How are you smoking yours?


Well-Known Member
Was smoking with an American pal by the pool, watching the backpacker girls in tiny bikinis and I realised his joints didn't burn well.
"Have you put enough tobacco in these" I asked.
"We Americans don't put tobacco in our joints" he replied.

As a Brit, I can't imagine smoking anything but 50/50 cannabis, tobacco in my joints.
I've tried dry herb vapes, but they just don't do it for me.

So how are you guys all smoking yours?
Just wondering?
Was smoking with an American pal by the pool, watching the backpacker girls in tiny bikinis and I realised his joints didn't burn well.
"Have you put enough tobacco in these" I asked.
"We Americans don't put tobacco in our joints" he replied.

As a Brit, I can't imagine smoking anything but 50/50 cannabis, tobacco in my joints.
I've tried dry herb vapes, but they just don't do it for me.

So how are you guys all smoking yours?
Just wondering?
Why would you ruin good weed with tobacco? You must not be smoking good weed.
From smoking with a few friends I have seen that the joints rolled with tobacco burn slower, so passing it around or smoking half then saving is easier, but that may be because of over dried bud.

They definitely taste different though. Maybe some folks like the tobacco taste more than the taste of weed, and then the habits stick.

I prefer no tobacco, but I use a bong of I choose to smoke and not use edibles. Gets the flavor through with less burn.
Beat me to it.
I think they’re being, ummm conservative, when they add tobacco to weed. It’s the only thing I can think of.
A friend of mine lived in Austria for 10 or so years. Said most of what was available was hash and was smoked with tobacco. He had to get to Vienna to find any actual bud. This was 20yrs ago but im guessing where the habit of mixing with tobacco came from
a lot of Brits add tobacco... I don't know why... it seems like it would take away from the high, but I had an American friend who used to insist smoking a cigarette after a bowl made the high better... I never got it.
it's a euro-thing adding rolling tobacco with weed. goes with higher incidences of smoking. personally wouldn't do it myself. ...back to the original question: my day to day is my Plenty vape. right now doing 4 bowls a day (well, not totally full bowls on the Plenty - already blazing through enough weed per day as it is during this lockdown, so I'm doing half filled with the drip pad). Got the Dynavap 2020 on the way via great 4/20 sales so looking forward to hitting that in the next few days..... I may stray from the Plenty maybe once per week for some bong hits, but 99% of the time it's the Plenty.
It seems like everyone around here does it too (Ontario)... I never have, I think it’s fucking stupid lol. Guys even pack bongs 50/50 :spew:

I lived in Ontario for the better portion of my life, and I saw that done there as well. Some of my own friends did it. Although I smoked cigarettes at the time, I still didn't mix the two.

Since I've moved out west (Alberta and British Columbia) for 10+ years, I haven't seen or even heard of it once, other than in this thread.

Myself, I use medicinally at night, right before bed. For this I use a vape (or edibles). I'll periodically take a hit off of a bong or pipe. I like to keep my glass sparkling clean to use it and get the best flavour results. Twice a year I roll a few joints.
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I do it right before bed in a magic flight box, captures the smoke in a chamber and hits you harder than a vape and no where near as harsh as a joint. About the best non-combustion method I've come across so far and very discrete and simple. Straight flower only.
I do it right before bed in a magic flight box, captures the smoke in a chamber and hits you harder than a vape and no where near as harsh as a joint. About the best non-combustion method I've come across so far and very discrete and simple. Straight flower only.
I had that one. Didn't care for it much as it was pretty harsh, but I guess it is kinda in between a joint and a real vape
Was smoking with an American pal by the pool, watching the backpacker girls in tiny bikinis and I realised his joints didn't burn well.
"Have you put enough tobacco in these" I asked.
"We Americans don't put tobacco in our joints" he replied.

As a Brit, I can't imagine smoking anything but 50/50 cannabis, tobacco in my joints.
I've tried dry herb vapes, but they just don't do it for me.

So how are you guys all smoking yours?
Just wondering?

If his joint wasn't burning right he had bad weed. Nothing to do with tobacco.

I prefer mine pure. In Japan we don't mix much either, European thing. I always thought it was because you just didn't have much weed and needed to make it last or to hide the smell. Never thought you preferred it that way.