hands and try to explain social distancing, which is hard enough to explain to little fucken kid’s little own now explain Star Wars and what the fuck homework is.

Also why bring Trump and the death toll in America into. I live in inner a suburban Melbourne with little fucken kids. I’m well fucking aware of what the fuck is going on. Keep them entertained and safe is fucking getting harder and harder.
Message to the masses my fucking ass.
Well changed my point of view on it dusty


Well-Known Member
I made sure the whole system was sterile before use. Just used straight water, some H202 and a small amount of clonex solution. Kept temps down.
My feeling on it was that it was just too wet, and got all the associated issues with that...stems soaked, rot, and then pathogens. I thought about putting the pump on a timer and then just thought f’it I never had issues cloning the way I did for decades why change?
Gave two new things a go this year, LED’s and the aerocloner after hearing good things. Did ok with LED, however the aerocloner was my nemesis.
Yeah don’t use the clonex in aero cloners. I’ve found most hormone brands gunk up the pumps and make it harder for the roots to start. Probably because the cloning gel stops the ends from callusing up and the moist most getting to the stems and promoting the roots.

The idea behind an aero cloner isn’t to keep the stems wet (or in the water) but up in the humid mist. If you’ve got water running off the lid of the cloner when you open it you running the water or pump too high. Full mist pump cloners can run on a 5/10 timer, 5 mins off 10 on, but most I see run them full time.
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Well-Known Member
still waiting on me new light ,, :bigjoint:

bit of a mixed bag in there,atm we got karma bitch on the end then berry bomb in a last minute change i took out dark ghost train, and put it back in veg for taking clones from
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